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Active Member

Replaced the water and checked up on my warlock clones I'm trying to root in the new aero cloner. It's taking longer than it should because 1. I'm new to the application 2. I didn't add Replicator or Clonex from the beginning. and 3. I just can't get a real answer on the proper time to replace the water.

The only thing I don't like already about the cloner is that the jets don't always work. Grr. I check up on them constantly. I'm using the 180 kind instead of the 360...the holes just kept clamming up, and nothing was in the water. *facepalm*

I have faith that I'll get this down though. Despite my best efforts to FIU (Fck it up) each clone is showing promising nubs. Yes, that's right, I'm still only showing nubs. But I'm optimistic. It's my first go round with this thing. The stems on some of them have bulked up a bit too, so I'm hoping to peek under the hood in a few days and be blessed with roots.

There are only 5 clones left in the regular old cloning tray and I've taken their dome away because the one I threw out developed a little furry mold on one of the leaves. I'm sure I overreacted pulling her out of her cube and flushing her but I just don't want to invite more mold. My success rate sucks in this new place. I had everything so set up in the last place I lived. Ahhh patience. :)


Well-Known Member
thank you so much!
no probs hope that clears things up for you. AACT can be as simple or complicated as you want to make it but the 4 main things you need are

earthworm castings
unsulfered molasses

you can add the castings to a "tea bag" or just dumnp them right into the water. you can add all kinds of ammendments like kelp extracts, guanos....basically anything organic that breaks down into usefull plant food.


Active Member
I say you can bring those a little closer! All mine were literally and inch away...ive still got some about an inch away!
and I'm not really exaggerating! And inch or two to be safe is where you wanna be. Around 4" away cfl lights drops off drastically!
looks like you got everything under control tho!
and I'm a noob and know nothing of aero ponics at the moment, but soil I'm learning more about every day,
ill be around to help when I can as well as seek advice when I need it haha!:joint:

i got my girl o deck too haha so I'm saying that two minds are always better than one!
Only just saw this now. :) I agree! Will pull the lights closer.


Active Member
teah is simple to make. heres a good link

That painter's mesh he uses in the video will work well when I make butter again too I think. I've showed the activity in this thread to my man and we're going to look around and price everything and maybe I'll get my worm bin going here soon. I'm excited!

In the video the guy mentions putting it all over the leaves and everything...still good for our plants? I'm assuming in veg it's okay but not in flower...?

Also, I've still got my question out there about Botanicare Pure Blend Pro...I've been all over the website...I chose it because I thought it was organic...can someone set me straight please?


Well-Known Member
im not really sure to be honest. i use this stuff

seems to work well..i think with any top name brand nutrient company you will find that its hard to really say wether they are full organic. if you want to go 100% organic then get some organic amendments and use only tea, no bottled nutrients.

check out subcool's super soil, supposedly this soil is 100% organic and will take you from start to finish without adding any additional nutrients.


Active Member
im not really sure to be honest. i use this stuff

seems to work well..i think with any top name brand nutrient company you will find that its hard to really say wether they are full organic. if you want to go 100% organic then get some organic amendments and use only tea, no bottled nutrients.

check out subcool's super soil, supposedly this soil is 100% organic and will take you from start to finish without adding any additional nutrients.

Thank you :) I do want to go 100% organic. I do I do I do. :) Thank you for the link. I'll go read it after I check on Stage 1. I think the little white widows are thirsty :)


New Member
as far as trying hydro..have you considered trying a small DWC unit to work on getting your nutrient solution dialed in and all the perks and querks figured out? its a little simpler than a flood and drain and you only have to eqperiment with one plant at a time. i plan on doing my first DWC soon.

heres a few things i have grasped through my readings.

1: water temps can be hard to manage and lethal.
2: make sure you have a good temp/ppm/PH meter. cheap ones might not give correct readins which in turn lead to death.
3: PH is the #1 priority in a hydroponics grow, without maintaining a proper PH you will have lockouts.
4: if you can maintain temps and keep a steady PH of 5.8 then hydro is a breeze. its alot more work but in the end it ends up being much cheaper than soil growing.

well cant find the link but look up vermicompost and DIY worm bin and you should find some good tutorials. I have always had my bin right in my house and it has never let off a foul smell. all you need to get started is..

2 totes, both need to take the same lid or at least stack. one tote can be much smaller than the other in height.

drill holes in the bottom of the taller tote to allow drainage. cut out some sections of the shorter tote's lid so that you can place the larger tote on top of the smaller tote with lid on and it will drain into the tote, make sure you cut enough out to allow drainage but leave enough of the lid to support your actual worm bin.

worms, they use red wrigglers for composting.

brown cardboard for bedding.

and thats about it, make your bins then add dampened shredded carboard and your worms, then just start adding your organic compost stuff like fruit and vegtable waste (apple cores, orange peels, banana peels, celery tops, bad spots from get the idea)

egg shells add calcium to the mix but decompose slowly. use coffee filters are a great source of nitrogen.

no meat or bones.

just add your non meat compostables and you will see within an hour or 2 the worms will be all over it.

anyways hit me up if you want to discuss vermi composting a little more, you can PM me if you want or just ask here ill be around.
I see my bin already lol even tho is doesn't exist yet! I'll def. be getting back to you after this run regarding my bin build.
Nice post :leaf:


Active Member
Just got back from checking on Stage 1 and 2

I lowered my lights in Stage 1 a few inches (there ya go Sincerely420:bigjoint:)and zipped a few branches down a bit further. Rotated the pots.

Watered the 3 WW...I think I'll transplant them into bigger pots next week when I top them (at least enough for one clone each). They've grown quite a bit in the last few days. It will never cease to amaze me...I love my plants.

My Warlock mother plant seems a bit slow lately. I was going to cut more clones next week but she hasn't been explosive lately. I'm going to look into that. I mean, she looks great - green and perky. I'm just expecting more out of her.

Peeked in at the girls in Stage 2. They are 22 days in now and doing beautifully. Inspected each one individually for any signs of bugs or stress I might overlook, but other than a few yellow fan leaves resulting from their upset last week they are great. Among all the other items I put on my WANT list today (My fiance says thanks Matt lol...spending more of his money!) I also want to get a good microscope to examine the buds in a couple weeks.

Now...on to read more about organics and making my own soil concoctions. :grin: