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Active Member
Well peeps, it's been a while since I've updated hasn't it? I've moved to Oregon. Brought my plants with me. Was having a friend babysit them for me while I camped out on this property we're going to develop and when I called back 4 days later, on my way to get them...I find out her husband fucking "gave" them to a friend of his in fucking Wymer. I'm so pissed. I've been so depressed, which is why I haven't been back on. I'm hoping to reach out and find a couple oregonians on here who might feel generous enough to give me a few cuttings. Fuck. I'm just so....disappointed. You work so hard, spend so much time on something only to be fucked over by a friend. What's up with this world?

In any case, being out here without my plants...I felt like I had no purpose. I came back to Oregon specifically to grow and now I haven't any plants. OMG I'm feeling like I'm dying inside every day. I know...DRAMA QUEEN.

I have to say that with all that bad news there is still positive. I was introduced to a woman who was getting reamed by her grower and have convinced her to keep her card this year. I'll tend to her plants, and I won't take near as much as her old grower was. Tending to her plants will ease my pain a little. Since it will be an outdoor grow (of course) I will start a new thread there. I've got questions. Haha.

I'm in Southern Oregon. Looking for a few good cuttings from others near me in return for work, or whatever...I just need me some more plants.


Well-Known Member
Well peeps, it's been a while since I've updated hasn't it? I've moved to Oregon. Brought my plants with me. I've been so depressed, Fuck. I'm just so....disappointed. What's up with this world?
I just need me some more plants.
Interesting thread and keep us updated!
Best to you and yours.


Active Member
While unpacking I found a few seeds I had tucked away, so I germinated them and one of them came up for me :) So...I'm not without anymore lol, but, it's only the one and I've still got to sex it. I hope I hope I hope.
Here are some pictures of this baby :) the card I had it in said AZ....who knows lol. I can tell it's indica by the fat leaves :)
0414plant from side.jpg0414plant from top.jpg0414plant.jpg


Active Member
As for soil...I'm using plain ol dug up Southern Oregon soil mixed with some compost...
I've always bought my soil, but this time it wasn't an option. In any case, I want to make my own soil, and this is a step in a good direction I think. Now, to get a worm bin made...and then I'll make some tea :P)


Active Member
I really like your intense enthusiasm!
thank you :) I was a little sad there for a little bit, I'm glad I found a seed to nurture :)
I've got lots of other stuff planted in the greenhouse now as well...veggies, grapes, strawberries, soon to have everbearing raspberries from a friend :)


Active Member
Thanks to the few checkin up on my updates :)

So yesterday I had transplanted my plant into a 5 gal bucket with drainage I planted a few garlic sprouts around the edge of the bucket. Somewhere I remember hearing it helps keep pests away... :) It's a cold day today, even had some hail...I can't wait for warmer weather.


Active Member
Ok, please clarify for me if you will...

I am almost certain I remember reading something about a plant from seed showing signs of sex by it's 6th or 7th node...without going 12/ I wrong? I've always gone with clones, so I put the info in the back of my brain and I think it's covered in cobwebs :D:roll: