Shelf Life/Storage

Smoke Yoshi

Active Member
Ok i have a noob question, but i wasnt sure if i should post it in newbie central! My question is what is the normal shelf life of marijuana? i know it varies with the strains, but what are some estimates? i read blueberry has a long shelf life, what might be considered long? what are some of the shorter shelf lives? What are the best storage methods? tupperware? air sealed? refrigarated? And lastly what are the ill effects of old marijuana? im sure it dries out, but does it also lose potency? Any and all answers are appreciated!

Doctor Cannabis

Well-Known Member
I've been told that after 2-5 years potency drops.

Best way to keep your stash is in a DARK space (because light transforms THC in CBG) in airtight containers (because air transforms THC in CBL). Keeping the buds cool may also slow down the break-down of THC.

But weed will keep for ALOT of time... let's say...2700 years... don't believe me, check this out...,2933,460425,00.html,’s-oldest-stash-scientists-find-2700-year-old-pot/


Well-Known Member
invest in some nice big mason jars. keep the weed in the mason jars. put them anywhere dark. for LONG storage time, freezer is good. for shorter storage time, fridge is good or anywhere dark really.


Well-Known Member
ur not supposed to vacuum seal the dankness, only mid-shitty weed. the dank, crystally shit has to have a lil room to breath


Well-Known Member
think about it man. the beautifull crystally nugs, you arent even supposed to touch them. because every time a point of contact is made, the trics fall off or get damaged