Should I be concerned and should I do something?

Budley Doright

Well-Known Member
IMG_4414.JPG RQS headband, flood and drain suspended netpots. The base of the leaves are curled in but they do flatten out as they get larger. Never seen this happen before. Temps lights on are 73-75, PH is 5.8-6.1ish, relative humidity is 50. Thanks for any insight :).


Well-Known Member
how close are they to the lights? is there a possibility of heat building up from time to time in that spot? is it happening to just one plant or many? How long has it happened?

Right now it looks to me like heat, but maybe wind stress. Maybe even salt related water retention issues, too many possibilities need more info

Budley Doright

Well-Known Member
Lights are 13" away and I don't think it's that. There are two plants out of 6 doing it, they are the farthest from light and the fan, which blows above canopy. I run 1.2 EC and change res weekly and it drops to .8 EC over that period. I'm almost thinking the EC needs to go up being it's dropping that much??. It's been happening for a week or two. The other thing I am using for the first time is silica so could it be that? The plants are healthy other than the curling.

Budley Doright

Well-Known Member
Half the recommended dose which is 50 ml per 100 litres. I'm going to stop using it actually as it doesn't seem to be doing any good that I can see.


Well-Known Member
I don;t think the silica is a problem, it works with calcium. It is a very good amendment if you have problems with insects. It forms crystals around injuries.

Budley Doright

Well-Known Member
Could it be I need to lower flood intervals as I have it doing a 15 on, 15 off to keep temps low in root chamber. I may space that out a bit and see what happens as well. I don't want to do to many things or I'll not know what fixed it lol.


Well-Known Member
I'll get one today, but the whole plant looks great it's just the newer leaves that are doing this.

Cool. I would like to see. I will check back when alerted.

The other time I have seen the leaves point up and the margins fold up right at the edge of some was a hot spot or high light intensity spot from my tent Mylar wrinkles.

I lightly leached and next watering upped he nutes and it all smoothed out.

I suspect a sensitive plant and a mag issue. I had seen a posted pic with the symptom in a mag deficiency article but can't find it now.

Just an idea. 1.2 ec may be just on the border of not enough?


Well-Known Member
Could it be I need to lower flood intervals as I have it doing a 15 on, 15 off to keep temps low in root chamber. I may space that out a bit and see what happens as well. I don't want to do to many things or I'll not know what fixed it lol.

I like this idea. The other thing I had corrected with the issue I posted above is overwatering.

I started waiting one more day to water around then. Which seemed to fix many things back then.

And now that I think of it I am growing much larger plants now with the same amount of fertilizer.

Different method but maybe same effect?

Budley Doright

Well-Known Member
Well I was thinking between my setup and DWC I was getting the best of both worlds with the 15/15 but maybe it doesn't work that way. The drop in the EC over a week leaves me thinking they want more but it's not showing in the plant. Yup I'll get picks of the whole bush up, yes it's a bush lol. Its like a plant orgy as I meant to cull 2 but they were so damn pretty I didn't, now there is a whole lot happening :).


Well-Known Member
Well I was thinking between my setup and DWC I was getting the best of both worlds with the 15/15 but maybe it doesn't work that way. The drop in the EC over a week leaves me thinking they want more but it's not showing in the plant. Yup I'll get picks of the whole bush up, yes it's a bush lol. Its like a plant orgy as I meant to cull 2 but they were so damn pretty I didn't, now there is a whole lot happening :).
I'm sorry I have no personal experience with flood tables or DWC except to help my old caregiver with his. I was a pre-noob then.

But it sure sounds like you are just under your target and one of other growers with experience can chime in about timing and duration.

Budley Doright

Well-Known Member
how close are they to the lights? is there a possibility of heat building up from time to time in that spot? is it happening to just one plant or many? How long has it happened?

Right now it looks to me like heat, but maybe wind stress. Maybe even salt related water retention issues, too many possibilities need more info
Ya I thought heat as well but I typically get the whole leaf taco'ing and not just the new growth. The one thing I did see this morning after a full light cycle is that is not as pronounced so I'll check just before and after lights come on tonight and see what's up. I'll get a pic up in an hour when lights are off as well.