Should Oklahoma tornado victims get Federal Dollars...


Well-Known Member
Buck I was referring to regular, yearly occurances. I was not interested in what your father's brother's nephew's cousin's former roommate had to say on the matter.

Why does some dude living clear over in Oregon (not you though Buck, I am referring to a tax paying Oregonian) have to pay for tornado damage caused in a known tornado danger zone, that is thousands of miles away?
oregon is not in the clear, shit stain. we are at risk of volcanoes, earthquakes, and floods.

i'll bet the house and farm that wherever you rest that useless neck adornment of your has its share of potential disasters, too.

i've posted my taxes more than any other person on here, so your assertion that i do not pay taxes is demonstrably false. you, however, have admitted to dodging licensing fees that the rest of the working world has to pay, you worthless mooching cheat.

probably just another rawn pawl welfare baby who likes to talk a big game on the internet. what a fucking piece of garbage you are, spandy.


Active Member
I'm one of those heartless bastards to which you referred. I have sympathy for the people involved, and they should receive assistance from state funded emergency services and since we've already paid for it, some Federal assistance as well. But, that assistance should be limited to basic survival needs and temporary shelter...very temporary.

My wife is a fire & casualty claims adjuster for State Farm, the first checks for lodging are sent immediately to reimburse policy holders for any money they have spent on hotels. There is no excuse for assistance, other than medical, past 48 hours. Local hotels full? Stay with a relative or haul ye ass outta there and drive until you find one. Car fucked up? Well, that's insured as well and a rental is yours for the taking, even if you have to have someone drive you 4 hours to get one. No one said this was gonna be easy, it's a disaster.

Past that...nothing. That's why homeowners carry insurance. If some of them didn't have insurance, tough titties. They still own the property, pitch a fucking tent and carry on. If the state wants to help its residents, that's fantastic. I for one, don't want a penny of my taxes going for that bullshit.
That's cool. I appreciate your point of view.


Well-Known Member
that's why I have to carry insurance on my self medical ,dental , vision , my car and home, just like every body else needs to , so they dont have insurance because they are stupid ass holes, just like greedy patients lol, I have to pay all these bull shit bills out of my pocket, no company is paying them , I am . I be damn if mother fuckers get there homes for free, and they will watch and see, that's how it works. so all you hard working people why pay taxes if that's how it will be ????


Well-Known Member
oregon is not in the clear, shit stain. we are at risk of volcanoes, earthquakes, and floods.

i'll bet the house and farm that wherever you rest that useless neck adornment of your has its share of potential disasters, too.

i've posted my taxes more than any other person on here, so your assertion that i do not pay taxes is demonstrably false. you, however, have admitted to dodging licensing fees that the rest of the working world has to pay, you worthless mooching cheat.

probably just another rawn pawl welfare baby who likes to talk a big game on the internet. what a fucking piece of garbage you are, spandy.
You are right, Oregon is not in the clear. But you cant seriously compare and tornado torn valley with a place like Oregon, that although has had some destructive quakes and whatnot over the years, is not near the frequency of other places. Each state should pay for it's own relief. Just because some people stuck a bunch of homes in the same places shouldn't mean we all have to help when their shit gets torn down by whatever reason, that's their issue to deal with. If it happens so often they can't afford to rebuild on their own state dollars, then it's time to relocate.

Plenty of potentials here, but that should only be for us to worry about because we live here, not you. I want my state dollars to stay here and help those who I live amongst, not some jackass thousands of miles of away who probably doesn't even see the world in the same light as I do. id rather help a like minded neighbor.

So you posted a scanned copy of your taxes on here to prove it to everyone? I'd post my cook book on here too but that's all it is and proves nothing to anyone. I know what I make. And it was money I earned with the trade I developed. I donate a bigger % of my money to charity than what many pay in taxes and charity combined, it pretty much all goes to our church and some other local charities that we feel are helpful and get as much of each dollar donated to the people who need it, but again I don't agree with the tax system so I choose to spread wealth in my own way. You can give yours to some government and let them spend it as they choose if that's your game, but they are just wasting it and padding their own pockets.

And if that makes me a mooch, then I guess that's what I am according to whatever societal standard that has been set by those before us and among us, oh nose what ever will I do if I was to be labeled in such a way.


Well-Known Member
that's why I have to carry insurance on my self medical ,dental , vision , my car and home, just like every body else needs to , so they dont have insurance because they are stupid ass holes, just like greedy patients lol, I have to pay all these bull shit bills out of my pocket, no company is paying them , I am . I be damn if mother fuckers get there homes for free, and they will watch and see, that's how it works. so all you hard working people why pay taxes if that's how it will be ????
See, but with people who think like Bucky, if you can't afford it you just make those who can, pay for it. Maybe it's because they confuse equal rights with an equal life, assuming we all should get the same out of this world, no matter what a person puts into it.

But Im a mooch for not playing the way the system says Im suppose to, lol.


Well-Known Member
chances are your church does more damage in a day than nambla does in a year.
Church people tend to hold LOTS of secrets..then exonerate themselves on a weekly basis with washing away their sins..what hippocrates and the worst group of all time..imo.


Well-Known Member
Mudslides, rockfalls, avalanche don't apply mountains surround me but not that close. Fire and lighting is pretty good, the fire seasons can be rough one of the only insurances i need. Didn't think of meteors, that would fucking suck. The black bears around here are wimps cats chase them off. Cougars are more rare and stay away from the town but that would be the only thing. Don't think theres ever been a report of a wild animal attack here, damn the stray dogs though. Termites can't survive around here for some reason and i would hardly consider that a natural disaster. There is way worse places to be rampaged by a natural disaster
Termites do more damage to homes than all other causes combined.


Well-Known Member
So you posted a scanned copy of your taxes on here to prove it to everyone?
What I saw was a scanned copy of a pay stub. It really showed nothing, except how much was withheld from A paycheck. It says nothing of his actual payment of taxes.

Now having said that, he could have posted more. I haven't seen it.


Well-Known Member


Well-Known Member
Fucking A, that's right. If they have insurance, they will be covered. If they don't, fuck them. The infrastructure repairs should come from the state coffers and the taxes of that state's residents. And yes, I really mean this.
You know what is wrong with you? Nothing. Just a little bit young thinking still. It is OK, because you may actually be young.

IAC, FEMA is more for the States, than the individuals. States are for us citizens, I keep saying. Self-rule at the County level.

That seem so painfully obvious we see it as a bad thing. es, the FEMA trailer was a fiasco and still is.

But, it makes my point. It was a knee jerk reaction brought on by in-fighting in a DEM State. LA could not get its own shit together and they acted like the Fed was Mr. Wizard.
to wave the magic wand and be blamed. All Politcs should end in disaster.

When a town loses 1/2 of its tax base, when that fucked 1/2 of individual tax payers. I'm talking about all the local tax trickle down has stopped. Commerce has stopped. So, what the young minds don't get yet, is there is no govt like you say, in self rule.

It is a managed fund of Federal Taxes from all the States so that any and every State can get disaster relief.

It is Insurance. It is the insurance of continued self rule at the disaster site and surrounds.

Yes, the people can re-build but he tax base is shredded. So, we get to think big and be detailed empathic in self-rule. Please don't forget to think big.

desert dude

Well-Known Member
Those greedy bastards are trying to steal our tax money to rebuild their homes and you know they will try and turn their trailer parks into little McMansion neighborhoods. Does anyone else think they don't deserve a dime of federal money? The news reported that they are #3 on average for theft from our tax dollars when it comes to disaster aid. So my question is why should we give them anything? Let them move and start over. Right my Conservative Christian colleagues?
Oklahoma? Whole lot of rednecks and teabaggers in Oklahoma. I say we bomb them while they are disoriented. You with me, Greensister?


Well-Known Member
thank goodness for for-profit health schemes! capitalism FTW!

imagine how much easier it would be for you to buy insurance if we let insurers cherrypick the healthiest members across state lines!*

boy, life is so grand when your health is a money maker for the private sector.

*combine this with making it near impossible to sue for malpractice, and the health care problem in america is solved, according to the GOP you love so much.
I don't know. I thought the argument would be the opposite.. (you aren't saying, in backhand, I hope, that we will be able to sue better under Affordable Care Act)

I thought the entire idea was to build a bigger pool of insured, all paying or being fined, so that all could be covered along with pre-existing conditions.

We are going to see much more pick and choose. And that is, if we get to see it for 50 years, so well they tried to hide it. It is a tax structure sold as ObamaCare(s for big govt)

It won't improve anything. It is already FUBAR. It isn't the law, it is these assholes hired by assholes we elect that are grandly screwing it up with retarded regulations and exemptions.

For example do you think ObamaCare will or will not improve?
- access to organs
- access to advanced treatments
- access to important new information
- medical privacy
- pick and choose at every level
- cost
- inflation of cost
- fraud and waste
- denial of care
- choice

Better or not with Affordable Care?