So I think I want to try growing shrooms


Well-Known Member
That's why I eat shrooms, man. Not an every day or even every week thing. I feel once every few months is perfect. It gives you a peak into your subconscious and let's you know, "you are in line with what you want" or "hey you need to pull back and start over"

Every trip is an experience and we should take what we learn and live our life. I have had two accounts where I felt the presence of a higher being and was touched with so much joy and love. It is amazing, emotional and indescribable.

Yeah I was tripping but I know what I saw and what was felt.

Then on the other hand I have had a couple interactions with what I feel was evil and bad. Those where not fun.

At the end of the day I have come back a slightly different person with every trip.

Have you ever meditated while on shrooms?
I highly recommend this!!
The insight I recieved was from myself...made me see I was wrong abt my attitude towards a couple things in my life...the thing I saw idk what the fuck really...I've went to other places on shrooms and lsd before once I was staring into a morror w a strobe goin in the room n I kinda went into a trance n the visual ended up w me on the desert floor lookin up at the sky w the lead singer from stone temple pilots standing over me peering down at me...three of him...another I cant put into words but basically I saw mother nature I believe....this one was weird....just this kaleidoscope realm w this thing flyin around in it...very slowly n smoothly ...he looked like this kinda...20131010_153540.jpg...all the colors were blue red and orange...flowing and constant movement...and the thing was part of when it moved it wings n pushed up the river of colors moved with him...I wish I could out it on had a face tho...and eyes


Well-Known Member
U guys have caught my interst w this shroom stff.....I think I may have to give this a when u say u order n u recieved 4-5syringes does that mean 4-5 seperate runs /strains?...or do u use em all in one grow?....does each syringe produce around 2zips?
Done right, one syringe will last you a lifetime and produce literally tons of mushrooms.


Well-Known Member
looks good to me, I found that coffee infusions help sclerotia formations. Your problem is that formations don't do well against soft surfaces, you will likely get a poor yield in a plastic bag.
Thanks for the info.