Some friendly advice

Hi all,

I wanted to pass on a warning to the good people here. I would not post pics of my crop on this forum or any other forum. I know of three individual instances of the fuzz showing up to people's housing after they have posted pics online of their crop in forums such as this. Two of them were cannabis crops and one was shrooms.

If you think about the situation it makes perfect sense. You're posting pictures of a home grown crop on a public forum and the DEA/ local nark squad are probably watching forums like this looking for unsuspecting people. They probably have ways to get your IP address, which would lead them to your street address. The next thing you know they're snooping around your house in order to get some probable cause for a search, like the smell of cannabis coming from a window, or under your house if you live in an above grade structure.

Forewarned is forearmed. :-|

Total Head

Well-Known Member
lol where i live they would get distracted by real crime within 5 minutes of arrival. but i do think it would be pretty easy to have a case like that thrown out at least in the states. they would never be able to use anything directly from this site against you, and when they get their bogus warrant they would need to explain what it was they were doing at your house when they saw all this suspicious stuff. not saying it couldn't happen, just saying it should be easy to beat that case. And if the dea spent even 5 dollars investigating me or coming to MY house to put an end to my little 4 plant garden i would spend every remaining moment of my life on the news and inciting riots in the streets over it because that is just disgusting.

Brick Top

New Member
I know it will sound paranoiac to some but I stopped posting pictures on sites like this years ago. I saw people making idiotic mistakes, mistakes that are likely easy enough to make that someone can at times cause themselves a problem without realizing it.

One set of pictures that always comes to mind was of a setup in a basement. When the person took pictures they caught the corner of their furnace in the picture. On the corner of the furnace was a business name, address and telephone number. Something like that sort of narrows down a person's general location and after that following the rest of the trail would not take an expert tracker.

I think the nail in the coffin was when I read about someone who was busted, in part through the pictures they posted. They made the mistake of moving a plant into a den or something where they could take a really great picture. On the wall behind the plant was family pictures, including pictures of little children. In that case someone who knew them saw the pictures and for some reason ratted them out. But had the pictures not been taken where they were, or better yet never taken in the first place, they would not have been busted and they would have been able to keep their kids. Yes that is an EXTREME case, but it can happen and it has happened and if people keep posting pictures it and other things similar to it will happen again.

But then it can come down to what is seen in pictures. Law enforcement agencies do not have limitless budgets and like any government run group they do need to prove they are earning their keep and try to show that they need a funding increase so most times they will not spend time and money so they can brag about the 4 or 6 plant pot farm they busted. They want the 50 or 100 or 1000 plant pot farms to bust so they can make the papers and TV and look like heroes. That is what will keep some small growers as safe as if they were in their mother's arms.

I just see no reason to tempt fate.


Active Member
Get legal and don't get greedy? I can imagine that they would if people are posting pictures of big sized grows but I highly doubt they are gonna spend their time to run and try to get someone with 2 plants or really even just within their legal guidelines