Somebody help me get a good grow this year !!!!


New Member
Hello Everybody , I just joined the site , Im new to growing,and im only 21 so i haven't had much experience , Now heres my situation im in right now , Last Year i germatated my seeds and had 4 females going great .... they were just going into flowering about 12 inchs long and 2 months in .. somehow they died :( i cant seem to find the reason ..... this year i want to make sure im doing everything right no more screw ups .... Now my setup to alot of you is going to sound werid but thats okay because its proven that it was helping my plants grow or at least as i know it was i need to know if my setup is any good ?? and suitable .... Now i have an addition on my house that is a screen room / enclosed patio i dont have measurements but its pretty big i shouldnt have to worry much about room ... The sun beams right directly into my back patio and theres plexigass clear window panels mounted on the outside its usually pretty hott and humid during summer in there is that good or bad ??... now basiclly what im trying to do is use this room / the outdoor sun for the light source if thats possible but i always got scared that at nighttime it was too cold and i didnt want my plants to go in shock so i brought them in ... should i bring them in at night ?? or no let them stay out ?? this makes me think about the temperature aspect i dont want them to be too cold but not too hott either ... also what kind of nutrients or food should i pick up is it good to use miracle grow or anything like that ?? , and whats the best soil to use ?? also when i get them germatated should i tamp or press down on the soil at all or should i leave it loose ?? also how deep of a pot should i have them in ?? And Should i be alright Oxygen wise ?? the patio is vented but not with an exhaust fan ??

Thanks to anybody who can give me some pointers & anwsered its greatly appriciated


Active Member
I normally loathe the people that direct others to the search function off the bat. But for the love of all that is holy

...use the search function


New Member
Well i tryed google and thats where i discovered this site .... gotta start somewhere ... im from upstate New York so you figure our hottest days here is no more then usually 95 degrees thats on a killer day at that but with the plexi glass the humidity on my patio gets up to about 100-110 range id say that is a guess ... Whats an ideal Temperature range ?? and how can i keep my plants that same temp all the time ?? during night time it chills out to 65 but sometimes colder thats why i got keen on bringing them inside for the night , ive never used nutes are they necessary ?? please explain to me what medium means as i dont have a clue and for water i was giving them regular distilled water in a jug from the store ... is that okay ?? whats the best way to get my water supply at a good ph ??


New Member
im sorry guys like i said im young and im trying to learn the rights from wrongs when it comes to this so i can do it the right way ......


Well-Known Member
im sorry guys like i said im young and im trying to learn the rights from wrongs when it comes to this so i can do it the right way ......
you've overthought it already by thinking you need to learn from mj specific sites, BUT, that will go unheeded for a while until you've got a few grows under your belt.
my recommendations would be to read the ever-recommended (1) jorge cervantes marijuana horticulture: the indoor/outdoor medical grower's bible (2) Lowenfel's Teaming With Microbes and Teaming with Nutrients. I recommend in that order because it seems your interest will be captured by the quick an dirty "recipe" style writing of Cervantes, with his focus on the how-to of it all. But, once you recognize you're really just gardening with a single focus on one plant, you'll be thirsty for the wider knowledge of botany and horticulture. Thats where Lowenfels (and lewis, we musn't forget co-authors!) will come in to give you a good overview of the soil-food-web and plant nutrient use.
long and short: plants need water, food, air, and light; optimal amounts of these at the right time = success.
best of luck,
be easy,