Spotted a cop outside my house last night.


Well-Known Member
I assume your power usage isn't attracting attention and it seems unlikely it was those guys but it does seem strange tht the cop didn't knock on the door and ask for whoever.
Good luck anyway, I hope things go your way.


Active Member
In all honesty i have an guard dog, his name is fedor and he loves bacon. Also when a door slams at night he grunts a bit to alert me, and the second he hears the gate to our yard open hes on it. I heard him whining and saw a flashlight beam through the window, i went to investigate. he never made it to the door i don't know how long he was out there. and i didn't watch him after he started walking away. I was pretty tanked up last night and i couldn't of cared less about his presence. it only hit me when i woke up this morning how bad this could potentially be.


Staff member
like, okay cops come to our doors in canada all the friggin time, its usually just to read up on whatever
just because a police officer is at your door , asking a question whether it be "did you hear anything last night next door" or "did you see the accident on the street" doesnt mean they KNOW you grow.
The thing is because WE FEEL guilty we automatically THINK they know when generally they dont.

Its like if you cheat on your gf , and youre all shady , and than she says "we need to TALK" youre automatically going to think its about that incident, because you feel guilty you know youre doing something wrong, than its about her and you going out for icecream later or some dumb shit

chances are he doesnt know, he got a call, checked up on it about whatever it was and you just think hes trying to get info because you are feeling paranoid, i dunno just my opinion.

also if oyu have no criminal record you'll get a slap on the wrist , probation, most likely
are your plants literally sitting right in the window?


Active Member
like, okay cops come to our doors in canada all the friggin time, its usually just to read up on whatever
just because a police officer is at your door , asking a question whether it be "did you hear anything last night next door" or "did you see the accident on the street" doesnt mean they KNOW you grow.
The thing is because WE FEEL guilty we automatically THINK they know when generally they dont.

Its like if you cheat on your gf , and youre all shady , and than she says "we need to TALK" youre automatically going to think its about that incident, because you feel guilty you know youre doing something wrong, than its about her and you going out for icecream later or some dumb shit

chances are he doesnt know, he got a call, checked up on it about whatever it was and you just think hes trying to get info because you are feeling paranoid, i dunno just my opinion.

also if oyu have no criminal record you'll get a slap on the wrist , probation, most likely
are your plants literally sitting right in the window?

<3 sunni. You most likely nailed it on the head, but the WTF moment of the "Chris Hanson" question made me sketch. Maybe i made him feel stupid/silly for not realizing it or maybe it was just some retarded cover story to explain his presence on my property. either way i forgot how many times in the past cops have came to my door. This is most likely nothing.


Well-Known Member
Chris Hanson wouldn't be too uncommon a name and if some kid did give him a false name and address that was probably what he came up with on the spot.
If he suspected anything would the cops not have been back by now with a warrant?


Staff member
<3 sunni. You most likely nailed it on the head, but the WTF moment of the "Chris Hanson" question made me sketch. Maybe i made him feel stupid/silly for not realizing it or maybe it was just some retarded cover story to explain his presence on my property. either way i forgot how many times in the past cops have came to my door. This is most likely nothing.
most likely, maybe he was just a chris hanson fan? lol i mean i couldnt even count the amount of times police have been to my house for something like that, thats how they are in canada, very community oriented, and not in the bad way,
i did have a freak out story i lived ina canadian ghetto (LOL I KNOW) when i was 18 i was having like 10 people over, were all sitting there everyones got their own bongs fucking just toking up no windows were open drinking, partying, drugs, my apartment was like a little bachelor apartment so i hear a knock on the door, my building wasnt a secure building so anyone could walk into the building kinda thing.
i look throuhg the peep hole its the fucking cops!
i closed the bedroom/living room door where everyone was and told everyone to shut up fora min i go back open the door
im like
uh hello
"hi miss can we come in?"
"okay no problem! , we have a noise complaint"
now theres 4 cops they all have black gloves on, so OBVIOUSLY they aint here for no fucking noise complaint, and considering the building i live in, no one would call the cops cause theres a prostitution ring on the first floor and crack heads down the hall from me, that kinda building
i go " i highly doubt that"
so 2 MORE cops come up the stairs and the 1 female cop goes
"its okay guys just a young lady"
so the 2 cops walk away and they start taking off their black gloves
so they say "anyone in there that shouldnt be? where are your parents?"
I look young im 23 and could still pass for highschool so i go at the time i was 18 so i probably looked like 15
"no ones in here but my friends, this is MY home, and im allowed to have people over, but if its too loud i will tell everyone to quiet down"
they go
"NO PROBLEM! thanks for cooperating have a wonderful even mam'"
"you too guys!"
and they left, they OBVIOUSLY were looking for someone or something due to the neighbourhood, they PROBABLY herd us in my home and thought check there, but nothing was done, they were really nice about considering once i opened the door probably a giant cloud of fucking marijuana wafted by them lol


Well-Known Member
he shined a flashlight through a window and i went out to greet him. and he said "Does Chris hanson live here?" i said, "from dateline NBC?" he replied "Some kid said he lived here, have a good night" and then walked away.

Now, i am not licensed up to grow, and with the amount of plants i got it would be 9 - 27 months in jail, and with a question like "Chris Hanson live here?" i think he was snooping and someone tipped him off about my activities
You should have said "Why don't you have a seat over there.. >"


Well-Known Member
I intend to booby trap my front yard with punji stakes, trip wires, video surveillance and an anti aircraft gun for the helis. Maybe a moat too. I mean one can dream right???


Well-Known Mod
Staff member
I intend to booby trap my front yard with punji stakes, trip wires, video surveillance and an anti aircraft gun for the helis. Maybe a moat too. I mean one can dream right???
Think in the style of Hollywood swimming pool moat :) Stealth moat.

Oh and I tend to be extremely cautious. If I caught a case my life as I know it is over. But I can explain that the one time I had a search warrant served it included explosives to take out the front doors... so my cautiousness was legitimately earned.


Well-Known Member
Jesus they used explosives what where they Nazi stormtroopers???? That's scary shit. I cant even imagine how scary it would be having a bunch of armed thugs with badges and ski masks come barging into my home pointing guns at me.


Well-Known Member
Jesus they used explosives what where they Nazi stormtroopers???? That's scary shit. I cant even imagine how scary it would be having a bunch of armed thugs with badges and ski masks come barging into my home pointing guns at me.

They all wear Marshal style badges, just the star on the shield. Generic, no badge numbers, to keep you from catching on to who they are. Fuckin' raids suck. They were gonna' shoot my dogs when they breached the place I was visiting.

And, if given a choice. I'd rather do state time, but, I'd most definitely rather be raided and handled by the feds.


Well-Known Member
Great idea with the lawnmower. However i would be concerned about smell surrounding my house. i like the idea of burning it but i am concerned the smell will be noticeable. Also i don't think a blender would do the trick.... maybe some sort of chipper like this would definitely get the job done.

If the fire is hot enough and the stems/leafs added slowly maybe this won't be a problem?
Muriatic Acid from a pool shop?

I intend to booby trap my front yard with punji stakes, trip wires, video surveillance and an anti aircraft gun for the helis. Maybe a moat too. I mean one can dream right???
Toe poppers work well too.


Well-Known Member
Booby traps are actually big time illegal... You get caught using them against LEO, and it's going to open up a world of hurt that you only thought existed in the movies.

Even joking about them can get your ass towed into a case via RICO


Well-Known Member
I have absolutely no knowledge of booby traps or any information pertaining to booby traps. Just plain boobies in various sizes. Just to set the record straight.


Well-Known Member
Booby traps are actually big time illegal... You get caught using them against LEO, and it's going to open up a world of hurt that you only thought existed in the movies.

Even joking about them can get your ass towed into a case via RICO
How come my ex gf was never arrested? She had double d's and had me trapped in them for awhile, ah how I miss them