starting first sog on ebb and flow


Well-Known Member
So we after the prize, the grower talent thing will come into play here. Some of them wet vegged for 5 days and some were a day off the clone machine. I have already learned that even s little beg time is going to increase yield drastically. Don't know why anyone would flip straight off the plant. I'm thinking with enough lolli popping 2 weeks veg beg should yield some nice kolas. Right now just getting started got 42 different strains in pots now going to pick the best 4 or 5 as mothers and see what we can do keeping a perpetual 4x8 sog taking a 4x4 every 30 days. Should be fun.



Well-Known Member
Veg was very short from 2 to 5 days. I vegged 4 clones for 12 days and got a pound. Cutting edge using Lucas formula. Cal mag


Well-Known Member
i have a dumb question. on the ebb and flows when switching from veg to bloom nutes, whats the best way to do that? having to empty 55 gallons of water and refilling it etc sounds like a pain in the asssssss ? makes me wanna just use jacks 20-20-20 for entire grow


Well-Known Member
Oz16 off 4 that were in hydroton for telecom days. Was a cut I got from a friend. Sorry to say it was a swag se ed some kind of Mexican sativa trash and embarrassing to have grown