Stealthish CFL box


haha, yessir, its 930 here too. right before class. pretty sure my professor smokes too. he looks ripped every morning.


got home from class just a second ago. opened the box. and all of the seeds have popped through in search of light. :mrgreen:

here are some pics. as well as a picture of the rag ive been hanging on the door for humidity.

im going to skate now while its still perfect weather outside.

maybe some more pics when i get back, or tomorrow.


The pics will just keep flowing. The whole operation has been moved inside. So the bugs are no longer a factor. Now i need to work on noise, and soon smell. So a diy carbon filter will be coming at some point. And some noise preventing changes.
just experienced that same satisfying feeling when your seeds poke out the soil to say hi. Am growing outdoors at the moment for only the second time/season. I lost 3 beautiful 5ft females in last years outdoor grow (all from bag seed and all just gowing into flowering :cry:) so seriously considering building indoor cab (thinking of ultimately building an aeroponics set up) so will stay keeping an eye on this thread. Good luck with the grow man.


Well-Known Member
Hey DD,
I was under the impression that the box was always inside....obviously not. Just be careful, not that i am talking from experience, that you havent brought the bugs in with the cab. My cab was always inside and i have ended up with these bloody fungus gnats and as you asked about them on my thread i thought you may have them. I think they are gone now from my cab but just keep a watch on your plants for a few days. I bet you are actually watching them every few hours already. What is your humidity without that towel in there?


Thanks irish,
Sorry to hear about your full grown ladies. Get something going indoors and see how it goes.

Hey RS,
My cab was technically indoors. But it was in the garage/shed connected to my house. But the temps and shit out there are different. And parts of the ground is dirt. So when i read your thread, and saw the bug issue, i had to move them inside right away. I have examined the box over a few times, havent seen anything. So i think im in the clear. I am going to have to buy something to measure humidity. And you know im looking at them every few hours. I can tell the difference each time i look.