Stupid question... but maybe you can make me less stupid :)


Well-Known Member
My stealth grow box seeds have germinated. I have grown 5 times in soil and this is my first hydro double bubbler grow. I waited till the seeds germinated and stuck them in rockwool. Will they come up thru the rock wool? I am concerned cause I saw one of them looped trying to come up. They have only been in the rockwool cubes for 22 hours for what its worth, just concerned
From my experience (I sprouted 4 cheesus seeds and a coletrain and Pakistani Ryder) I would not put my seeds in rockwool next time because I found that the rockwool was too dense for the seedlings root to push through and it ended up pushing my sprout out of the cube and just kept growing up and not through the cube finally it did root through the cube but I could clearly see what I thought was stem sticking up through the cube it was the bottom of stem where the root started. I'd use soil next time but rockwool did work