Stupid stuff you've done while high?


Well-Known Member
they called an ambulance, or so im told, but my mom (no offence to her) is a bitch when it comes to letting me stay home from school, so w/e, i know for sure not to do Zanax laced with my blunt, and to lay of the triple c's when im on tea, my friends said my teacher flipped out cuz i wouldnt move, get up, or anything, and it ruined my trip cuz i was passed out throughout it


Active Member
I personally have never done anything stupid but one of my buddies one night got the munchies really bad and we had some onion rings in the freezer so he turned on the deep fryer and took out the back of onion rings. He then filled the bag of onion rings full of water to defrost them, then he put them into the deepfryer. If anyone has not seenwhat water does to really hot grease it pretty much explodes haha he was ok but there was grease everywhere. So we smoked again then he cleaned the mess lol.
this day suck just hade finshed smoking 2 fat ass of blunts northinlights with a few pepol try to go inside door was lock nock on the window for my littal brother to open the door when i nock i broke the window and a pice of glass cut the shit out of me well when i saw that i was bleeding a shit load i stared panking and ran to the hopsital was about miel away when i was runnig i see a shit load of pepol looking at me like wtf i was bleedinng every were i was made cuz no one offerd me a ride peeps these days well 32 stiches later im ok


Well-Known Member
not necessarily the stupidest thing ive done, but it was most definately one of the most fun, one friday right after school a friend and i were hanging out, we had some dank bud, so that was gone, then we were really bored and didnt know what to do. so i was like "lets hit up toys-r-us" and we drove down there. while there we literally wondered the entire store and did not spare touching a single thing, it was so much fun, we played with toys and battled with fake swords, and played with dinosaurs. There were about 3 people who worked there that were following us around almost the whole time, they knew what was going on, and that made it just that much better.


Well-Known Member
the stupiest thing i can rember is a freind & i getting realy baked befor a concert. he walked in to a glass door. he hit it so hard that every one inside heard it.then he wanted to smoke some more

country cowfreak

Well-Known Member
I love to reflect on all of the stupid things that I have done while high, and believe me it is a long extensive list. To start with one such incident that happened about 15 years ago would be a nice way to begin. A couple of my friends and myself had smoked a considerable amount of weed and decided to go for a ride back to my friends home. On the way we had stopped for a flashing red light. Since we were blazed we started talking and sat at that flashing red light at 2AM for at least 45 minutes. After a moment of silence we started to wonder why the light was taking so long to turn green and that is when we realized how long we were sitting there. one other story, I was working at a supermarket that was being set up for a grand opening. During my break I had gone out to smoke a joint with a co-worker. We got back to work and I was talking to my co-worker and did not pay attention to a support colum that was in the middle of the aisle freshly painted....I walked right into it and had a bright white paint stripe from head to toe. Let me think for a while I'm sure that I will find stuff to top these two stories.


I love to reflect on all of the stupid things that I have done while high, and believe me it is a long extensive list. To start with one such incident that happened about 15 years ago would be a nice way to begin. A couple of my friends and myself had smoked a considerable amount of weed and decided to go for a ride back to my friends home. On the way we had stopped for a flashing red light. Since we were blazed we started talking and sat at that flashing red light at 2AM for at least 45 minutes. After a moment of silence we started to wonder why the light was taking so long to turn green and that is when we realized how long we were sitting there. one other story, I was working at a supermarket that was being set up for a grand opening. During my break I had gone out to smoke a joint with a co-worker. We got back to work and I was talking to my co-worker and did not pay attention to a support colum that was in the middle of the aisle freshly painted....I walked right into it and had a bright white paint stripe from head to toe. Let me think for a while I'm sure that I will find stuff to top these two stories.

Aw man, that is so funny! How old are you?


Active Member
GEEE dis is a huge thread,
i got baked while watching a jackass like movie where a guy did a backflip off a car, after da movie we all went out side an i tried....... landed on the back of my head found it hilarious,,,, until the next mornin when i went 2 the hospital got the scab peeled of and got 11 stitches in my head, lol was funny at the time

Johny pot smoker

Active Member
hmm...stupid thing. would have to be me and a few of my friends hanging out in one of their backyards. It was FULL of pot holes. and this one played mind games with me. I stepped in it once.( I was already blown of a blunt of some decent weed) and I told my self no more. through out the night I managed to step in that same pot hole 6 times. and fell twice. towards the end of the night i was geting a little sober then we started with a 6 joint rotation. total 6 gram thing. one of my friend went to pass me a joint and i stepped over the pot hole, mocked it then stepped back over it. No prob. but when i put my foot down i stepped in its clone, stumbled then stepped forward into the same first hole. I fell. BUT...I didnt drop the joint...HELL YEAH!!!!!


Well-Known Member
The most stupidest thing i did while blazed was a year ago, me and 5 other guys had the munchies but we had no cash at all so seeing that i live in the states we go to a local shop all 5 of us just run in there and do a snatch and run, on the way out my bud tripped over poorly paves sidewalk and passed out, we were still close to the shop so we dropped the stuff and hid him behind a garbage can, then we all got to our pad and ate everything had a good laugh, then the door opens and my friend who we left showed up mad as fuck not about the passing out, but b/c we ate all the snacks we took!


Active Member
:blsmoke: omg this one is funny. well 3 weeks ago i was riding with my friend and had
a whiteboy,2 js,a 22oz bud ice ,and one of those new Game blunts. well anyways we went to wendys and all i rmember is going in putting my head
down then getting up to order but my friend was taking foreverr
and everything went black. they said i turned around and dove shoulder first
into the corner of a wall,layed there ,then started shaking,and stopped
and jumped up and sad oh im trippen then ran outside


Active Member
Oh god I think I'm going to get crowned or something.

1. One time when I was really high I went into Wendy's and tryed to order some food, the restaurant was full of people, but for some reason they refused to serve me and my friends. So I step outside and try to come up with a way to get back with those bastards. Suddenly I see a garbage can and think it would be a good idea to throw the garbage can at the window and spill garbage everywhere. UNfortunately I throw it a little too hard and the garbage can went through the window and all over people in the resturant.
Now I have an angry mob of people rushing out of wendy's at me and my friends, two of them being undercover cops. I distract them by running ontop of their van and taking off my pants for some reason, I think so my friends can get away. And the cops tackle me and put me in cuffs, I get really emotional and begin apologizing and crying and I fall in the pheotal position and remember I can get the cuffs infront of my hands by lapping them over my feet. I do this and run about 10 km to my house in my underpants in the middle of winter with handcuffs on. I don't even bother taking them off, and I pass out in my bed. Only to be horribly shocked the next morning by not being able to feel my arms, and the inability to get up.

2. Walking down mainstreet sometime in september, it's my friends birthday, and we're all high playing videogames. I see a fat kid and for some reason I decide to throw corn at him. I don't remember why, I think I thought he was hungry or something. So anyways I throw a handful of kernels at him. Later on that night the fat kid finds me with his dad, and his friend and they have 2 by 4's ready to beat the fuck out of me. They say they just want to talk.... I booked it. I make it to my house and the next day I go to an internet cafe and chill, then a cop car pulls up. I get arrested for assualt with a deadly weapon for throwing corn at somebody. No it wasn't a full corn on a cob, it was the kernels from it!

If you guys like these I have more, lol.

Yea I'm a straight up crazy bastard.
If you don't believe me, pay for my plan ticket and I'll come to your house and show you!


Active Member
I also remember the time at school, when some guy had a banana and didn't want to eat it, so he gave it to me, and I threw it and tried to make it land in a sandpit but some parent guy walked around the corner at that moment and got whacked in the head by a banana fell over and hit his head on the ground. I ran over to see if he was okay, and then I spotted the banana...and I got hungry and ate it... He had no idea what hit him and an ambulance came and took him away. It was quite an odd event.

There was also the time I smoked up and went into Zellers.
You know those big things they drive around the store that carrie boxes.
Well one of them was just sitting there begging me to drive it, keys in it and everything. I checked if the cost was clear and began driving it horribly down an aisle and an employee saw me and started yelling at me and it scared me and I crashed into an aisle and knocked it over. I was so frightened by what I did I ran away as fast as I could, and by the time everybody realised what happened I had ran away. I got in the newspaper and everything for it. it was like Unidentified Hooligan takes a joyride in Zellers. or something along those lines.

Another time is when I was visiting the parliament buildings.
I was taking the tour and when it was over you are allowed to explore on your own, and I found this hallway with a "DO NOT ENTER" sign. I asked the security guard what would happen if I ran down that hallway, and he replied "Why don't you find out.". I remember thinking "WOW I HAVE PERMISSION" and naturally started running down that hallyway. 15 minutes or so later and being persued by a crowd of angry guards my video game instincts had been lost and I caught by them.
They didn't really know what to do because nobody had done that before;
but the conclusion is I am hearby bannished from entering the parliament buildings.

I'll think of more stories...
Hilarity always insues when you give me a substance of any sort.


Well-Known Member
when i was 16, i hoped a train into the train yard, well instead of the train slowing an stoping in the yard so we couls paint a train or two, it speedsup to full speed,an takes me from down town seattle out to b-f-e!!!!! well anyways my homie and i had tojump off after being on there an hour and we landed in some train yard in the middle of no wear, anyways we landed on these big ass derailing rocks for trains, there all big and bulky, but we smashed are selfs up pritty damn good, and ied have to say i got over 60 stiched in my face due to them rocks, well its like 930 at night and we found a mc'y d's. we walked in and the whole place was staring at us cuz of all the blood, people started asking us if we were hit by a car or what ever, now that i look back it was kinda funny an all. but then,,,,wow let me tell ya, we were in some fucking pain,,lol


Active Member
well I went on msn and typed retardedly at people and trying to come up with an idea to get them off, when my friend sarah said she could pick them and 3 hours later she finally came to my house and I got the cuffs off. I still have them somewhere, But sadly I never found my pants. I had like 4 bucks in them too :(


Well-Known Member
well I went on msn and typed retardedly at people and trying to come up with an idea to get them off, when my friend sarah said she could pick them and 3 hours later she finally came to my house and I got the cuffs off. I still have them somewhere, But sadly I never found my pants. I had like 4 bucks in them too :(
I love comming in at the end of a story. lol