Tactics Employed by the Democratic Establishment


Well-Known Member
Right. That Nazi rag, the New York Post.

Have you been checked for rabies? You seem to foam at the mouth a lot.
Just treating a literal nazi like the shit he is. I know that upsets some berniebots, I don't really care though.

Fuck nazis like spaghettinoodle. Shoot them dead, improve society.


Well-Known Member
If it wasn't for gerrymandering, this thread wouldn't exist and the good guys would control the house.

why do Democrats get the most votes across the board and control nothing?

Enjoy those judicial appointments, they'll be there until they die. Fucking you every step of the way.


Well-Known Member
That feeling? - your own irrationality

Bet? You have zero credibility using that word here.

Why is irrational to believe you idolize nazis given your rhetoric, vote, and posts?

You're gonna enjoy teaching junior about hate.
Says the guy who literally posted an ultra-racialized jew defaced with Hitler's star of david at an openly jewish forum member.

Yep, my kid will know exactly how to deal with hateful nazi fucks like you, limp dick.


Well-Known Member
My dad enjoyed teaching me about 'stupid fucking republican assholes' so maybe he will.

As though any republican ever fucking put the middle class or poor first. Read about Puerto Rico lately?
  • Voter suppression.
  • Legalized bribery of politicians and campaigns.
  • Gerrymandering (at least to the current extreme)
I think your dad was onto something.


Well-Known Member
That's not a valid source of information, man

See if you can corroborate that story from any other source and quote it here. The key is multiple sources. If I find a story that isn't corroborated by more than one other site, I more than likely won't post it.
media requires three confirmed from an unknown source.