Tangerine Dream not germinating


Active Member
I find Many/Most of Barney's NEW strain's are most UNstable and require a number of seeds to get a lady that's uniform and not screwed up.
I have personally had 2-3 runt's/genetic mutations out of every seeds pack purchased from them over the past year. (NO other breeder I use gives me so many runt's)
The last strain from Barney's that grew uniform and produced NO mutations for me was G13 HAZE over a year ago.

Of the Ten Tangerine Dream seeds I have, ALL germinated.
Out of 10 seedlings..........
6 mutants.. Double/triple main stems where one stem at least has grown mutanted on each.
2 Screwed up spirally things which went straight in bin.
2 PERFECT examples of tangerine (VERY UNIFORM GROWTH)

I found LSD to be a feck too. PLus a few others.

Given £, seeds and time many of Barney's strains DO produce some GORGEOUS WEED if you don't mind locating the right Geno for X strain and moving on from there with Cuttings.
Personally I only use seeds to locate Geno's and produce a mother.



Well-Known Member
Going on 5 days soaking, this am, two of the seed hulls are cracked, but no tap root.
that sucks man. only 3/5 td germed for me and only 2 of those sprouted but are doing fine so I'm not too mad. I'm hoping the new batches they have been sending the Resellers are some good batches now.


Well-Known Member
For their sake, they better hope they have it resolved. They are quickly earning a bad name, especially amongst newer growers that have yet to try some of their other strains, like the VK and G13. I'm certainly done with Barney seeds if this is the deal. If I do get one decent mother candidate, I'll be happy. I started a grow journal for BFTD, and we are all waiting for some action from these seeds. :) I keep hearing whispers of "patience young padawan" in my mind....

/me looks around for source of voice...
Whats good mane havent been on here in awhile harvested the hs its dank i got 4oz off that plant akr is doing really well and the otgers are just now bout to go into vegging og kush,fruity chronic juice,super lemon haze glad your td is doing good


Active Member
Hi, I am having a problem getting these seeds to germ. They were soaking in a cup of water for 24 hours, which in that time my afghani kush popped out a root, then I transfered the rest to a paper towel, now after 48 hours still no sign yet. I have never had seeds take so long to germ. Does anyone know what Attitude does if these turn out to be no good? And has anyone germed these seeds yet, and how long did it take?
Thanks guys
Well today I was getting fed up with this seed not germinating after 72 hours I decided to use some of my compost tea instead of just pure water and bam in under 5 hours I can already see the seed has cracked and a little white dot!!!!!!! I hope this was not a fluke and hope this will finally solve This dam issue, I'm so
excited !!!!!


Well-Known Member
I'm in the same boat with the TD seeds it seems... I soaked one initially for ~24 hrs and then put it into wet p-towel and baggie... nothing after 48 hrs so I took another one and put it straight into the paper-towel with the first one, and it germed in 24 hours - the first one is still not doing anything...going on 5 days now...makes me wonder if the soaking is bad for this first round of seeds they released - drowning easily?? I may have to try a drop of superthrive in some water and apply that...? Oh well - I've got 3 more seeds to play with as well. If you can take anything away from that, maybe soaking these seeds is a bad idea - if you read up on germination on Mandala's site - they will tell you NEVER to soak seeds...but alas, to each his own!

As already stated here - if even 1 seeds makes it and I can get some clones, it will all be worth it! I've got the one germed TD started in my waterfarm now - mirroring the Scottyballs grow! =)

Hey Serapis... man, you are EVERYWHERE on this board!..lol.
Hi! My Very First Post Here...

I had the same problem as everyone else. When my Tangerines arrived from Attitude they were very small, looked almost premature, barely any tiger stripes, even with some very small cracks.
I tried to germinate them, Paper Towel Method. All of my other various strains popped within 48 hours. After about 60 hours in the Paper Towel, in my Humidome, Temps in the 70's ... My Tangerines seemed DOA.

So this is what I did: Rolled up at piece of sandpaper, Put all 3 TD seeds in that rolled tube and shook, Then took the TD seeds out of the tube and planted each seed in a cup of soil.

Much to my Amazement within 12 hours all 3 Tangerines Dreams have a white root tip plowing into the soil! I am so Happy! I had pretty much written the seeds off, after reading all of these threads of TD seeds not germinating.
So, let me know if this works for anyone else, I am Curious... :) Thanx