THC producing plant that doesnt look like marijuana


Well-Known Member
its possible, but not feasible. if that makes sense.

in other words, the scientific community knows(well not completely) most of the biochemical pathways and gene sequences needed for transcription into the production of thc trichomes. the only problem is... genetic engineering. after you know the genes you need, you cant necessarily isolate them from a plant. you would actually have to artificially construct DNA, find a totipotent and undifferentiated cell without a nucleus and stick your artificial strand in there. the same concept is being done with stem cells.
you can google it.

what i found interesting was that geneticist were isolating gene sequences responsible for epidermal and hair cell production in sheep. what they are trying to accomplish is growing "super wool" without the sheep. imagine just a strip of sheep skin in a petri dish that grows wool constantly.

now imagine growing some sort of massive trichome attached to the glandular epidermal layer of cannabis(the actual part wher thc is produced, the trichome is actually just for storage).

theoretically you wouldnt need light or electricity. just a petri dish with the right proteins carbs and other organic components. man that would be sweet. the precursor to the clone wars. roflmao.


Well-Known Member
alright, i've tried to peruse the whole thread, but cant read for the next half hour before posting.

as someone who just received his BS in plant biology, minor in genetics, and has been transforming various plants for the past 2 years...I have to speak up.

I've given this a LOT of thought

heres the deal. First you have to figure out which gene or MUCH more likely gene FAMILY is responsible for cannabinoid production. this is NOT an easy basically have to create knock-out mutants (plants you've managed to silence one single gene of) and screen them all for one without cannabinoids. if you could do that, you'd know which gene was responsible for/part of the family responsible for cannabinoid production.

at that point, you'd create the DNA, and as a poster stated above you could use agrobacterium to deliver a genetic construct. although, you would definitely need a REGULAR cell WITH a nucleus.

You would create a genetic construct with multiple copies of that specific gene you think is responsible for cannabinoid production, and if you were able to get it stably incorporated into the genome of a single cell, you could manipulate it using hormones to grow into a whole new plant. at that point you've got transformed plant, hopefully with the gene responsible for cannabinoid production.

you'd have to grow it out to at LEAST three generations to see if the gene was stably transformed. not to mention the litany of DNA/RNA/protein tests you'd need to do to check for translation and transcription of the genetic products.

basically...its not as easy as everyone thinks, and the limiting factor would definitely be money. this endeavor would cost a LOT, given all the growing, genetic screening, secrecy, personnel, etc etc etc.

TRUST ME...I work at this stuff all day, and dream about the day i'll be able to set up my own shop and FINALLY create the perfect MJ strain.

It'll happen...i'll find that rich pothead who wants to put a few million in venture capital towards this idea (and dont kid yourself...a few million would probably just cover the first five years, lab equipment/space is expensive) and be patient...because this could EASILY take a decade or more to do.


Well-Known Member
So I think that post right there tells us what we need to do. Get together a few million and a few buckets of patience. It can be done!


Well-Known Member
MJ has a really short Maturing time in controlled indoor enviroments..

I can grow hundereds of generations in the time of 5 years..

I think a decade is completely overstated..

But still it is essentially what I had said in a earlier post. LOL

Still if you did, it would classified by the DEA, the same so what does it accomplish... NADA
Listen up stonermonkeys - this shit is indeed complicated and it takes a trained molecular biologist to do such things. Basically you are transforming the gene for the enzyme that makes THC from another starting compound. In other words you can put the THC synthase gene into another plant. Second of all, since this gene is now incorporated into the genetic material (the DNA) of the new plant, it will pass it on to its offspring. It has all been done actually by some Japanese biologists check it out here if you can get access (you might need to use a university computer system that has the journal subscription.) It's interesting stuff but not really practical for just anyone to do. Further, I'm sure it would be possible to make any plant capable of producing THC illegal, and also I doubt it all plants would prove to be effective hosts for this process.
so here is the nucleotide sequence for the gene that codes for THC synthetase enzyme, how f' in cool is that???? these letters are indeed sacred!

1 aaaaaaatca ttaggactga agaaaaatga attgctcagc attttccttt tggtttgttt
61 gcaaaataat atttttcttt ctctcattcc atatccaaat ttcaatagct aatcctcgag
121 aaaacttcct taaatgcttc tcaaaacata ttcccaacaa tgtagcaaat ccaaaactcg
181 tatacactca acacgaccaa ttgtatatgt ctatcctgaa ttcgacaata caaaatctta
241 gattcatctc tgatacaacc ccaaaaccac tcgttattgt cactccttca aataactccc
301 atatccaagc aactatttta tgctctaaga aagttggctt gcagattcga actcgaagcg
361 gtggccatga tgctgagggt atgtcctaca tatctcaagt cccatttgtt gtagtagact
421 tgagaaacat gcattcgatc aaaatagatg ttcatagcca aactgcgtgg gttgaagccg
481 gagctaccct tggagaagtt tattattgga tcaatgagaa gaatgagaat cttagttttc
541 ctggtgggta ttgccctact gttggcgtag gtggacactt tagtggagga ggctatggag
601 cattgatgcg aaattatggc cttgcggctg ataatattat tgatgcacac ttagtcaatg
661 ttgatggaaa agttctagat cgaaaatcca tgggagaaga tctgttttgg gctatacgtg
721 gtggtggagg agaaaacttt ggaatcattg cagcatggaa aatcaaactg gttgctgtcc
781 catcaaagtc tactatattc agtgttaaaa agaacatgga gatacatggg cttgtcaagt
841 tatttaacaa atggcaaaat attgcttaca agtatgacaa agatttagta ctcatgactc
901 acttcataac aaagaatatt acagataatc atgggaagaa taagactaca gtacatggtt
961 acttctcttc aatttttcat ggtggagtgg atagtctagt cgacttgatg aacaagagct
1021 ttcctgagtt gggtattaaa aaaactgatt gcaaagaatt tagctggatt gatacaacca
1081 tcttctacag tggtgttgta aattttaaca ctgctaattt taaaaaggaa attttgcttg
1141 atagatcagc tgggaagaag acggctttct caattaagtt agactatgtt aagaaaccaa
1201 ttccagaaac tgcaatggtc aaaattttgg aaaaattata tgaagaagat gtaggagctg
1261 ggatgtatgt gttgtaccct tacggtggta taatggagga gatttcagaa tcagcaattc
1321 cattccctca tcgagctgga ataatgtatg aactttggta cactgcttcc tgggagaagc
1381 aagaagataa tgaaaagcat ataaactggg ttcgaagtgt ttataatttt acgactcctt
1441 atgtgtccca aaatccaaga ttggcgtatc tcaattatag ggaccttgat ttaggaaaaa
1501 ctaatcatgc gagtcctaat aattacacac aagcacgtat ttggggtgaa aagtattttg
1561 gtaaaaattt taacaggtta gttaaggtga aaactaaagt tgatcccaat aattttttta
1621 gaaacgaaca aagtatccca cctcttccac cgcatcatca ttaattatct ttaaatagat
1681 atatttccct tatcaattag ttaatcatta taccatacat acatttattg tatatagttt
1741 atctactcat attatgtatg ctcccaagta tgaaaatcta cattagaact gtgtagacaa
1801 tcataagata tatttaataa aataaattgt ctttcttatt tcaatagcaa ataaaataat
1861 attattttaa aaaaaaaaaa aaaaa


Well-Known Member
and for my boy that thinks it will take 10 fella? it's been done. try lookin shit up once it awhile.

so are you working on this idea right now? you have something going in the way of making this happen?

even though the DEA would just make the new plant illegal too, but whatever.
no, im not working on it now. if i wanted to do it i would need lab equipment that i do not have and cannot afford. i would need at least a hundred grand or access to a university lab...which i actually have...damn now that i think of it maybe i could do it...but i'm graduating in a week soo there goes that idea. anyway, this kind of thing is done all the time in plant bio labs, especially at my school, it just aint done with the THC gene because, well, that would be illegal. SO. the reason no one sees this happening is because in order to do it you need to be 1. a pretty slick molec biologist (prolly at least a grad student) and 2. have access to a fully equipped lab. If you had these things you could just read some of the literature by labs that have already done this experiment and basically copy them. it really wouldn't be that is standard for scientific papers they give a details methods section so that everything can be replicated. but in reality i don't know how efficient their technique is. rather than go through all of this it would probably be more efficient to make synthetic THC, in which case you would have to go consult some organic chemists. All in all, i think just growin some bud is still more efficient and much easier. i wonder, however, if anyone has grafted weed to other plants. that would be much easier and might look kinda cool....but of course it wouldn't be self proliferating, nor would it be as conspicuous. cheers and smoke weed everyday.


Well-Known Member
or you could just breed a bunch of strains that dont have any smell, presto a strain with no smell at all presto


Well-Known Member
or you could just breed a bunch of strains that dont have any smell, presto a strain with no smell at all presto
FUCK YES now there is an idea worth the time and money...

Like I said keep weed the beautiful plant it is and alter it to be better...

And to the guy with 5 posts two posts above this one...

PLEASE MR JUST OUTA COLLEGE BIO CHEMIST, dont come on here and lie about your background to feel cool...

You googled a paper and all of a sudden your a plant bioligist, I dont believe you, and seriosly lame buddy.

Well-Known Member
[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif][FONT=arial,helvetica,sans-serif] Biochem 101: How to design a Cannabis-equivalent citrus plant [/FONT] [FONT=arial,helvetica,sans-serif]Step One:
Biochemically isolate all the required enzymes for the production of THC.[/FONT]
[FONT=arial,helvetica,sans-serif]Step Two:
Perform N-terminal sequencing on isolated enzymes, design degenerate PCR (polymerase chain reaction) primers and amplify the genes. [/FONT]
[FONT=arial,helvetica,sans-serif]Step Three:
Clone genes into an agrobacterial vector by introducing the desired piece of DNA into a plasmid containing a transfer or T-DNA. The mixture is transformed into Agrobacterium tumefaciens, a gram negative bacterium. [/FONT]
[FONT=arial,helvetica,sans-serif]Step Four:
Use the Agrobacterium tumefaciens to infect citrus plants after wounding. The transfer DNA will proceed to host cells by a mechanism similar to conjugation. The DNA is randomly integrated into the host genome and will be inherited. [/FONT]
yeah, but does the'new cali orange' get you as high as weed? will this lead to a sub-culture of 'juicing'?! are these oranges going to cause munchies, or delusional ideas about growing tropicali orange juice? will it be approved by the FDA(or will they have to make a t.v. ad with lots of contraindications in order to get the FDA fast track?) so many questions...what was the question?!


Well-Known Member
Even if he did just google it, it's correct info.
You know there have been 4 total guys who have come into this thread claiming they know what to do to make this work..

All 4 have said different things about how to accomplish it..

Im not knowlegable in this at all, I am not claiming to..

But any body can sound intelligent with a lot of words...

If you want I will go back through the thread and post all 4 different prospectable ways that various "EXPERTS" have said it is possible...

maybe one will be right or close....


Well-Known Member
All of the ways that have been suggested are correct to some degree, but some take more knowledge and resources, others take more time, etc... As for me, I just know what I've learned from google and school classes.


Well-Known Member
You know what Pokey I like you, you seem like a well reserved intelligent individual...

many grows to you my friend....

Well-Known Member
FUCK YES now there is an idea worth the time and money...

Like I said keep weed the beautiful plant it is and alter it to be better...

And to the guy with 5 posts two posts above this one...

PLEASE MR JUST OUTA COLLEGE BIO CHEMIST, dont come on here and lie about your background to feel cool...

You googled a paper and all of a sudden your a plant bioligist, I dont believe you, and seriosly lame buddy.
aaahhl trah naht ta' cunfewz y'all with mah hah fallutin' college B.S. talk! cuz even tho' aah aaam superior in maaah intellectuable capacities...aah don't never look dawn awn y'all...aah know you cain't help the fact yer a RE-tard, and caint pernawnce all the 40 dollar words aah cain!