THC producing plant that doesnt look like marijuana

Well-Known Member
but seriously....on a less mad scientist vein...if you want to grow weed under thier noses, get something with super wide or narrow leaves,ditch the fan leaves, and train the stem crazy bonsai, as a 'potted plant' with companion plants like mint and flowers....don't ask me how I know this works.


Well-Known Member
It is genetically possible. They have taken the light up gene from fireflies and have put it into tobacco plants and even in mice. crazy shit man



Well-Known Member

be amazed, this same strain mark emery managed to breed with another one and made it really potent but with the same non marijuana look, he actually told a story of him goin on a plane with 2 of them and not a sole noticed or even questioned what he had...its amazing and i tink since he's gonna be put away for a long time we will never be able to get seeds, well mayb....hopefully he releases them b4 he goes to would be amazing


Well-Known Member
they have a strain called duckfoot that doesnt look like marijuana
and ducksfoot doesnt really look like a typical marijuana tree but it grows in pretty much the same way and during flowering it does look like marijuana, still for the person who has no clue what marijuana is would never know


Active Member
What we need is a thc producing giant redwood that buds every year, you could pass it down trough generations. Like this here is my great great great +++++grandfathers 800 year old cannabis tree. It started spreading and it's weed like genes have made it take over the entire forest and killed every other plant here. A forest fire here would get people stoned on the moon.


Active Member

I have just one question.....WHY.

Just move to Canada if those damn marijuana laws got you down.

If you want THC from a different plant there is no way you will get the same amounts as pot, it will not taste amazing like good chronic does, there will never be the variety like there is with weed, and it will never be as good.

Pipe dream..haha

You wouldnt make any money off it, by the time it is made it would be illegal.

Why not just make some brownies, or if your desperate just get a bud buster and rape some chronic of some crystal, then liquefy the very potent crystal and inject it into an apple, or better yet an orange. If this didnt just break down and destroy the THC then you can get high....or you could cut out all the previous steps, and just roll the weed after busting it, then enjoy the delicious untainted fruit.
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humbo jumbo

Well-Known Member
chronic=schwag around here


I have just one question.....WHY.

Just move to Canada if those damn marijuana laws got you down.

If you want THC from a different plant there is no way you will get the same amounts as pot, it will not taste amazing like good chronic does, there will never be the variety like there is with weed, and it will never be as good.

Pipe dream..haha

You wouldnt make any money off it, by the time it is made it would be illegal.

Why not just make some brownies, or if your desperate just get a bud buster and rape some chronic of some crystal, then liquefy the very potent crystal and inject it into an apple, or better yet an orange. If this didnt just break down and destroy the THC then you can get high....or you could cut out all the previous steps, and just roll the weed after busting it, then enjoy the delicious untainted fruit.


Well-Known Member
whatever, I love smoking weed, what the fuck is hash oil s'posed to be anyway, why do I need it. and since it's hash OIL I'm assuming you can't roll it up
Take the two words "hash" and "oil" and you have "hash oil". It's hash, with oil. Pretty linear stuff.
Rub a cig or J in some oil. Boys have been buying my THCaps just to give their cigs an extra kick.


Well-Known Member
chronic=schwag around here
Really, not around here.

Homegorwn is called.

Ganja, Chronic, Dank, Headies, Nug, Dro, ect.

We call Mid grade,

Regs, PK, Mids...

And Swag is:

Stress, Brick, Dirt, Swiz, Swiggles, Crap, and Ughh that looks like some ass smuggled poop....

you know though swag really holds a market through out the US.
So many people prefer the quantity to quality..

Old timers mostly who bitch about the "potency" of todays pot, or the HIGH cost versus what you get..

Of course they will all lose the sperm count from smoking seeds, while we will supposedly according to the UK PM GB become more likely to develop Mental health problems...


Mental health probs, that why I started smoking pot, I already had that shit.

Sorry to add to your bad statisics...


Well-Known Member
HELL NO! I will make a secret-underground lab! I will make this! you all will worship me, and I shall be stoned! I gots a question. doesn't thc need to be heated to a certain degree before it becomes active? I don't think an orange would burn that well. what about using a flower instead of an orange or whatever. something that produces something that can be smoked
ever eat hash?


Well-Known Member
I don't want to dis on this idea because If this was sucessfully done, wow. That would be a pretty neat plant. I do wonder, however, at the feasability of such an undertaking. Now I'm not a chemist or anything, but even if someone were to invest the hundreds of millions or even billions that this would cost, isn't there a still chance that it might turn out to be a failure, and impossible to do afterall? The investment doesn't necessarily insure success, does it?
The other drawback I see is that since the undertaking of such an experiment would be so large, some kind of oversight is inevitable, meaning your new plant would probably be illegal to produce or sell anywhere other than The Netherlands (and who knows even about there, the implications of such a plant sre incredible, new laws/policies etc.). is this really feasable or are these just pipe dreams?
Obviously some people on this forum are very knowledgable, maybe one of those people might be able to shed light on this aspect of the subject.


Well-Known Member
What we need is a thc producing giant redwood that buds every year, you could pass it down trough generations. Like this here is my great great great +++++grandfathers 800 year old cannabis tree. It started spreading and it's weed like genes have made it take over the entire forest and killed every other plant here. A forest fire here would get people stoned on the moon.

If you are looking to get into Cannabis breeding and are interested in plants that can spread and create their own 'natural' wild crops, you don't need to go so far. If you live in an area where the winters are short or relatively warm (ie. near the equator), many varieties will grow wild and do! I mean, the shit people grow indoors wasn't always there, and they call it 'weed' for a reason.
Also this new batch of auto-flowering plants have great promise even in more northern climes. Depending on your grow-season's length, even in southern Canada or the Northern USA, you can get at least 3 generations per season, even more further south. And suppose you undertook a back-yard genetics experiment, breeding the hardiest auto-flowerer you can find with a cannibis indica variety that is both extremely hardy and resistant to cold temperatures. It might be possible, after several back-crosses and in-breedings (you would kind of have to know what you were doing), to plant a group of seeds or full grown females and males that haven't yet fully flowered, and let those plants pollinate themselves and go several generations before winter. If you've done your breeding right you might even be able to breed a plant hardy enough to survive through the winter and continue the cycle again the next year and the year after that.
You would have to keep your breeding records so you would know when to go and weed out some excess males right before the females flowered if you planned on harvesting bud without seeds. If you moved away though, the plants should be able to keep on going without you, and maybe hungry deers would eat the flowers and carry your seeds all over the state!
thats kind of a pipe dream too, but I think its a little more plausible than many of the other suggestions. Someday I might try this out, If we can over-grow the establishment there will be a better chance of legalization. Make a strain that grows wild all over America and produces smokeable bud (although there would be a potential reduction in potency after several generations) multiple times per year and it will be much harder to keep it illegal... I hope, anyway.