The Criminal Jew


Well-Known Member
good job. my info has been spammed by butthurt righties to basically 90% of the forum. i doxxed about a dozen of them before they found me too. it was pathetic.
Sorry I'm not on here much so didn't see. Cheers you're a good guy.


Well-Known Member
poor dear. you really are clueless. maybe top it all off by telling tty about his romantic prospects. the half a dozen of us in the know will all get another nice laugh.

All I know it was he puts out there. That and he posts here 24 hours a day. The rest of you can jerk each other off. No big deal to me.

"I'm tired of being used for a free meal."


Ursus marijanus
I might actually do that myself.

"Hey, I'd like to report an immigration crime. 200 years ago, this government killed off some of my ancestors and sent the rest West of the Mississippi in the dead of winter with blankets infected with smallpox, and I think it's time you get the fuck off our land."
I saw a wonderful cartoon once of a Plains Indian standing in line at the VFW post.

Olive Drab Green

Well-Known Member
Can you imagine how devastated you'd be if North Koreans gave you a smallpox-infested blanket and told you all snitches have to move West in the dead of winter? Sounds totally absurd, doesn't it?

Olive Drab Green

Well-Known Member
Jump to conclusions, much?

The earlier date means the bone-smashers were not necessarily members of our own species, Homo sapiens.
The bones were of Homo erectus, I believe I read, from what they estimated was more than double the original span they thought Holocene or the previous era to be.