The Great Escape: Sigma Plateau


Well-Known Member
I drank 3 more robos, but then I threw up, and I hoped it didnt all come out (for some reason it didnt matter before when I threw up and did DXM) The only thing that is sicerning is it didnt seem the robo knocked it up for weird, but I feel something intense and its the weirdest feeling ive ever had on DXM. Like some shit is going to go down, but I can walk and talk (fairly normal, or as normal as you can on DXM) But I get waves of intense randomly. It also isn't helping that is isnt even dark outside, and I have having all my sensories played with insead of sensory deprivation which is what I do.

(NDANGER)_Can you please tell me how it works. Should I not take more if I'm still not tripping too hard (since its been 7 hours and I'm not really tripping too hard) Is it really true that it happens on the comedown of the robo you took
So would it be dangerous even if I don't feel like what i'm expecting, even though I feel my soul slightly tugging at my randomly, it's just so light outside it is blocking it all out.

So should I DO more robo, or do I not understand sigma plateau well enough and I will definitely be making it to strong if I do more.
PLEASE ANSWER QUICKLY, need to decide what to do?
No matter the dosage... if your tolerance is off the charts the desired effects will manifest themselves differently... normally in a negative manner! The sigma plateau is a grand stage to behold onto ones underlying consciousness. It cannot be treated as a forceful manipulation which is what you're trying to do! Space out the doses considerably, if your trying to go for one hefty dose its best to consume at one period. The same holds true if your trying to reach a certain bar none maximum for MDMA... if you space the doses too far apart then the whole neural action goes disarray. If you haven't already, I suggest you read deeply into John Lilly's works... he could show you a few steps to reach your destination ;)


Well-Known Member
No matter the dosage... if your tolerance is off the charts the desired effects will manifest themselves differently... normally in a negative manner! The sigma plateau is a grand stage to behold onto ones underlying consciousness. It cannot be treated as a forceful manipulation which is what you're trying to do! Space out the doses considerably, if your trying to go for one hefty dose its best to consume at one period. The same holds true if your trying to reach a certain bar none maximum for MDMA... if you space the doses too far apart then the whole neural action goes disarray. If you haven't already, I suggest you read deeply into John Lilly's works... he could show you a few steps to reach your destination ;)
So how long should I space out doses, if I last did it about 9 hours ago? (whens the next time, and the amount, subjectively to my tolerance. You said that tolerance doesnt play too much in reaching sigma plateau, how could that be true?

Ellis Dee

Active Member
I would suggest you cut it off.

It seems like you may have missed it, spread your doses. The guaifenesin is what made you throw up so avoid at all costs.

I would suggest doing a few more smaller doses after you take a break for a month or more. If you were drinking all at the same time you didn't extend the trip long enough to begin with. You will want to build the doses. 200mg (0:00), 300mg(2:30), 200mg(4:00), 400mg(5:00),200mg(7:00), 500mg(10:00), ect. Never breach 2000mg/day, and never use more than 7 grams a week. Some serious shit at that rate.

Don't use the syrup anymore. Trust me, you will thank yourself for many years to come.


Well-Known Member
So how long should I space out doses, if I last did it about 9 hours ago? (whens the next time, and the amount, subjectively to my tolerance. You said that tolerance doesnt play too much in reaching sigma plateau, how could that be true?
Ah a little misunderstanding. What I meant is that tolerance plays a big role on how you'll feel the certain dimensions or plateau's as you will. If you keep arranging each trip session close together then the effects will be diminished and the magic which gives these plateau's will not play out properly. Massive tolerance has been built up so I would give it a proper one month rehabilitation period along with vitamin intake which strengthens GABA receptors. For instance, if you eat one apple you notice the taste and crispiness of it all, but if you devour 5 in one period then all other apples lose there nutritional value. Its the fleeting concept of diminishing returns ;)


Well-Known Member
I would suggest you cut it off.

It seems like you may have missed it, spread your doses. The guaifenesin is what made you throw up so avoid at all costs.

I would suggest doing a few more smaller doses after you take a break for a month or more. If you were drinking all at the same time you didn't extend the trip long enough to begin with. You will want to build the doses. 200mg (0:00), 300mg(2:30), 200mg(4:00), 400mg(5:00),200mg(7:00), 500mg(10:00), ect. Never breach 2000mg/day, and never use more than 7 grams a week. Some serious shit at that rate.

Don't use the syrup anymore. Trust me, you will thank yourself for many years to come.
Agreed. Away with syrups!


Well-Known Member
Sigma isn't fair our of reach. I BARELY missed it, took 3 robobottles yesterday to equaL 1080 MG I was so close. I well now go and try to take another 1200mg, This wil surely do vit, wish me luck and know I may be floating in hyperspace. Yesterday was insane, today is gonna be groundbreaking, Will report in. I was so close to breaking the barrier, I think an incident kept me grounded.
My question.

What realm are you actually trying to enter. Existentially speaking or Spiritually speaking. As both have there connotative meanings!


Well-Known Member
Spiritually, hands down. I am actually not so familiar with what the "existential realm" Please explain, I'm interested.
One man: Nietzsche!

He dug into his one philosophical hole, much like Germans do! But I admire him deeply as one of the most interesting philosopher of modern times. His prose was unmatched!


Well-Known Member
One man: Nietzsche!

He dug into his one philosophical hole, much like Germans do! But I admire him deeply as one of the most interesting philosopher of modern times. His prose was unmatched!
I have read Nietzche and have many books by him and know about nihilsm, but not sure what that has to do with existentialism? And how could it be a realm if that is a secular belief (I am guessing here?)


Well-Known Member
I have read Nietzche and have many books by him and know about nihilsm, but not sure what that has to do with existentialism? And how could it be a realm if that is a secular belief (I am guessing here?)
While focusing on dissociative's... most of the experience is spent alone, confined, pondering on ones beliefs... it cuts off matter to gain in relief of its one material form. So I am trying to find out if the motive was to cut off stimuli altogether or come to a broader realization much like a spiritual epiphany holds out to be...


Well-Known Member
While focusing on dissociative's... most of the experience is spent alone, confined, pondering on ones beliefs... it cuts off matter to gain in relief of its one material form. So I am trying to find out if the motive was to cut off stimuli altogether or come to a broader realization much like a spiritual epiphany holds out to be...
Oh now I get it. I am trying to breakthrough reality to another dimension, and have an OBE. It just happens when these kinds of these happens, I get some spirituality out of it.

Ellis Dee

Active Member
In my experience drugs should not be had for so called spiritual ecstasy but instead as a guide to design ones desires and relinquish ones fears. These experiences should be seem as sources of contemplation not a tactile sensorium. After all our goal is to "speak with the God within".

These realms you speak of are merely attachments to an argued belief, a contentious issue. From my view, we should desire to do away with arguments where the result does nothing to benefit you or the group besides your own mental edification of status. This is the goal of my psychedelic pursuit.


Well-Known Member
Well, this turned out very strange. It culminated in my computer breaking temporarily. The cause, I cannot say. At first, I didn't think anything happened, but I started to think really hard, and now that I think of it, some weird shit happened. Not exactly what I was looking for, but I don't think I was at the peak mindset to tackle what I was searching for. I'll try to explain. I couldn't come on here and explain what happened for a little bit of time, because of my computer breaking temporarily as I aforementioned.

Well, I honestly dont remember how many days in a row I did it, but I think it was three, I probably said it above, but might have left out one time. Every time was a pretty hefty dose 900mg+ at least, a good bit of throwing up, which was noticed. I had some interesting trips during this escapade, at the beginning, I ended up blacking out, waking up, and everything looked GIGANTIC. I think DXM is known for causing lilliputian hallucinations (from Guillver's Travels, means you are seeing things really big or small) I thought I was like a foot tall, and the TV was on, but I didn't recognize it. It looked 3x as big and I already have a 40in in my room, I was like, it's so much bigger than me, who bought me a huge flat screen tv! (its not flat screen) And I found a lighter on the ground, and it looked like one of those novelty lighters that are huge. Everything looked real distorted, and the greatest thing to note was the size distortion. I couldn't find any of the dials to turn up the volume, even though the tv was on. It looked so black, and for some reason the volume was all the way down. I have no reason to do this, but whenever I do DXM on high doses, some weird shit happens with technology and electronic things.
I started stepping it up a notch, dosing a large amount, I don't really remember this part of the trip, nothing must of happened, or something really crazy happened, if you've done DXM enough times you know what I mean. So I get 3 more robos, I see this guy I know that I work for occasionally. My thinking isnt too bad, even though my visual plane is very distorted. My anxiety level is very low also. I take out the three robos I had, and he fucking asks me for one. I'm like, "wtf", honestly, I don't even know why I pulled them out. Was probably the low anxiety. Weird shit always happens to me on DXM, and that was one of them, not weird as much as, "oh shit I'm having an OBE", more like, "wtf just happened, that was a strange coincedence" So I guess he chugs 2/3 of it. I do the rest, and then I started feeling quite strange. I felt real weightless, and I felt like something weird was going to happen. I was thinking real fast, and I started understanding things real complex.
Everything started looking real fake.. I don't know how to describe it, like I'm in that Sims game. All the colors were getting real constrasted, I've never seen colors so bright. I started to feel like I took some kind of psychedelic on top of a dissociative. I've never experienced anything so eerie, because everything was fake the whole entire day. As the day went on it started getting more intense, but it was weird how I know, I heard this music, and it was playing and there was a wavelength, and it started peaking real high, the longer I waited, the higher the frequency got. Then it became night on the third day, and my friend who's a girl came over, I wasnt sure how to explain to her what was happening, but I did. And by the time she came, I was starting to get real tired. I was guessing because I hadn't slept for three days. It felt like I took 5 ambien, but couldn't go to sleep. When she was there I started to lay down, and I was seeing weird CEVs. They were real pictures of a South American shaman, he was painted in white, with all the tattoos and huge piercings, I would see documents and it would zoom real close to the documents, and I could practically read them. Then she said something to beat of, "don't eject" or something, that seems like a weird thing for her to say.
I came back from the trance and everything was shaking. I was like, damn, I don't want to pass out on her, so I asked her to leave. I walked her out, and she left. While I was out there, I started seeing the wind, and it was like I was looking past everything in this reality slightly. I saw all the different wind currents, blowing, and it was real windy. Then I really don't remember anything after that. It was real strange, because I was outside, then I was in my bed. I woke up and the first thing I see is a bag, tied to my fan, going round and round. Which eventually makes the fan completely stop and ties it up. I'm like, "how the fuck did this get here?!" And apparently, while I was "sleeping", my roommate saw my DASH down my street, with no shoes on. I was like, "that's impossible!" But I doubt anyone could mistake my long hair for someone else's. I'm starting to think.. Where the fuck did I go.. And he said I was talking to myself too. Also, I went on my computer after all this happened and during the come-down, and it was completely changed. The screensavers changed to some trippy, M.C escher type screensavers, that are geometrically impossible, and everytime I restart my computer it turns to a different one. And then I was like WTF IS THIS, and suddenly, my computer's light just turns off. I was like FUCK. And I pressed another button, and it got darker. I had no clue how it happened. Wtf else could it be. This is a fucking weird drug. I checked it, and did everything I could, for a couple days, I lost hope. Then I started getting in a better mind-set, and I felt I made an epiphany by myself, I ran to turn it on.. And it works.. I don't get it.
I'm thinking I didn't dose this right, I need to do more frequent dosing with lower doses.. I'll try it when I get some pure powder. I was just going to get some, cause I had 200 dollars, but I blew it on some stupid shit when I didn't have internet.. Dammit..

Puffer Fish

Well-Known Member
Hadd ... I just wanna tell YOU that YOU ROCK Brother ... !!
Loved this report .... as I was right there ... You took me right in there ... excellent read ... this is why I log on ... !



Well-Known Member
why arent you just extracting it :?
Just pure laziness, honestly.. I'm thinking about just buying a lot of pure DXM soon. I also will be trying multiple DXM+MXE combos.. Very low doses at first, possibly dangerous, but have heard it's intense..

Puffer Fish

Well-Known Member
Fuck ... Hadd .... if this is not a quote for someone right there .... LOL
I could even make an RC T shirt out of YOUR statement ... :)

Doing some combos this wkd ....possibly dangerous, but have heard it's intense..

Best smile TODAY ... Please Do not DIE for a very long TiME !!
It would be boring withOUT YOU !
So do take CARE.



Well-Known Member
Fuck ... Hadd .... if this is not a quote for someone right there .... LOL
I could even make an RC T shirt out of YOUR statement ... :)

Best smile TODAY ... Please Do not DIE for a very long TiME !!
It would be boring withOUT YOU !
So do take CARE.

"If you're not dead, you haven't gone far enough yet." This could imply multiple things. Honestly, I sometimes worry about substance-naive people reading my posts. I should add that to my signature, "Please do not read my posts if you are going to do anything like it or imitate me, it will be likely dangerous for most people, my tolerance and vigor for psychedelics are not normal or close to normal"

But, honestly, I don't really have much inkling of anything too dangerous. I dose according to my objective. I have had a few worrisome drug experiences, but 99% are very physically safe for me, but probably would not be with someone of average tolerance, or not much experience. Might scar them psychologically.

Puffer Fish

Well-Known Member
i KNOW .. that Psychological aspect of it all fascinates ME .... I hope to Know YOU for a very long time ... as a PEEr in Testing !!
