The Great Escape: Sigma Plateau

Ellis Dee

Active Member
I would never attempt anything you have to boldly attempted yourself, quite a feat and excellent write up sir.

All that being said, your way of describing it is so alluring that I am now tempted to retest this material at the 3rd plateau level again.

Something like sigma plateau seems almost toxic in nature, such high doses. I haven't checked the numbers on it so don't quote me on that.

Ellis Dee

Active Member
Just brainstorming for a second and thought that maybe the opioid action of MXE maybe be a contraindication with the use of DXM.

Again don't quote me on that.


Well-Known Member
Just brainstorming for a second and thought that maybe the opioid action of MXE maybe be a contraindication with the use of DXM.

Again don't quote me on that.
Honestly, the one very serious contraindication with DXM is any molecule that raises serotonin to a noticeable degree, such as SSRIs, SNRIs, MAOIs, etc, etc. This is more of an absolute contraindication, which just means under no circumstances would I reccomend mixing DXM with any of these classes of drugs. Now, DXM does have an opioid action also, and can be considered a psychedelic opioid in some circles. MXE would be relatively contraindicated because of this, including massive potentiation because of intersecting fields at various receptors in the brain, most noticeably the NMDA blockade actionby blocking calcium channels and other sources of action.
This is why it would be quite wise to start very low, especially if you are sensitive to these materials, I would say it may be a no-go for these people, and the relative contraindication would not be worth the risk, which is why it's called "relative" instead of absolute.
I would say perhaps 20-25mg rectal of MXE and 300mg DXM would be on par with a 700mg dose of DXM at least, but obviously the qualitative features of this trip would be much different, and this is what I'm interested in. I want to see if it allows for any more introspection, or other phenomena such as Out of Body experiences and astral travel. Luckily, from what I've seen it acts extensiely as a DARI (Dopamine reuptake inhibitor), and any serotonin activity appears to be nil-low. But, because it is such a new drug, this is all conjecture based on experience and pharmacological educational guessing based on empirical evidence. This is extra reason for concern, because as I said it's not too wise to mix serotonergic drugs with DXM, but someone has to find out, and with extreme caution (such as Shulgin displayed in his experiments, and what he did may of been considered "dangerous")
But we would be no where without taking calculated risks. I want to understand the complex and unique pharmacology of these drugs, and personal experience, along with studying formal texts forms the best picture of a drug in my experience. I am making it my goal to categorize and understand these drugs at a level unreached, or just scratched upon the surface (which a few have)


I know this is an old thread but I wanted to document my experience with dxm before I forget, I can barely remember any of it but what little I do remember absolutely amazed me. I have realized that through dissociative I am able to disconnect from my body and I am free but guided by something I cannot understand, but I will try to explain the best I can.
I have done dxm many times before and I have had many spiritual experiences when I was alone because when I'm with friends it seems like I'm taking care of them or we are doing something that will not allow me to truly let go of everything I'm thinking about here and just go through the door, but I have had many opportunities when I've been alone, anyways yesterday night I have never tripped so hard off dxm before.

I started by taking the rest of the 12 tablets of mucinex 60 mg dxm at about 11 30 pm, I had some left over because 2 days ago I had taken 14, and tripped very hard. During that trip I had been in different parts of my house speaking with spirits that I do believe live in my house, they seemed mischeavious but welcoming and were very happy that I could see them and talk to them, I had asked them their names which were not english, but that is another story. Continuing with the trip I had last night, I did not start tripping until about 1 30 am or 2 and I could feel it starting to hit me hard, I was watching people play games on where people can broadcast video games their playing, and I had drum n bass playing in the background as well. I started to fall into a heavy trance, pretty soon I was only able to open one eye, and at one point I felt like something that happened during the broadcast totally knocked me out of the trip and I had to start all over again. I heard a sound blast through my headphones that felt like a bug trying to crawl into my head, there was another person in the stream tripping on mushrooms and I don't know if it was him but I had to pull my headphones off and rub my ear because it felt like an invasion. At the same time I thought something like wow you messed up my trip and the stream suddenly crashed at the same exact moment, so I said to myself ok time to move on and find another channel.

I kept watching video game streams for awhile, the last two I can remember I will briefly explain. I was watching people play day z which is a mod for arma 2, a world war 2 game that is pretty neat, but as soon as I started watching this stream I was falling into a trance and everybody in europe who was playing like probably 20 or 40 people all stopped playing as I was watching, I felt like I was apart of this game but I didn't seem very interested and eventually left. The last game was much more interesting, there was a new patch for a game called star wars the old republic and I saw this guy playing, but my vision zoomed wayyyy into the screen and the graphics were much more vivid and detailed then they actually are. I felt like in some other universe this was going on, or it was how detailed video games might actually be someday, but it was like seeing everything in 4d at once, it was so much more detailed than anything I've ever seen in this world. Anyways I watched this for a little while longer then decided to leave and that's when everything went to the next level.

This is the part of the trip where I had to look up about dxm because I seriously believe it is some sort of key that can access God, because I cannot believe what I experienced. That's when I learned about the different plateaus and stuff, but I went and sat down on my bed and began to travel into the depths of the universe. I was looking in at what I felt was a view everything, every planet and solar system, every galaxy within this universe. It was like I was flying but it was something so much greater than that and I don't think there's anyway to describe it, but I felt whole and not happy but content with everything where I never cared about any of the silly things I think about here on earth. I felt like there was an order, and that God was pleased with me. I also firmly believed in my approval and gratitude for Jesus and recognized him as a brother, and I know he is apart of everything, that I would not want to be greater than my brother but am content with being equal and the thought that I did not want or have any desire to be greater was very pleasing to me.

I kept having these thoughts that I had somehow created the entire reality around me or even the universe before I knew it, or we had all been apart of it but somehow I felt God is Daniel, also I have read that is believed by other people in the world as well... and at the level I was disconnected from my body I was able to comprehend this. I realized all the good and the bad in the world was my doing, I was very sad at myself for the bad but I had a revelation that it was good even though it was painful for all to experience, but that is life and it was made to be in such a way. I felt like I was having a conversation with God, myself and I was not arrogant about it, but it was very natural for me to understand this. So much more occurred, I remember little though but I do remember seeing what looked like the side of a shamans head, an tribal man from africa and said something like "Now you see what I must go through", and I saw the side of his head next to his right temple stretching away and breaking apart into particles, attaching themselves to my left temple in an existential way where they became apart of me. It was healing, and before I started my trip earlier that day I had pain on the side of my head in that area, and afterwards I now have no pain there. I found that to be very odd, as the pain was very noticeable when I touched it but it disappeared after that.

The most amazing part of my trip, is when I got up and went back to my computer chair, sat there for a while listening to music, I don't remember much of it, but then I got up again and walked over to my bed, and I reached up and turned on my lamp that has like 5 bulbs coming out from stems you can rearrange, all different colored light coverings like green, purple, blue, orange and pink, and for some reason I decided to turn on this light and put my eye like through the stems, and when I turned on the light I saw an african american shaman's eye appear on the other side, like he was very happy and pleased with my trip or something like that, just purely excited with everything I was experiencing. Its funny because I smiled back and I thought nothing weird about it at all, but then later on I realized Wow... there was a shaman staring back at me! I felt like he was a great spirit that watched everything like apart of the universe, and then I looked up information on it and people say that they can experience seeing a shaman or THEE Shaman, and I can say that I have also seen him. I am in total shock and I cannot stop thinking about it, craziest experience I have ever had and I have done dxm probably a little over 10 times but this was the most rewarding of them all for some reason, I don't know if the music put me into a deeper meditative state along with it but I was able to completely let go of all my normal thought processes and just "be" but it was not by this worlds standards it was on a universal level. Anyways I just wanted to report this, take care!


Also I would like to note the other common things I noticed like objects were very big and expanded, also words I was looking at were popping out at me like a fish eye but they seemed far closer to me. Also one very interesting thing I noted was as I was sitting down my vision was floating around my body, like dipping down and I was looking through like my chest level, then it would go up and right like over my shoulder, then slightly above my head, then over to the left. I noticed that this was going in a clockwise pattern and this happened to me 2 days ago as well, and I thought at the time my head was falling but it wasn't I sat very still and watched my vision floating around my body as I held my body in place. Almost like we believe we're looking through our eyes but there's something else we're not aware of that we're really looking through like our soul, or I was looking out at everything with my soul. Ok that's everything I wanted to add, thanks, peace!

(I'm waiting for my other post to be approved by a moderator because its a long write up but this are the basic things I was noticing,)