The justice system of St Louis


Well-Known Member
I'm still trying to figure out which quote to pair this with. The one where you tell me you don't care what I notice, or the one where you tell dogger he's being intellectually dishonest.
  • Kick SJWs to the curb. When ordinary people see liberals wasting our time arguing about pronouns, and turning racial and sexual differences into a grievance culture victim badge for every shitty little cry bully to polish with their own tears, Americans correctly reject the notion that that's what America needs. Liberals need to stop with this culture of coddling weakness and get real. We don't need a bunch of emotionally fragile screeching morons. They're an absolute drain on the liberal platform described earlier. Because according to them, creating a good economy and making sure everyone has healthcare and education is not as important as making sure no one is ever offended by anything that anyone ever says at any time.


Well-Known Member
quote me

I grew up here in the Deep South
I have no idea what you expect me to quote. You launched into a diatribe (no pun intended) regarding cop on 1st people crime when the topic was the St Louis cop killing an African American. I'm just pointing out that the only time you brought the subject of the atrocious rate of cop on 1st people crime was when St Louis is up in arms over the killing of a black man.


Well-Known Member
  • Kick SJWs to the curb. When ordinary people see liberals wasting our time arguing about pronouns, and turning racial and sexual differences into a grievance culture victim badge for every shitty little cry bully to polish with their own tears, Americans correctly reject the notion that that's what America needs. Liberals need to stop with this culture of coddling weakness and get real. We don't need a bunch of emotionally fragile screeching morons. They're an absolute drain on the liberal platform described earlier. Because according to them, creating a good economy and making sure everyone has healthcare and education is not as important as making sure no one is ever offended by anything that anyone ever says at any time.

That quote. It was from Rush Limbaugh, right?