the RIGHT to travel


Well-Known Member
you CAN fly without a license, legally in certain aircraft.
right. from what i understand all you need is a certificate and maintain a certain amount of hours in the air, but no license to maintain.
and we have the banksters to thank for all the problems we currently have. it was truly a sad day in 1913 when the fed reserve act was put in place. we've been in a depression ever since.
if we just wake up and stop eating the constant supply of bullshit, we can take this country back. but there's so many that could care less, its mind blowing. so many that dont care about history, so many that dont care about current affairs, so many that dont care period. zombies i tell ya. im at a loss folks. is depopulation really a bad idea? are zombies worth fighting for?


Well-Known Member
I saw Zombieland and some of it does indeed look like a good time.

The whole traveler/driver thing works up in Canada if your a free man on the land, but in the US of A the fight is not worth it. I think there are more than a few people who would like nothing more than a revolution, just so we can get the country back.


Well-Known Member
I read it, but being a little tired today, I will have to read it more closely before I have a formed opinion / comment. Good read though so far.