The Stealth Grow Design Champion

Welcome all tokers,

I recently was pondering the idea of an indoor grow opt design challenge.
You take all the knowledge and creativity of the members here on RIU, and match them with an objective that challenges them to design a grow operation with ABSOLUTE stealth in mind, "The Stealth Grow Design Champion."

The most: creative, original, operational, and professional design will win basically.

We should have an administrator or veteran start something like this and layout all the P's and Q's. If not... Lol whatever im too high to care I thought it was cool.


Well-Known Member
Welcome all tokers,

I recently was pondering the idea of an indoor grow opt design challenge.
You take all the knowledge and creativity of the members here on RIU, and match them with an objective that challenges them to design a grow operation with ABSOLUTE stealth in mind, "The Stealth Grow Design Champion."

The most: creative, original, operational, and professional design will win basically.

We should have an administrator or veteran start something like this and layout all the P's and Q's. If not... Lol whatever im too high to care I thought it was cool.
I already have the most stealth grow check it.............
I picked One big fan over two smaller because i found it easyer to contain the noise using one big fan and a speed controller verse two smaller fans(1 dedicated for light & 1 for exhaust). My Grow is completely stealth in a 2 bedroom apartment..
In my stealth grow I utilize the entire spare bedroom containing everything grow related inside...I cover all walls with sound damping material and put down carpets and moving blankets...I then built a shallow 3" deep wooden box made to fit inside the window frame of the spare bedroom window....The inside of the box(side facing the window) was painted the same color as the room. I then mounted blinds to the inside of the box....I used bambo blinds because it allowed me to mask everything behind it and still let all the air out freely.....I cut a 6" hole in the back of the box near where the window opens so i only had to open the window 6 inches. I then mounted a 6" flange to the hole on the back of the box and ran a 4ft silencer directly from the flange to the 8" fan. The fan is mounted just outside tent but the lip of the fan is INSIDE the tent...I then run Insulted ducking(for added sound dampining)to my 6"aircooled hood with an Insulated Heat shield reflective jacket for added cooling and some sound damping too(not much but some). I Then drapped moving blankets down over the box, cutting the material around the 6" flange as to allow it to lay down flush with the wall..This box is Only 3 inches deep because i used 3" by 1" boards to make one square frame and then cut a very thin piece of partuckle like board for the backing. I used weather tape to seal the gap between the wooden box frame and the inside of the wooden window frame. This keeps exhauted air from creeping back into the room once its been exhausted into the also helps to stop scuffs in the the paint after all this is an apartment and they do have deposts.

From the outside (daytime) all you see is a bedroom window with the lights appearing to be off... In the night time Its just dark and you cant really see anything..This box is light proof no matter how bright inside, it always looks like the lights are off 24/7 from the outside....

I purposesly picked an apartment unit that was on the edge of the property line, I made sure that the spare room was to have a window facing the edge of the lot as not to be in a place where any walking paths or areas or travel would be(no paths no roads no nothing). In my case there is a fence and then a creek. I made sure it was a top floor unit so any hot stinky exhausted air would be let out at its highest point to avoid dedication from other tents and staff..This also helped alot with smell aswell... I could have used the whole room for canopy and put in more lights and fans but i wanted something that was crazy stealthy And i also wanted room to take care of my lady's weather it be watering cleaing trimming all contained in one room.. I wanted to be cheap to run and have good yeilds..When i say cheap i mean effiecent over a long period of time...

This is the most Stealthy cost effective good yielding grow i have every put togeather thus far.... With a 4x4 space and 1 light, 1 fan and zero detection.. Im able to yeild on my last cycle 1.5 lbs in a 3 month cycle... And im track to improve that number... I have had maintaince over many times to fix things unrelated to the spare bedroom and they have never suspected a thing.. Anyting needing to be fixed inside that room is eather fixed by me or not fixed(baring somthing hazardus of course) ive had cable guy here many times too....

benjamin alexander

Active Member
not sure if thats what is meant by 'stealth' in this instance, true from the outside of the room its stealth but if someone opens the door?
my idea of stealth is having my mum sit right next to my set up and have NO IDEA its even there, a door can be opened, a cupboard can be opened, even if locked can be sus, pc cases are pretty cool but what if some bastard tries to turn it on?
personally i have a lil cabinet put together to fit right in where it is, mums walked right past it when she's over with no idea but if she opened it... lol
im putting a false wall up in my shed with all my tool cabinets and benches along it with a pre-fab pegboard that i modded so now there is a specific peg you push in to open the panel, there's your door! no one will ever EVER find it, guaranteed, light, sound and smell proof and i am the only one who knows it even exists!
that's my idea of stealth at least.


Well-Known Member
I love the idea, they have shot glass and party cup growoffs, i like the stealth cab grow off.

I will enter my own. nothing special. It is a large speaker. It has working sound output, no light leaks, no sound, keeps 3 cfls at 80 or so. negative pressure across the plants keep fresh air to them at all times. Not in yet, but has provisions for a carbon filter, atm its use is for seedlings.

If it were a fun competition, i would have to create a new competitor :)

benjamin alexander

Active Member
ill def be entwring, if enough interest is shown and some solid rules are laid down ill even create something from scratch, i have a very close friend who struggles to grow his own medicine and was going to build him a little cabinet anyway, now itll be fun :P
best stealth ive ever seen? 50 inch rear projection tv that had been gutted, panelled and grew two plants quite easily with a 600w hps, carbon scrubber etc etc the whole hog, completely self contained but here's the coolest bit, guy had mounted a lcd panel where the old screen was, looked completely factory and the bloody thing was in his loungeroom! i was there 5 times before he told me where it was, id tried to spot it while i was there too, completely fooled me! doubt it would meet the budget tho...

john pickle

Active Member
I already have the most stealth grow check it.............
I picked One big fan over two smaller because i found it easyer to contain the noise using one big fan and a speed controller verse two smaller fans(1 dedicated for light & 1 for exhaust). My Grow is completely stealth in a 2 bedroom apartment..
In my stealth grow I utilize the entire spare bedroom containing everything grow related inside...I cover all walls with sound damping material and put down carpets and moving blankets...I then built a shallow 3" deep wooden box made to fit inside the window frame of the spare bedroom window....The inside of the box(side facing the window) was painted the same color as the room. I then mounted blinds to the inside of the box....I used bambo blinds because it allowed me to mask everything behind it and still let all the air out freely.....I cut a 6" hole in the back of the box near where the window opens so i only had to open the window 6 inches. I then mounted a 6" flange to the hole on the back of the box and ran a 4ft silencer directly from the flange to the 8" fan. The fan is mounted just outside tent but the lip of the fan is INSIDE the tent...I then run Insulted ducking(for added sound dampining)to my 6"aircooled hood with an Insulated Heat shield reflective jacket for added cooling and some sound damping too(not much but some). I Then drapped moving blankets down over the box, cutting the material around the 6" flange as to allow it to lay down flush with the wall..This box is Only 3 inches deep because i used 3" by 1" boards to make one square frame and then cut a very thin piece of partuckle like board for the backing. I used weather tape to seal the gap between the wooden box frame and the inside of the wooden window frame. This keeps exhauted air from creeping back into the room once its been exhausted into the also helps to stop scuffs in the the paint after all this is an apartment and they do have deposts.

From the outside (daytime) all you see is a bedroom window with the lights appearing to be off... In the night time Its just dark and you cant really see anything..This box is light proof no matter how bright inside, it always looks like the lights are off 24/7 from the outside....

I purposesly picked an apartment unit that was on the edge of the property line, I made sure that the spare room was to have a window facing the edge of the lot as not to be in a place where any walking paths or areas or travel would be(no paths no roads no nothing). In my case there is a fence and then a creek. I made sure it was a top floor unit so any hot stinky exhausted air would be let out at its highest point to avoid dedication from other tents and staff..This also helped alot with smell aswell... I could have used the whole room for canopy and put in more lights and fans but i wanted something that was crazy stealthy And i also wanted room to take care of my lady's weather it be watering cleaing trimming all contained in one room.. I wanted to be cheap to run and have good yeilds..When i say cheap i mean effiecent over a long period of time...

This is the most Stealthy cost effective good yielding grow i have every put togeather thus far.... With a 4x4 space and 1 light, 1 fan and zero detection.. Im able to yeild on my last cycle 1.5 lbs in a 3 month cycle... And im track to improve that number... I have had maintaince over many times to fix things unrelated to the spare bedroom and they have never suspected a thing.. Anyting needing to be fixed inside that room is eather fixed by me or not fixed(baring somthing hazardus of course) ive had cable guy here many times too....

yeah that is cool and all but obvsly not what the op was talking about...

on another note..

this is a very very good idea.

I actually made a space outta my kicker subwoofer box once :P

i reverse mounted the subs so the faces are facing in etcetc...

but... its not exactly too stealthy on account of the cords coming out of it...


Active Member
Okay, so i think i have the stealthiest grow spot. i have a pc box i use for my mouse pad which is covered by a blanket. then my computer is located behind my tv and amp and a blanket comes down in front of my tv and amp from my bunk bed i use as a shelf to my floor. So if they walk in, they just assume my computer is running if they hear the fans. Its outta sight so its outta mind.

benjamin alexander

Active Member
thats pretty cool but i think youd be up agains quite a few competitors there, seeing as how you can buy them made off ebay... and 'creative and origional' were two of the origional judging criteria, not trying to be a downer but i think there needs to be some hard and fast rules for this... ill think up some for suggestion, i am no expert on mj but i am on stealth... lol


Well-Known Member
Haha i have been thinking of this more and more. Lets get it done. I am in for it for sure. Soo lets say small grow cab? Should there be a set cubic feet maximum? I think that might help keep out the people with a bookcase entrance into a full sealed grow room, not that it's not cool or a great feat, its just not typically associated with the term stealth. Maybe stealth can describe a grow box that the casual observer would not notice, even if they are somewhat suspicious. PC grows are a great example, but there are other options out there.

The TV from above is EXACTLY what popped into my mind when this was mentioned.

I have one great idea i want to do(and may do anyway) to enter. Not very practical in terms of production, but fun and (i think) clever.

benjamin alexander

Active Member
i agree, hmm not sure about how big, how bout keep it under 5x5x5? 15 cube foot? enough to grow two decent sized plants, about the general sized stealth cabinet i think.
is the budget just for the box or for equipment too? i'd say $500 for the box complete minus lights? this would include fans, odor control etc, dont think it would be fair to include lights in price as a similar l.e.d array can vary from $250-$2000 and the grows shouldnt be restricted with light choices.
what you think?


Well-Known Member
I wouldn't be concerned about price too much, creativity could still win with an original design.

5x5x5 would be a bit big. That is pretty much a real grow room. My current grow space is 3x4x6. Also 5x5x5 is 125 cubic feet. i was thinking under 20 cu/ft.

Speaker boxes, pc boxes, dressers, mini fridges, etc etc.

benjamin alexander

Active Member
hmmm the whole imperial thing still throws me a bit, i was more thinking 1.5 metres wide, 1 metre deep, 1.8 metres high? hmm categories maybe? micro, mini, regular? no ROOMS though
okay sorry guys i havent been able to make it to my pc due to finals... all over with now... ya im interested i wanted to see from the outside world stealth grows... picctures are great and idk if i should be the one to run the thread considering my activeness on the site the idea just interested me... maybe an administrator would be good for the job?
