The truth about Ronald Reagan


Active Member
Let's just call a turd a turd. Reagan was a lying neocon authoritarian corporatist turd. I don't know why right wingers love Reagan, I guess rewriting history is more important than truth.

Reagan funded the Mujaheddin and Osama Bin Laden, later known as the TALIBAN- We were told these people were wonderful freedom fighters, remember?

Raised Taxes 11 times. While governor of Cali he put into place the largest tax hike in history and lied to the people about how he was against raising taxes at every turn.

Reagan tripled the federal budget deficit.

Negotiated with known terrorists

After 241 U.S. military were killed in Lebanon he turned tail and ran.

Gave amnesty to 3,000,000 illegals. Funny how conservative history never mentions this fact.

Reagan started the "War on Drugs" basically a war against the American people, increasing the prison rate by 700%

Reagan grew the authoritarian arm of government by drastically decreasing freedoms making the FBI and CIA America's Gestapo. All the while preaching "personal freedom"

Described John F Kennedy as "new Karl Marx" and his idea's about how government needs to be "big brother"

Reagan was the GE spokesman, GE's candidate and adopted GE's "conservative" ideology, wonder how much GE made in the "arm's race"

The communism hating fake cowboy who lies to his drooling masses....


New Member
the guy that followed him was just as Bad
Bush Raised taxes
Raised the debt
Created a war With iraq By telling them it was ok to invade kuwait
Introduced Crack Cocaine to the USA
Dealt Arms with south american and Middle eastern Countries
And Spawned that Dickhead that was President from 2000-2008