thelittletruck's first grow - 3 WW IN SOIL w/ CFLS


Well-Known Member
DAY 3 of 12/12

No water today, re-rigged my light setup so that lights are much closer to the plants. Lights and fans go on and off at 10 am / 10 pm everyday.

The plants are lookin good. Still slightly droopy, but overall much perkier -> they look much bigger as a result.

Notice the temp guage in the pics -> my temperatures fall to about 70 during the night. During they day, they stay around 80.

I have 2 fans running on the timers, 1 oscillating fan at plant level that keeps fresh air running over the plants and cools the bulbs, while the other is higher up and blows hot air out of the closet.

I also have my carbon scrubber fixed up to the timer. Seems to be working alright because I don't smell it as much.

plants 1,1,2,3,3,all plants



New Member
hi littletruck, they are taking shape now mate and looking good. your temps are fine but you dont want to go too much higher. keep it up.



Well-Known Member
Naw, earlier in there were a few points where I reached like 95 F and had overall higher ambient temps. And it was obvious that they were affected -> their leaves were so wilted they were lying on the soil.

They are now doing fine and are not droopy, and my daytime temps are at a steady 80 F. I think it had to do w/ overwatering. I am making them wait longer and longer for water now and I believe this has had some benefits.

THX for posts! It's been some time since i got some feedback. Sounds silly, but havin you guys pop in and pat me on the back really boosts my confidence. So, Thanks!


Well-Known Member
DAY 4 of 12/12

Today I had to leave before the lights went on, which means I had to open the closet and let in some ambient light 1 hour before they had a full 12 hours of darkness. They were scheduled at 10AM ON / 10PM OFF. I don't think this is too big of a deal, but I am switching my time to 9AM ON / 9PM OFF tonight. This is how I should have programmed it in the beginning, but I just didn't think it through.

Anyway, no water today, but I am going to give them some water tomorrow. Every now and then I give them a good mist.

Last night I noticed plant 3 was tilting. And, like plant 2 had, it has a fucked up stem just below the surface of the soil that bends like a horizontal S before going back into the soil. To fix, I placed too small stones, 1 over the bent section to hold the plant down, and 1 on the other side to help prop it up. So, we'll see what happens. I must not have planted my seeds correctly, because 2/3 had those fucked up stems.

Plant 1 is beautiful. The leaves have perked up and it looks amazing. Of course, I hope its a female :D. But I'm trying not to get my hopes up. We'll just see what happens. Hopefully I'll get some good bud to smoke in the end.

Anyway, PICS!
Plant 1 is leaning a bit, but I am rotating the pots daily now.
Plants 1,1,1,1,2,3,3,group photo,setup w/ oscillating fan


warm n fuzzy

Active Member
lil truck you're babies look awesome keep up the good work. Are you giving them any nutes? They look they're on roids man :hump:

Warm n fuzzy~


Well-Known Member
NICE! Thanks! I'd take credit but the truth is I've just got them in plain ole miracle gro w/ time release fertilizer =p. Haha

Thx for stoppin by


Well-Known Member
Get rid of that just looks silly, and besides it creates hotspots than can reach up to over 100 degrees. The white walls will work fine...


Well-Known Member
great looking grow, just read it all haha

really great to see you documenting every day, makes it like i check with you

i will be doing the same thing with my white rhino as soon as they sprout, hopefully tonight/tomorrow.... I get so anxious right before they sprout


Well-Known Member
Hey Littletruck! just figured i'd say i hate you.. your seedling growth makes me jealous hehe i dunno if its my seeds or what (no namers) but they grow so damn slow and from what i've read of your temps we're similar i was using t8 32 watt 4 foot 2 bulb fixtures (2850 lumen per bulb) but i now use a 150 watt hps and 4 x 15 watt 16 inch tube fluorescents temps at 80, and your seems to be growing faster! good job!

My grow



Well-Known Member
DAY 7 of 12/12

Sorry, haven't updated in a few days. Busy week.

So 2 days ago, I watered each plant with 5 cups of water. They've just been chuggin along.

I replaced one of the 23 watt full spectrum bulbs with another 40 watt bulb.

They got a little heat stressed yesterday, but they're doing fine.

Notice the stones supporting plant 3.
And plant 2 seems to have stopped growing straight up and is now growing sideways. Lol. cool!

Plants 1,1,1,2,2,3,3,group shot



Well-Known Member
DAY 8 of 12/12


No water today.

Some more lights! 307 CFL watts over those plants.

Temps sometimes get up to 85, but on weekends i can leave my room open to get better airflow and keep temps down. Also, i put a bucket of ice in front of the fan to blow cold air over the plants.

PICS: 1,1,2,2,3,3,group shot



Well-Known Member
great journal bro.. im interested to see the results. i started my bb's under CFL.. just put them into flower about 12 days ago under a HPS 430.. i vegged mine for alot longer than you tho.. lookin nice buddy..


Well-Known Member
Still looking gooood. How many lights do you have total on all your plants? Are those Can reflectors worth doing?


Well-Known Member
Thanks dudes.

I believe i have like 9/10 lights (there are a few you can't see to the left). 4 40 watt clfs, and the rest 26/23 watts.

I think the can reflectors do their job. I mean, all they do is reflect light that would be wasted back onto the plants. I saw it in someone's grow journal or something somewhere and i sounded like a bomb idea so i did it. In fact, i'd have more up if i had more cans. lol.


Well-Known Member
They look like they would do a good job, the reason why i ask is because i was wondering if that would create hot spots and burn the plants since its directing the light so much? Or am I wrong on that, haha.