thelittletruck's first grow - 3 WW IN SOIL w/ CFLS


Well-Known Member
DAY 21 of 12/12

Here we are after a week.

The plants are short and bushy. The male I took outside and has grown vertically much more (in part because it has to stretch for sunlight).

Anyway, the buds are swelling daily. :D
Look so damn cool.

I watered them a half gallon each of pH 6.5 water on monday the 17th (i believe my pH was a bit fucked before... my pH reader was wrong the whole time!)

Anyway, they're lookin good. Pretty damn exciting :D :leaf:

I'm hoping to use the male to make some hash or butter or something. So, I'm gonna just keep growing it until the females are done, then i'm gonna strip it down and do it.


plants 1,1,1,1,3,3,3,2,2



Well-Known Member
Day 23 of 12/12

Hello again
Tonight I am going to water them a half gallon each.
Tomorrow I am leaving for a week. What else to do? Hope they survive :D
I am going to raise the lights an inch or two to make sure they don't burn or anything.
My plants don't seem to be growing anymore, just filling out.

plants 1,1,2,2,group shot



Well-Known Member
little truck very nice work so far ..i hope they make it....y dont u put a 100 watt bulb in those sockets i think a 3 pack is 12$


Well-Known Member
Unfortunately, no, nobody is watching my plants =/. But it really is automated. I mean, lights on / off, and they've got water. Not much I have to do. Hopefully everything works out fine. It's spring break and I went home to smoke w/ my buddies. We're also gonna shroom on friday. :D :D :D

And, I've only found those 40 watt (150 watt replacement) cfl bulbs, haven't found anything higher. Otherwise I'd get a pack :D. Did you get yours online? Are they worth it?

Thanks for the comments!



Well-Known Member
mornin little truck...i found mine at home depot 100 watt flourescnt bulbs in 3 pack i am not positive but i think like 12-14$ for 3 pack oh and they are real fragile be careful good luck little truck


Well-Known Member
You might have some minor problems leaving them for a week, but you should be fine. I left mine just for a week and mine was drooping, but a little water should bring itback


Well-Known Member
Sweet. I'm not too worried.

Gonna be shroomin in a few hours.
I wish you all a pleasant and most rejuvinating spring break.



Well-Known Member
i think i am wrong about 100 watt light ... it said 100 watt on packaging but i think these are 23 watt... hope your plANTS are in decent shape when ya get back...later littletruck


Well-Known Member
Ah, those are 100 watt standard bulb replacements (23 Watt cfl bulbs).

DAY 31 of 12/12

Hello everyone.
My plants have problems.
Please observe the pictures below.

Any suggestions?
Is this a pH problem? They were mean n green before I left, but now the stems and branches are very very purple, and the remaining green seems to be slowly diminishing. I know towards the end of flowering, plants consume their own leaves, but I am only 4 weeks into flowering. The bottommost leaves have dried and crumbled.

Plant 1 is a much lighter / yellower shade of green than plant 3, which is a dark lush green. Any ideas on what could cause this difference? They live in the same closet and are watered the same water.

Today, I watered each w/ 6 cups of pH 6.2 water.
I re-arranged the lights to get those lower buds some more light.

All suggestions, comments, etc... are greatly appreciated!
I haven't given up yet!

Thank you all for your time and help thus far!

Plants 1,1,1,1,3,3,3,3



Well-Known Member
So many things were fucked up. Lol...
I figured out that my soil was super basic, even though it tested in at neutral when i first started. So i've been feeding them very acidic water, and they've grown quite a bit since. They were in a sort of plant coma for a while.


Well-Known Member
holy feck that is pretty. did you slower though with cfl too? what spectrum did you use?


Active Member
Hey im going to my best to copy this. thanks so much for this shit. Pics are sick. did these plants smell really strong.