Tired of hearing.... What can you do for me as a Caregiver!


Well-Known Member
Seems as though you are attacking people like me with your current rant. There is no reason for you to wanna call me out, People like me are needed. So before you go throwing out all them words of which almost looks like intelect down the drain make sure you know what the fuck you are saying before you say it. Remember opinions in america vary greatley and yours is starting to get old. How dare you shun mother fuckers that wanna make a better world.

You must be some kinda whack job,or an moron,either way your acting like a complete fucking idiot,you say i "attacked" you,listen up here Mr hurt feelings i dont even know you nor do i know your ideals but..................

Yeah the big but,if your ideals dont match mine then too damm bad for you,ive said nothing to you personally yet you put me on blast ?

You show me where i attacked anybody for making the world a better place,you know how to use the quote function,in the next post put up proof where i attacked you.

Its easy to demonize me beacuse i own a co-op & we all know all clubs are evil but you dont know me.

You say "how dare you" to me for voicing my opinion, which is that most people who have med cards are fakers,state stats show that the lions share of med card holders in mich are white males under 30 years old,so how dare me question the brain function of anybody who supplys those card holders free meds.

Well i say how dare you right back at you,i spend my day every single day giving care for a person who is dying from one of the REAL QUALIFYING ILLNESSES for a med card,on top of that we donate free grow classes,free clones,free meds & all put in writing on this site,as well as discounted meds at the club to ALL WHO CAN SUPPLY PROOF OF A QUALIFYING DISEASE,I give away more than many growers make in a year so how the fuk dare you degrade me.

The only thing ive ever posted deragatory about anybody was the whiney asses who think EVERYBODY should smoke for free just because they slipped under the radar & got a card,then try to cram their ideals down others throats,this shit's a business & the truth be known is that most people who call pot "my meds" are some faking ass mother fuckers who i chose not to supply for free.

If you chose to supply for free soley beacuse a person has a card then your a fool as well,i will continue to profit all i can from anybody who has a med card simply because they fell through the cracks in the system.

You sanctamonious ass,If anybody's opinion is getting old its whiney asses who think every cardholder who chooses to be a "patient" should smoke free of charge, when in reality most "patients" are faker fucks who beat the system by lying to start with.

I choose to help those who are not only in need but those who truly deserve a med card to start with,all the other " patients" who dont fit my cryteria of what a patient truly is will pay & i will profit as much as possible.

Dont like it then too bad for you,i never attacked you once.


Well-Known Member
Ain't that something? I try to help and am also attacked! WTF is this? bout done with this riu you guys can have it. I have met to few a good people and you guys are just plain fucking weird. You mother fuckers go make a cult somewhere and have fun.

I used to like ya metropolis even tried to stick up for ya when you were deemed a fucking cop but now I give you the ability to suck on the snotty end of my fuck stick you rotten son of a bitch.
What, you can lash the fuck out at me for no good god dammed reason & be cool with yourself for doing it,then when another member lashes out at you ( very lightly ) you get all pouty ass,throw a hissy fit,freak directly the fuck out,cast foul obscenities at him as well as homosexual aspursions telling him to suck your snotty cock.

Are you 10 years old or something,stop taking your meds,mildly retarted ,got blue balls,dropped on your head as a baby,poor brain function,recently divorced ,water head baby,something,i mean wtf is the deal with you anyway ?

There's something bad wrong with the way you think.


Well-Known Member
Not once have I ever said that what I do and how I take care of and will take care of the people, that I supply meds to is the only path to take. I am by no means going to ever tell anyone that you should not charge for meds! I think you growers should make money off your labor and love and materials.

This is about getting meds to people at a very reasonable rate. We as a community should be able to prosper and grow. But what I see is a lot of dubble dipping going on in MI. Many caregivers sell overages to a dispensary for a more then fair price as the price clearly is reflected on those little white boards with prices on it. Then the same caregiver goes and gives 1 ounce of shit away for free and then charges 150 -200 bucks for the next ounce to get em threw the month.

You have the type that has no idea what the hell they are doing in the first place! To start growing marijuana out of some sort of bubbling mechanism before they learn how to grow in dirt? That throws off alot of shit when people think like that. To learn to vote before you learn how to think. To run before walk,is the way of you new age growers and I am happy as hell the ways and thoughts of the old were learnt by me before they were lost because of people like most of you shinning stars. These type usually begin threads with the words "Help I fucked up" To grow in a hydroponic system before you learn the basics of a plant is pure genius and shows your personality immediatley to me and others like me.

There is the type that has gone to school for 12 years to learn how to tell what a fan leaf is. Yes how smart they seem but they only know what they have been taught and their imaginations are limited took lots of time and money to get them to learn big words which could have been solved with simple 1 syllable sounds?. Too much time in a book and you loose reality and common sense. These are the ones that usually lead us because there daddies money has made it that way. They are also prone to making thing much harder then they need to be.

There are those like me that cannot spell worth a shit and love the freedom just to grow the plant in which has been had to be grown in hiding for oh so long. I will pay anyman for my freedom.

There are all types of breeds, so many that I could right a book about most of them. This is why we have what we have in these threads. We all see something diffrent when looking at the paint blob. Does not mean one man is right and one is wrong it means that ying and yang, positive and negative, black and white exist in this world. I will not say that,that is a bad thing either. You cannot have a truth if there is no lie.


Well-Known Member
Perhaps you are meerly growing them wrong metropolis? You should not need bubblers and all that other shit. I have never had what you call a bubbler.lol

Perhaps HITIMES and marketing just got to your ass?

Low Overhead is the trick my friend. You can grow cheap and grow DANK. I do not care what 500,000,000,000,000 people may say. I have seen what I have seen with my own 2 eyes so forget em.

You chose one religion correct? outta all them other people that have chose another you have chose yours. It is not what they know that concerns you is it? It is what you have seen yourself.
And after that speach where you talk down to him,belittle him,accuse him of being commercially brainwashed,make fun of his chosen grow method then laugh & play ignorant to his growing unit,after all that bullshit you spewed at him you have the audacity
to act like he victimized you,are you fuking kidding me,how dare you play the innocent.

Maybe hightimes got to your ass = insult.

What you call a bubbler,lol = insult.

Perhaps you are growing them wrong = insult.

Then after all the insults & condesending bullshit you throw some deep shit at him to end the thread with,like your little rant on relegion is gonna snap him out out of his selfish ways.

In real life you might be one cool ass dude but in this thread you've been an overbearing ass from your very 1st insult filled post.

I cant get past you acting as if you were victimized or slandered by metropolis,or myself for that matter,all metropolis was doing was defending himself from the bullshit you threw at him 1st ,& i never even said so much as hello to you but you say we are the ones who need to go form a cult,go figgure.

Whatever kind of high horse your riding around rollitup on we dont care,your ideals dont give you the right to trash members that have done nothing to you.


Well-Known Member
Ain't that something? I try to help and am also attacked! WTF is this? bout done with this riu you guys can have it. I have met to few a good people and you guys are just plain fucking weird. You mother fuckers go make a cult somewhere and have fun. (waaaa i got my feelings hurt MOMMMMYYYYY!!!!!)

I used to like ya metropolis even tried to stick up for ya when you were deemed a fucking cop but now I give you the ability to suck on the snotty end of my fuck stick you rotten son of a bitch.
LOL cya dont let the door hit ya on the way out. Or do lol whatever il laugh at u either way ;)


Well-Known Member
It seems you got caught up in the rush to get patients that alot of growers went through,now all the patients have been told by other growers they should get more for free,mainly by growers trying to get patients,or from internet users screaming that caregivers should give meds for no charge out of kindness.

If your meds are top flight & you trash your current business model you can do swell,ya just have to outhink every fly by night caregiver offering the world for free,it really isnt too hard.

There I copied what you have stated and you know what I do not wanna nit pick threw the son of a bitch. You gotta remember man this is what I do. I give pot away for free, I grow so much fucking pot I throw the shit away somethimes so whatever. You wanna stereotype my kind it seems as worthless. I will tell you your sob story is shared by many so I feel nothing for your situation.

I would also like to clarify one thing and that would be the statements made of me whining, I never whine. I will however not be detoured by any of your phychology efforts to make me feel quilty about what I have said and what I do... as you have stated my head is cracked and they will not work on me.

There is no doubt that you may be a good grower and it seems like you are maybe a descent man. However I will not let you tell people or let you lead them into believeing that we that give pot away are nothing. That is what this is about and that is what it was only about. We can drag this shit on all day and next week and what will it accomplish?

I picked on your kind you have picked on me. Let us get along before it is to late. We both know we will never meet each other so why do we bother calling names. I agree I instigated it kinda but you can't just go around cutting everyone that is not like you down.

I can outgrow you as well and seeing as this is a marijuana forum I will be bowing down to no one here, besides maybe fdd2blk because I have seen his plants. This may be diffrent for you if it were an educational video on how to cross the street but it is not it is a pot forum. --- p.s. I threw this last paragraph in because we were not equal on the hacks. We are squared now if you chose to quit pickin on each other we can but it is your call.


Well-Known Member
It ain't above me to get this thread locked. Unlike many of you I do not share the same fears of needing social embrace.lol This is waaay too fun!


Well-Known Member
Well, this was interesting... I just wanted to say, I can outgrow all of you, blindfolded, hands tied behind my back, shoelaces tied together, with 2 broken cfl's and a bucket of cat shit. :D Probably not really tho.


Well-Known Member
Well, this was interesting... I just wanted to say, I can outgrow all of you, blindfolded, hands tied behind my back, shoelaces tied together, with 2 broken cfl's and a bucket of cat shit. :D Probably not really tho.
You probly can, you never know who is behind the username. I would not put it past ya.


Well-Known Member
You probly can, you never know who is behind the username. I would not put it past ya.
lol it's just genetics... I have never tried to compete, just try to end up with something that makes you say "damn that's tasty" and then "damn I'm high!".


Well-Known Member
damn this is the kinda thread i wish i had a fat joint to smoke and read..people arguing over the internet <-- lol


Well-Known Member
Believe it or not if you are new to this area of the thread us MI guys have it out about once every 2 weeks. You see there is only so much we can do online so we get kinda bored here sometimes. My what a great time we would all have if we got together in the real world.

Fact is that this is such a small place and marijuana has been discussed to a bloody pulp and we need new things to stimulate each other? I do know that the enviroment we are left with in this virtul world only allows for so much in the area of so many things. The enviroment is key to many things, for example. Do you think panhead and I would have been so short with each other if we were talking muich like we were here but on a hiking expedition instead? I do not think we would have. I think the conversation could have been fun and insightfull! But what does it matter because we had it in a small place in a corner of virtual reality.

I know I disappoint alot of people with my mouth sometimes and can still hang my head high for some reason even after the fact. I do wanna apologize to the med community though because alot of you were not brought up like me and consider the word cunt to be a sin even though I could say it a 100 times and give 2 shits less. So I am sorry as I feel as though many that do read threw these threads may be offended by how I go about things here.

In my defense I will say this.... I know these boys. I do not know there names or their faces but I know them enough to talk to them the way I do. We are from the same world but of diffrent eggs, many of these posters and I. I know what they can take and I know what it takes to speak with them. So I will continue to pass my time here on RIU until the moderators delete me " which I thought they would have done a year ago" or until I feel like there is nothing more for me to do here.

But yea sorry to all the very religious and those of tender hearts when I have to share my opinion in a harsh manner. I do MI no good when I speak to the others in a ugly way...or do I.

I still think you are growing the marijuana too expesively metropolis and would like to recommend dirt and a light to start. There is no reason for your patients to have to pay for your mistakes.


Well-Known Member
I thought Metropolis sold all his plants a while back? I kind of had him deemed as a narc or something myself... Selling plants one minute, then needing to score a zip the next, now he has spider mites... I guess it was the way it all went down, just gave me the wrong vibe. Sucks that we passed a law and made it legal and still fucking worry about narcs lol. Old Skool I guess.


Active Member
caregiving shouldnt be in a form of a contract, for god sakes..they are "patients" not just a notch for us to collect money off of and stick them with the grow bill. a GOOD caregiver doesnt ask these things of a patient, in the end..the caregiver will make ends meet after a few crops, im a caregiver, and i give my patient(s) free half ounces if they are in dire need of meds and dont exactly have the cash to buy them, it takes a genuine heart and COMPASSION to be a garegiver, ive heard many people complain about bad caregiving, some people use it as a front to make money and nothing else....a legal black market so to speak. if your gonna supply patients, have a heart. and show you care for your patients, or theyll just end up finding someone else that suits there needs, leaving you with extra plants that youll have to destroy, or get a new patient QUICK.


Well-Known Member
People shouldn't really charge "patients" ACTUAL SICK PATIENTS, any more then it costs to run the op. You should be able to cover your expenses but you are supposed to be CARE GIVING.... Keep it reasonable. $300 a zip is NOT reasonable. I hear people acting like $10 a gram is such a good deal...That's still $280 an ounce!! That is bullshit pricing in my book. $80 fucking dollars a quarter to some sick person who can't work and can't afford shit... WTF! Greedy bastards!

I honestly wouldn't charge more than $150 but that's me and I'd probably give them the rest free after I knew costs were covered. I would however, cover costs before I was giving it away, except on a emergency basis.. You shouldn't expect one patient to cover the cost of an operation capable of growing 72 plants either..

I'd feel a little different if someone I knew had went to a card mill and just wanted a legal card for weed... They'd be paying.. no mercy.
alot of probably's and wouldnt's in that statement which leads me to believe that you are not a caregiver, correct?
easy to think of what you would do until you actually get the plants growing and have to deal with the overhead, heat, and other problems.


Well-Known Member
alot of probably's and wouldnt's in that statement which leads me to believe that you are not a caregiver, correct?
easy to think of what you would do until you actually get the plants growing and have to deal with the overhead, heat, and other problems.
No I'm not a caregiver but I do know what I am capable of. If I was charging people $80 a quarter I'd be making serious bank. I've never paid that much for weed my whole life and I would feel like a theif trying to charge someone that much.

You need to change methods if you can't cover your costs at a much more reasonable rate to your patients. Kind of like the guy that invested $17000 in grow equipment to become a caregive.. lmao.. He probably wants $200 a quarter huh?