

Crnt really see your problem.. Its posted in the "Newbie Central" Obviously iv never grown MJ before and its my 1st time, Im not gonna go out and spend £300-400 on a setup am i? Obv im gonna use what i have, I just asked a question about a brown mark on my leaf no need to be a complete cock about it all..


Active Member
well see im a newbie and i didnt even catch the 11 watt thing as being a funny question:) this is just one of many ive seen before so i just had to ask. Because i thought it was a serious question then i saw you said he was trolling so i was confused. just wondering if before you call someone a troll in the newbie section you check and see if they are serious newbie because id hate to be called a troll for asking what some may consider a dumb question....... :) TY just my opinion
Not at all, if you noticed the emoticons, you will see that I answered his question with absolutely no ill intent whatsoever. I even joked around with him and gave him a serious, well-thought out response. Problem is, uninformed people equate trolling with being BAD much like they are conditioned to believe pot is bad, and I'm still not convinced he isn't trolling :)


Active Member
Crnt really see your problem.. Its posted in the "Newbie Central" Obviously iv never grown MJ before and its my 1st time, Im not gonna go out and spend £300-400 on a setup am i? Obv im gonna use what i have, I just asked a question about a brown mark on my leaf no need to be a complete cock about it all..
Dude, click the link in my post... <--link

Posted in newbie central, troll post, laughter ensued.


Active Member
Tbh even i laughed at that hahaha! But i was just a bit concerned about the little brown mark on my leaf! I cba with it dieing or w.e haha
No problem man!!! all smiles here bro, just add some more light to your setup and you'll be alright :)


Active Member
ya know this has brought new light to what ive read and what i am reading i really thought this was serious discussion board. i never knew there was misleading posts to make people try to grow wrong or hurt their plants, i am really glad i made this post and got the anwsers ive gotten. Xcon i love a good joke as much as anyone but maybe not in the newbie part because i personally and i assume other true newbies dont know the difference yet. i did see the serious anwser thats why i was even more confused, (was it good advice or was it trolling?) boy u have me confused now :)


Active Member
ya know this has brought new light to what ive read and what i am reading i really thought this was serious discussion board. i never knew there was misleading posts to make people try to grow wrong or hurt their plants, i am really glad i made this post and got the anwsers ive gotten. Xcon i love a good joke as much as anyone but maybe not in the newbie part because i personally and i assume other true newbies dont know the difference yet. i did see the serious anwser thats why i was even more confused, (was it good advice or was it trolling?) boy u have me confused now :)
Whoa, you've made some serious accusations here... I have NEVER mislead anybody and I take serious offense at the implication. Calling you out right now, find one post in my history that has mislead anybody. :finger:

Obvious to me you DON'T know the fucking difference, and I'll thank you for never responding to me again. 287 posts on this board and not a single one of them can be construed as misleading.


Active Member
reading your is this weed post should i smoke it? replies saying ys somke it dry it cure it etc not saying your post personally said to do misleading things but it has opened my eyes to this!~!!
now as for your fuck you........ where do you get the right to talk to a woman that way do you kiss your mama with that mouth? i am being verry serious and have only left serious anwsers. also I HAVE NEVER SAID ANYTHING DEROGOTORY TO YOU OR ANYONE ELSE TO DESERVE A FUCK U!!!! dont like my post dont read it...... other than that hagd


Active Member
reading your is this weed post should i smoke it? replies saying ys somke it dry it cure it etc not saying your post personally said to do misleading things but it has opened my eyes to this!~!!
now as for your fuck you........ where do you get the right to talk to a woman that way do you kiss your mama with that mouth? i am being verry serious and have only left serious anwsers. also I HAVE NEVER SAID ANYTHING DEROGOTORY TO YOU OR ANYONE ELSE TO DESERVE A FUCK U!!!! dont like my post dont read it...... other than that hagd
LOL, I never said fuck you.... :finger:

Maine Buds

Well-Known Member
WOW see how easy it is to troll and upset a whole community of people.( not saying that the person who posted the question was trolling) humans are animals of emotion and instinct it is very easy to get someone upset by just a few flick of your finger. i actually had to laugh a few time while reading this thread. funny funny!! I thought stonner were care free people. someone need to sit back and toke one!!


Active Member
WOW see how easy it is to troll and upset a whole community of people.( not saying that the person who posted the question was trolling) humans are animals of emotion and instinct it is very easy to get someone upset by just a few flick of your finger. i actually had to laugh a few time while reading this thread. funny funny!! I thought stonner were care free people. someone need to sit back and toke one!!
ya know whats funny is i was thinking the same thing a few minutes ago except obviously i wasnt the troll but i was thinking xcon did it to piss me off and realized as he said he likes to troll :) anyways my post was a genuine question and now i know :) TY all!!


Active Member
ya know whats funny is i was thinking the same thing a few minutes ago except obviously i wasnt the troll but i was thinking xcon did it to piss me off and realized as he said he likes to troll :) anyways my post was a genuine question and now i know :) TY all!!


Well-Known Member
ya know whats funny is i was thinking the same thing a few minutes ago except obviously i wasnt the troll but i was thinking xcon did it to piss me off and realized as he said he likes to troll :) anyways my post was a genuine question and now i know :) TY all!!
What's a nice girl like you doing in a place like this? It smells in here. Like vermin.


bud bootlegger
ok, what does the little dude flippin me off mean :)
the worst thing that you can do motoxmom, is to allow any troll to piss you off, as this is what they are after, and if you allow them to get under your skin, and make the mistake of letting them know that they are getting under your skin, you can rest assured that more trolling is soon to follow, as most trolls get off knowing that their trolling is somehow having an effect on the trollee..
the best thing i've found to do is simply ignore the attempt at trolling, and move on as if they see you doing this, they will easily get bored and move on to find someone else to troll upon who is going to react at their trolling attempts..
mind you, i'm not calling anyone in this thread a troll, i'm just talking about trolls in general and my observations of them thus far..