TTT's Adventure Log

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
Hey Hey Hey, so about bloody time i got a thread on the go eh, instead of hijacking poor old DGT's lot.

Feel free to post whatever you like in this journal, it's more for continuous banter mixed with grow talk :)

This is my second go around, so hopefully not as many dumb ass questions that were going through my head as last time (you know when you have those questions that you don't ask purely because of how dumb they seem in your head? :D)

last grow, the first grow, i ended up with some good plants, one gave up on me due to some reason or other, none gave a massive yeild, loads of fluffy buds and popcorn bud, but it all worked out in the end. just not enough in the end, just finnishing the last of it up.

this time around, i have a bunch of bagseed and one femmed white widow, and i've got 8 on the go, the cab can definately not handle this many plants once large, so here's me hoping on a couple of males!

this is what i've currently got going on. 400w hps, cooltube, ventilation up into attic etc, thinking about upgrading it to a 600w or slinging a second 400w in so that i can put pots all the way along the floor instead of just under the light.

i've got 8 in there, 4 are about a week behind the other 4, they looks good compared to how the oldest 4 started out (bar 1!)

the small curly one, the white widow, she's a crazy lil' fucker, every leaf is is growing in a spiral, it looks funky yet daft :)

due to the airy buds and such last time, this time is experimental, the 4 larger plants have recently been topped for 4 main cola's thanks to Uncle Ben :) they look something like this (topped 2 days ago)

Exciting stuff!! :P

all will be topped like this, and they will also be lollipopped when i can get around to it etc, i want dense bud, not fairy bum fluff!

I am also looking at trying to get this perpetual, so i need to start looking into making up a veg room, as it is, the most logical place to do this seems to revolve around this

the little alcove things on the right, should be able to get 4 girls in each i reckin, couple of bulbs for each, i'm laughing :) although i'm still considering converting a spare chest o drawers i've got lying around

post away! :P

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
sweet jesus nom NOM nom NOM indeed

id be careful using the alcoves for veg if your intending to keep your clothes that close to them lol you might not be able to smell it on you but others probably will.

girls are lookin good man, are you flipping 12/12 soon? much longer n you'll miss the xmas window

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
yeah, i'm thinking about ust fliping them in a day or so and saying fuck it! don't wanna be dry for crimbo :(

and tbh, those clothes are in storage :P since i finnished school i've only worm my suits once when i was in court, and the rest is just my around the flat slumming gear :D my life is mainly comprised of work, so casual clothes don't really exist in my flat.

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
right, veg things. money isn't particularly an issue, so i've been looking at these

purely for the convenience of it all, and at £60, it's just a bit of spare change really. to me though something like that looks like it might be better for a larger area, than my small alcoves, so i'm still thinking about getting a gutted set of drawers somewhere in my room, the issue is being able to keep people out of em, hence looking at the alcoves, i can just nail a rug or whatnot over the entrance to those and it can just look like a messy wardrobe :) thinking time :)

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
i think so too. i just need to work out a system that means i'm not being overly paranoid. found out that the reason my tv was on in the attic when i got home, was because my bro and a friend of his had somehow been let into the flat to mooch around and "take something" according to my flatmate, which i'#m not happy about, that attic is a bad place for suspicious eyes, trim and pots everywhere @D

i've recently repremanded the (my!) table from the lounge for my room to roll on, so i'm gonna send that packing, and set up the filing cabinet i have under the bed (wide and low so can still use it to roll and the wood would match that which is in my room :D alternatively i've a pair of small 3 draw cubes that would be ideal they're only used for storing tools and shite i've no use for out in the open :D

and almost cocked up, flatmate popped to the shop for some food and a can of coke for me, so i took that chance (shop is within site ffrom my bedroom window) to repot one of the girls. managed to get everything done in that 2 minutes or so but was just topping the last bit of soil up, and the door opens. so make like a tree and he won't see the tree on the floor! worked like a charm :)

all this talk of coco, the results, and the obvious ease of use in comparison to making your own soil in the attic, well i might have to look into that (i assume you're using ebb n flow dgt?)

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
by the seat of you pants ttt i like it lol sooner or later he'll catch on but maybe not ?!!?!?

hmmmm take something eh sounds suspect i wouldn't worry too much but then again id have a lock on the door.

make like a tree ahahahaaha man classic.

yeah coco is the mutts nuts fella dead easy to get really great results. no ebb n flow for me just bog standard hand watering with a can. i like it gives you a more hands on feel.

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
oh, i didn't realise you could just water as is. why was i not made more aware of this! i'm fed up with washing soil from under my nails!

as to him finding out, AHHAAAAAA, fuck it, he's just gone and broken his contract with his new pet, so sod him :D

as to my brother, i worry like mad about him. bought a PH meter off ebay, his card somehow got charged, so he investigates what this "£40 from xyz company" was about on his statement, and links xyz to a company that suplies weed growing kit as he put in his email. so naturally i told him i'd bought a pH meter for the new fishtank, but who knows, he's stupid, but maybe not that stupid. i'm heading out to see him tomorrow i think so it's stoner bashing time!

back to coco, how does it work when you water it? surely if it's not an ebb and flow kinda thing, surely all the water would run straight through?

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
man you crack me up!

well at least you have some leverage if shit comes down but i'm guessing his new pet isn't quite as illegal unless he's got a japanese akita or something lol

ph meter for a fish tank thats fast thinking good work man, end of the day he can bash all he likes your a grown man you know the risks ( well thats what i tell my mother hahahah)

coco right err well no not run straight through its pretty much like soil you whack some perlite in the mix and that's that you do have to water more frequently cos it will dry quicker as it gets more air through it hence the better roots and general better conditioned plant generally.

its a doddle really, the only downside i've found is that you cant get it down homebase etc its a bit specialist which means carting big bags in black bags in and out the house.

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
think i'm gonna look into that for the veg cupboards then :) i'll have the veggers in teenytiny pots, an from all the vids on rockwool cubes and that lot, does look much easier and cleaner, epsecially if it's gonna becomne a weekly thing (i put off planting new beans for a week after harvest due to adversion to soil :)) gonna have to look into that :) and i always keep a couple of those big blue ikea bags in the car for times like that, got back from bnq with armfulls of flowerpots, and big pots, not basil and corriander pots, and had to park away away so just dumped em in the bag, over the shoulder, safe :)

and yeah, i'm grown up and out of home etc etc, he's just dropped out of uni with £10K of debt with nowt to show for it so mwahahahaaha. i manage a business and grow dope, he plays counterstrike till 4am each day. mwahahahaha

just been trimming em down a little bit and it's looking good. 4 are already topped for 4, i've then removed any other growth not related to those 4 stems, so i'm feeling good about this grow :) i'll be back at the parents house tomorrow to give my bro's cat her pills, so i plan on doing a slight tool/material run in my parents absence (since i moved out, it has occured to me just how much useful crap there was in the family house, so i tend to go on treasure hunts each time i go home, got a photo printer, n64 and all the socks from the laundry room last time :))

oh, and he's got three pissy little grey fish that are about 2cm long each, so ya, think he'll kind of have me by the balls if he finds it :D as i say, i'm surprised he hasnt, even with my bedroom door closed, if that cab's open, an angelic aura of light streams from around the door frame :D

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
ouch 10k debt with nothing to show... i left with 3k and nothing hahaha

i've not got a lot of experience with rockwool i tend to stick to simple stuff lol if it aint broke n all that jazz.. i use peat pellets and so far have 100% success heated propagator is a must tho ttt its plug in and forget.

hahah good haul from the rents house eh lol i got a dehumidifier and a full duck breast last time i visited mine :lol:

good on you for not perpetuating the classic stoner stereotype ( are you sure your flatmate isnt a stoner? 4am counterstrike ?!? without weed?!?!) sounds fishy...

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
nah, that's my bro on counterstrike, he does smoke weed, hence my unease, i had all my jars out in the open :O and not a whole duck breast, zomg! :D still tasty tasty.

i've read a bit about peat pellets and they seem to be looking pretty good also. was on the verge of picking up a heated propogator when i was in bnq the other day but didn't have the £30 on me at the time.

helluva hard tay read theez init
if yi canny unnirston thim jiss clear aff then
get ra hell ootma road
ahmaz goodiz thi lota yiz so ah um
ah no whit ahm dayn
jiss try enny a yir fly patir wi me
stick thi bootnyi good style
so ah wull

haha, that's from a bbc news story, never realised to what extent the scotish language is fucked. new and revised answer, very.

i'm currently seranading my plants with the narative thunderbolt that is david bowie :)

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
christ all of a sudden it was like reading trainspotting again haha made perfect sense to me but then im a Geordie its not that far removed..


tip top toker

Well-Known Member
still contrmplating my options. but am now thinking about a pair of cheap tower pc cases off ebay, i can explain that nooooooo trouble :) just not paying more than £20 each!

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
surely you know someone with old pc towers ?!?! to be honest a normal pc tower is a little small id recommend server towers. ;)