TTT's Adventure Log

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
Indeed, although i had a spot of issue with the current one, sorted it whatever it was. That sweettooth clone is still after a bunch of days looking as healthy and vibrant as can be :)

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
Cheers man.

Got bored this morning. Although i had no more coco so technically it was necessary? :D

Who said hydro had to be sterile, ha. Need to let the bubbles clean out the roots for maybe 24 hours and then refil the tub and after that she's away in 12/12. Her clone has also rooted now so tomorrow i need to take a clone of the cheese and then pop a seed. Need to decide on my upgrade, need to fit one more DWC/Auto pot in there somehow.

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
Cheers fingerez mate. I'd love to tell you it's a colourful mickey mouse botch job, the gaffa tape and such, but it actually cost an arm and a leg, BnQ wanted £2 for a single T connector, i need 4 per frame, then 4 90 degree bends, which they conveniently only sell in packets of three the fuckers, but eyah, works a charm it would seem :)