ultimate way to pas a drug screen


Well-Known Member
I also heard, and who the hell knows if it's true or not, probably not, but when you start to piss, pee in the toilet first, then mid stream pee in the cup, then back in the toilet. In theory a lot of the chemicals and byproduct waste in your urine settle to the bottom of your bladder, so when you start to pee, its more concentrated then towards the end. .... But who knows, it's something I heard when I was 14, So I always did it, and the one time I didn't, they detected "trace" amounts of THC. (but I also smoked two days beforehand)


Well-Known Member
it takes more then a gallon to kill you dumbass i know what im talking about lol this works and it makes you piss so much the weed metabolites are flushed away
I believe it was 1lt under an hour can kill you. There are 3.78 liters in a gallon.

Not only that, you say drink a gallon of both water and cranberry juice. That makes 2 gallons ~ 7.56 liters. Now if 1lt in under an hour can kill you, what you say is possibly suicide. One day you will overdo it and we will see who the real dumbass is.....

What's next, you going to suggest the kids go out and drink some cups of bleach *rolls eyes*


Oracle of Hallucinogens
JonnyBtreed, I am pretty sure that is simply due to the THC sitting in ur piss, at the beginning and end are its most concentrated times.

So I hear, taking in a lot of fiber moves THC from your kidneys to your colon (or atleast some of it)..


Well-Known Member
I do not buy this for a second. I regularly drink over a gallon in a less than 2 hour time period.


Well-Known Member
I believe it was 1lt under an hour can kill you. There are 3.78 liters in a gallon.

Not only that, you say drink a gallon of both water and cranberry juice. That makes 2 gallons ~ 7.56 liters. Now if 1lt in under an hour can kill you, what you say is possibly suicide. One day you will overdo it and we will see who the real dumbass is.....

What's next, you going to suggest the kids go out and drink some cups of bleach *rolls eyes*
no way a liter can kill you... I've drinkin 3/4 of a gallon in a couple min, It all has to do with how hydrated you are and the salinity of your blood. Basically when you drink too much water, your blood is unable to conduct electricity. Therefore your mind can't tell itself to breathe, your heart to beat, or your eyes to see. Your organs just shut down like that. But If you've been sweating balls all morning, then your salinity is high, and you can drink more without overhydrating.


Well-Known Member
no way a liter can kill you... I've drinkin 3/4 of a gallon in a couple min, It all has to do with how hydrated you are and the salinity of your blood. Basically when you drink too much water, your blood is unable to conduct electricity. Therefore your mind can't tell itself to breathe, your heart to beat, or your eyes to see. Your organs just shut down like that. But If you've been sweating balls all morning, then your salinity is high, and you can drink more without overhydrating.
Variables come into effect. Weight, mineral intake, current body fluids, etc all play VERY important factors.

1lt under an hour was the lowest recorded amount in water intoxication. Not everyone is the same.

It is better to not do it than to realize that you should not of done it.


Oracle of Hallucinogens
lol.. I have drank a liter of vodka in under an hour.. oh fuck, we're still on water intoxication? oh my bad. lol.


Well-Known Member
man fuck all that all u got to do is stop smokin a week or 2 b4 u get tested

sweat alot and drink a lot of water but not like five gallons in one day

well this works for me becuz i have a fast metabolism


Well-Known Member
the day before the drugtest drink a gallon of water then before bed drink a gallon of cranberry juice the next morning chug a gallon of water down and when you piss all this out your pass and THC will be cleansed from you system,

THIS WORKS!!!! i do it alot on the weekends ill smoke bud and on sunday night ill do this and be clean (i get randomly drug tested only during the week) so if your on probation you can do this or whatever but this does work very greatly

what are your smoking habbits like? you only smoke on the weekends?


Well-Known Member
why smoke on sunday, you could smoke friday night and have 2 or 3 days to make sure you piss clean


Active Member
I did some dumb shit years ago, had to pass a test and smoked the night before so I drank a gallon and a half of water took 8 bvites to make my piss yellow and took 7 asprin all in 4 hours! that was fucking stupid!!!! Had trouble walking talking and shaking when I was at the lab. passed the test but was sick as a mfucker for 3 days because of the toxins including that much water!!! I guess we all do dumb shit at some point in our lives. There is a lot of bad advise out there do not do what I did it can kill you!


Well-Known Member
damn thats a lot of water! most i drank to pass a piss test was drink 3 gallons of water in 2 days.

i thought i was going to piss my pants every 3 minutes!