Uncle Ben's Gardening Tweeks and Pointers

Uncle Ben

Well-Known Member
As rumored by girls who saw her in the high school locker room during PE class, one popular girl was alleged to have 4 nipples. Nickname was "quatro". Ahhhhh, I love mama nature. :clap:


Well-Known Member
I explained what it's a sign of. Has nothing to do with a plant's health. Most cannabis will eventually show imperfect (or perfect capable of pollination) male flowers if left flowering long enough. It's nature's way of completing its internal genetic program regarding continuing the species. It is a form of stress, like "enough is enough, let's get this over with". The plant wants, needs, to produce babies. Once that's over with it dies under normal growing conditions.

I haven't tried what's happened to some of my plants but have seen anecdotal evidence from folks I respect that the following is legitimate - if a female throws off just a few male flowers......the progeny (seeds) will all be female. Think even Mel Frank discussed this in his Guide.

Be sure and save those seeds and don't do like I've done, keep them in your personal seedbank. (Can't kiss all the purty ladies.)
Thanks for clarifying UB. I'll make sure to save the seeds.


Well-Known Member
That's plenty but then again you didn't mention the size of those nuggets. When they fall apart and turn to mush, time to let 'er rip.

Sup UB..!! This plant is listening to your way of growing.Her brother got removed today ( no dicks allowed tent ) and she is relaxing in her cosy little tent.How and where should i top ? From the other side of the plant,which is not noticable from this photo,i've bended her dominant cola so in order to get it more even.Her main cola is also FIMed and it did split up(i haven't read your posts 2 weeks ago:$ ) pretty well.How should i move on ?

There WILL be some popcorn this week as well..!! her pistils are getting fluffy..!!


Well-Known Member
View attachment 2930922Sup UB..!! This plant is listening to your way of growing.Her brother got removed today ( no dicks allowed tent ) and she is relaxing in her cosy little tent.How and where should i top ? From the other side of the plant,which is not noticable from this photo,i've bended her dominant cola so in order to get it more even.Her main cola is also FIMed and it did split up(i haven't read your posts 2 weeks ago:$ ) pretty well.How should i move on ?There WILL be some popcorn this week as well..!! her pistils are getting fluffy..!!
I am so eager to get your reply..:D. I kinda need this asap cause my beautiful little tent won't be enough for mah lady. It's day 14 in flower right now as i am roaming each and every post from the four colas thread. I gotta say man, you're THE man. Besides growing..how can you repeat all those same questions? I got angry reading it FFS. I do lack the vocabulary regarding the c02 part of the first pages but it is just a small amount of coins laying there in the vault. 5 hours of reading ..i have 2 more hours to devote..page 57 and going..PEACE.


Well-Known Member
Hmmm....not so easy to find, for sale.

It is often (only?) stated at UAN-32. Maybe a typo as I can't find it for sale at any strength.

Got a link for buying this stuff. I can get each seperate, maybe I mix my own?

The combination of urea and ammonium nitrate has an extremely low critical relative humidity (18% at 30 °C) and can therefore only be used in liquid fertilizers. The most commonly used grade of these fertilizer solutions is UAN 32.0.0 (32%N) also known as UN32 or UN-32, which consists of 45% ammonium nitrate, 35% urea and only 20% water. Other grades are UAN 28, UAN 30 and UAN 18.
Nice. I found something down the street at OSH.

Well, it is Scotts Green MAX 26-0-2

6.5% ammonium N
10.5% urea N
the rest is "other"

It has 5% iron....good. But, it is 11% sulfur, I see this morning. Hmmm....now I don't know if that much sulfur is good or bad.

I have to check that out. IAC, if OK, then I will use a bit to make a 150 ppm spray, and the rest can go on the yard, next year.

Any comments about the sulfur?


Well-Known Member
I have a comment about sulfur.

Iron, Nitrogen and Sulfur deficit all present practically the same way, as the leaf chart shows. So, probably fine to spray all three till the color comes back.



Well-Known Member
UB..some input regarding my topping question during flowering :D ? Thanks..!!
I say don't do it. You Veg and top and then bloom production of meds.

At least I can say, I have never heard of topping, or trimming after bloom begins.


Well-Known Member
You shouldn't top her during flower or you are going to hurt yield; training is for veg.
It's good to hear an advice from you.It is good to disagree but being a dick about it makes it stupid.Thanks . I'll consider spreading her as much as i can,instead of topping.UB did say that he did top during flower tho.I have approximately 40cm until she touches the bulb.


Well-Known Member
It's good to hear an advice from you.It is good to disagree but being a dick about it makes it stupid.Thanks . I'll consider spreading her as much as i can,instead of topping.UB did say that he did top during flower tho.I have approximately 40cm until she touches the bulb.
So, what are you saying? That you want to cut your cola tops at this point? No. At this point, you pull it outward for more stem use and then let it orient back upwards.

But, if you can remember Ben saying to cut the tops after the colas begin, I'd like to see that.


Well-Known Member
So, what are you saying? That you want to cut your cola tops at this point? No. At this point, you pull it outward for more stem use and then let it orient back upwards.

But, if you can remember Ben saying to cut the tops after the colas begin, I'd like to see that.
yeah. i was reading his massive threads the last 3 weeks. i've finished many large topics and i should have done it sooner.i'll just be really careful on how to bend her right now


Well-Known Member
If you are like me, ever time you re-read the stuff you have select for your guide lines, you will see something different, based on your latest, current understanding.

What, only 1 read though through in a full 3 weeks???? :) Just kidding, of course. Info overload is very real thing.

At one point I thought I could get a good understanding quickly and I did. A quick understanding, I mean.

I use the journal here, to keep track of what I want to consider as guidance. Then I tag it and category it a bit, also.


Well-Known Member
If you are like me, ever time you re-read the stuff you have select for your guide lines, you will see something different, based on your latest, current understanding.

What, only 1 read though through in a full 3 weeks???? :) Just kidding, of course. Info overload is very real thing.

At one point I thought I could get a good understanding quickly and I did. A quick understanding, I mean.

I use the journal here, to keep track of what I want to consider as guidance. Then I tag it and category it a bit, also.
I hear you mate. I am reading like 5-7 hours a day. I have finished snake oils,tweaks and pointes, and at page 77 of topping for four colas. It was a very fun read and i would be glad to re-read anything i have already read. It is such a learning experience. Do you think i could take some clones right now?
Or i should start new seedlings? Thanks for your input . And i hope thst you could check my plants st my thread by visiting my profile. Its sleestack*skunk#1 green-o auto and unknown dude :)

Uncle Ben

Well-Known Member
Topping during flowering - what can I say. I march to a different drummer. I'll top when and if I feel like in order to bring everything together. I've topped sativas many times during flowering and been very satisfied with the results.

Don't ask for advice such as this. Just do it and learn from the experience. After all, it's YOUR garden, isn't it?
I explained what it's a sign of. Has nothing to do with a plant's health. Most cannabis will eventually show imperfect (or perfect capable of pollination) male flowers if left flowering long enough. It's nature's way of completing its internal genetic program regarding continuing the species. It is a form of stress, like "enough is enough, let's get this over with". The plant wants, needs, to produce babies. Once that's over with it dies under normal growing conditions.

I haven't tried what's happened to some of my plants but have seen anecdotal evidence from folks I respect that the following is legitimate - if a female throws off just a few male flowers......the progeny (seeds) will all be female. Think even Mel Frank discussed this in his Guide.

Be sure and save those seeds and don't do like I've done, keep them in your personal seedbank. (Can't kiss all the purty ladies.)
yea no doubt this is a natural way of producing feminized seeds, In order to leave behind girls to continue the life cycle.


Well-Known Member
Topping during flowering - what can I say. I march to a different drummer. I'll top when and if I feel like in order to bring everything together. I've topped sativas many times during flowering and been very satisfied with the results.

Don't ask for advice such as this. Just do it and learn from the experience. After all, it's YOUR garden, isn't it?
Well that is the only thing i know. My garden my problem. I will see how it goes. It is already growing two colas from the main stem. With a little help from them and a little bending from me,i will get the even. Next time i AM topping for four colas. Height is a fking pain. Thanks UB! What i am going fo say does go off topic but i think hormonal responses were covered so far so..here is my question...........would you take clones during flowering from lower branches?and what would you do if you did take? I am planning to do so. Just to get a feel about cloning..i am thinking like 2-3clones tops. Or even one. I know it's not your way approaching the Messiah but the journey oughts to be productive and learning..;) It is all about the joirney this time. I will get those clones under 20/4 cfls. Get em on their feet, see if i have good grow to top or let em go as they are. 130th page of four colas sticky and going..