Ventilation Q's


Well-Known Member
that reflector looks like you'll do well with it .... i don't see many of them in the U.S. at the moment but they are highly prized for thier reflective properties. I'm curious to see what the V adapter does for you ...i hope it gets your temps down a bit. you seem like you're running a bit hot, but it's all gravy.
and you have the right idea ...take one issue at a time ..


heh! that's the best way to do it, I think! Probably I will do it the way we talked about, with the V-shape and the duct booster. Although I cant find a duct booster per se in Uk, I think I will go with my current 4'' intake fan, and replace it with anew one for the intake of the tent.I also put all fans plugs on the timer with the lights (20/4). Only the 6'' clip-on fan works 24/7 for now..
Also, I think I'm gonna go making two clones from the big babe. I really want to learn cloning,so it will be interesting.. :D
And you? what's your news? What've you been up to the last days? ;)
Ataxia is a greek word,right?
