Vote ron paul 2012


Hello all my fellow happy tokers,

As you all may know Dr. Ron Paul, the creator of the bill that, if passed , would have removed canabis from the Schedule I of Controlled Substances under the Controlled Substances Act, is currently running for nomination on the GOP ticket for the 2012 Presidential Election. If you REALLY value your individual liberties, I STRONGLY urge you to vote for Dr. Paul in your State Primaries. He has said that he will not only legalize marijuana, he will repeal the Patriot Act, bring our troops home once and for all, and do away with the IRS and rampant taxation.

I will be voting for him. And since everyone on this form smokes marijuana I expect that you all will do so to make your harmless activities legal in the US. It's been nearly 70 years; let's not make it 71!



OMG...he's the best fucking thing that ever happened to this damn country. look up his views on legalizing pot, and read my other post on his bio


Well-Known Member
OMG...he's the best fucking thing that ever happened to this damn country. look up his views on legalizing pot, and read my other post on his bio
im joking, mocking the fact that 50threads a day are dedicated to him.


Active Member
fuck ron paul.he's in favor for feeding the rich off the back's of the poor, he's in favor of the gold standard, the flat tax and many other back assward policies.


Well-Known Member
fuck ron paul.he's in favor feeding the rich off the back's of the poor, he's in favor of the gold standard, the flat tax and many other back assward policies.
but dude, he wants to legalize drugs....yea let me pick my prez based on his drug policy


Well-Known Member
god i love yank politics! its like a car crash and a shit soap opera all rolled into one. a country with almost limitless natural resources and absolutely no moral compass, run by religious fruitcakes that the rest of europe have been getting rid of for the past 400 years. yeeehaaa. its like giving a 4 year old an uzi, pleas god, don't EVER let them re-peal the gun laws, its just gonna mean there more of the dumb bastards invading places they cant pronounce under the banner 'liberation' and then leaving before the jobs done but makin sure they've made billions on arms sale, robbed all the oil and the invadees are gonna get fat on McDs and Kfc. whoopee.
god i love yank politics! its like a car crash and a shit soap opera all rolled into one. a country with almost limitless natural resources and absolutely no moral compass, run by religious fruitcakes that the rest of europe have been getting rid of for the past 400 years. yeeehaaa. its like giving a 4 year old an uzi, pleas god, don't EVER let them re-peal the gun laws, its just gonna mean there more of the dumb bastards invading places they cant pronounce under the banner 'liberation' and then leaving before the jobs done but makin sure they've made billions on arms sale, robbed all the oil and the invadees are gonna get fat on McDs and Kfc. whoopee.
Team America.. FUCK YEAH!!!


fuck ron paul.he's in favor feeding the rich off the back's of the poor, he's in favor of the gold standard, the flat tax and many other back assward policies.
you're so wrong it's not even funny. Yes he's in favor of the gold standard and if you understood economics and what ghost money has done to us you would be too. And yes, sorry, he is in favor of you being personally responsible for yourself. I know that must be hard for you.
So you don't want to: End the war on drugs, pardon those in prison for possession, pull our troops out of most countries worldwide which would put the biggest possible dent in the national debt, stop the inflation tax that keeps the poor poor, get the federal government out of your life, let the states decide their position on all moral issues?
You are going to have to choose between your government assistance programs and freedom. And liberty for all means just that, for the churches and the pornographers, for the cannabis crowd and the gun toters.
No. Choosing a candidate for a single issue is stupid, its what the anti-abortion people do. Ron Paul's Ideas are 99% crap, literally.

He has 1 or 2 solid points, and 100 terrible ideas. Hes a regressive. Just vote liberal in general, (Obama) its the best choice we have.


Either you haven't listened to Ron Paul or you're dumb as a box of rocks. Or perhaps you are afraid of smaller federal government for fear of losing an undeserved government check. Either way, you will get the big intrusive government and nanny state you deserve. But one day, those of us that pay the bill will stop working or leave and your checks will just stop coming.


Active Member
you're so wrong it's not even funny. Yes he's in favor of the gold standard and if you understood economics and what ghost money has done to us you would be too. And yes, sorry, he is in favor of you being personally responsible for yourself. I know that must be hard for you.
So you don't want to: End the war on drugs, pardon those in prison for possession, pull our troops out of most countries worldwide which would put the biggest possible dent in the national debt, stop the inflation tax that keeps the poor poor, get the federal government out of your life, let the states decide their position on all moral issues?
You are going to have to choose between your government assistance programs and freedom. And liberty for all means just that, for the churches and the pornographers, for the cannabis crowd and the gun toters.
are you fucking kidding me do you not remember where regulation came from? we had the great depression because of an unregulated market in which the rich were free to swindel the working class with no consquences. the private sector was so great that any time worker's asked for break's or vacation time, or a retirement plan they would hire goon's to bash the skull's of american worker's until they went back to work and shut their mouth's -TYRANNY-and when the president called in the military it wasn't to protect corperate profit's it was to protect the worker's.they had to setup machine gun barricade's to protect american worker's from the richest company in america.they have had to enforce minimum wage(if your company can't afford minimum wage then it's a FAIL)child labor law's and many other basic worker's right's upon industries because NEW'S FLASH THEY DON'T GIVE A SHIT ABOUT THE WORKING CLASS.unregulated america had 12yr old children working in front of unguarded saw's for 12 hrs a day with no break's(which is another regulation that they had to enforce upon those wonderful humanist). they are not libertarian's like they claim if republican's were they would have voted to decrease our payroll tax of the working class,no they did the opposite and fought it the whole way while threatening to shut down the gov. if they did not get the bush tax cut's extended(which by the way we have for 11 year's now with the unemployment rate steadily climbing since it was inacted not just since obama came into office)for the elite american's who are not struggling to make ends meet with their billion dollar bank account's.our founding father's first act after the revolution was to setup the congress so they could setup taxes.they owe something back to the nation that made them so prosperous.


New Member
Either you haven't listened to Ron Paul or you're dumb as a box of rocks. Or perhaps you are afraid of smaller federal government for fear of losing an undeserved government check. Either way, you will get the big intrusive government and nanny state you deserve. But one day, those of us that pay the bill will stop working or leave and your checks will just stop coming.
You are a typical fucking moron.


Well-Known Member
are you fucking kidding me do you not remember where regulation came from? we had the great depression because of an unregulated market in which the rich were free to swindel the working class with no consquences. the private sector was so great that any time worker's asked for break's or vacation time, or a retirement plan they would hire goon's to bash the skull's of american worker's until they went back to work and shut their mouth's -TYRANNY-and when the president called in the military it wasn't to protect corperate profit's it was to protect the worker's.they had to setup machine gun barricade's to protect american worker's from the richest company in america.they have had to enforce minimum wage(if your company can't afford minimum wage then it's a FAIL)child labor law's and many other basic worker's right's upon industries because NEW'S FLASH THEY DON'T GIVE A SHIT ABOUT THE WORKING CLASS.unregulated america had 12yr old children working in front of unguarded saw's for 12 hrs a day with no break's(which is another regulation that they had to enforce upon those wonderful humanist). they are not libertarian's like they claim if republican's were they would have voted to decrease our payroll tax of the working class,no they did the opposite and fought it the whole way while threatening to shut down the gov. if they did not get the bush tax cut's extended(which by the way we have for 11 year's now with the unemployment rate steadily climbing since it was inacted not just since obama came into office)for the elite american's who are not struggling to make ends meet with their billion dollar bank account's.our founding father's first act after the revolution was to setup the congress so they could setup taxes.they owe something back to the nation that made them so prosperous.
We had the great depression because the government stuck it's nose in with the Smoot-Hawley Tariff Act.

In the days leading up to the crash the market was severely unstable. Periods of selling and high volumes of trading were interspersed with brief periods of rising prices and recovery. Economist and author Jude Wanniski later correlated these swings with the prospects for passage of the Smoot–Hawley Tariff Act, which was then being debated in Congress.[7]
On October 24 ("Black Thursday"), the market lost 11% of its value at the opening bell on very heavy trading. Several leading Wall Street bankers met to find a solution to the panic and chaos on the trading floor.[8] The meeting included Thomas W. Lamont, acting head of Morgan Bank; Albert Wiggin, head of the Chase National Bank; and Charles E. Mitchell, president of the National City Bank of New York. They chose Richard Whitney, vice president of the Exchange, to act on their behalf. With the bankers' financial resources behind him, Whitney placed a bid to purchase a large block of shares in U.S. Steel at a price well above the current market. As traders watched, Whitney then placed similar bids on other "blue chip" stocks. This tactic was similar to one that ended the Panic of 1907. It succeeded in halting the slide. The Dow Jones Industrial Average recovered, closing with it down only 6.38 points for the day; however, unlike 1907, the respite was only temporary.

Over the weekend, the events were covered by the newspapers across the United States. On Monday, October 28, "Black Monday",[9] more investors decided to get out of the market, and the slide continued with a record loss in the Dow for the day of 38 points, or 13%. The next day, "Black Tuesday", October 29, 1929, about 16 million shares were traded, and the Dow lost an additional 30 points, or 12%.[10][11][12] The volume on stocks traded on October 29, 1929 was a record that was not broken for nearly 40 years.[11] Author Richard M. Salsman wrote that "on October 29—amid rumors that U.S. President Herbert Hoover would not veto the pending Hawley-Smoot Tariff bill—stock prices crashed even further".[3] William C. Durant joined with members of the Rockefeller family and other financial giants to buy large quantities of stocks in order to demonstrate to the public their confidence in the market, but their efforts failed to stop the large decline in prices. The ticker did not stop running until about 7:45 that evening. The market had lost over $30 billion in the space of two days.[13]
Those evil Rockefellers. Did everything to destroy the market but that damn government kept trying to save it.


Well-Known Member
ron paul is comically old and has sex with turtles.

he also penned a racist newsletter that he defended initially, and then claimed he did not write or even read.

if he sucks that bad at running a newsletter, why would i give the old codger access to the nuclear codes?


Well-Known Member
No. Choosing a candidate for a single issue is stupid, its what the anti-abortion people do. Ron Paul's Ideas are 99% crap, literally.

He has 1 or 2 solid points, and 100 terrible ideas. Hes a regressive. Just vote liberal in general, (Obama) its the best choice we have.
You have much research to do my child.


Well-Known Member
are you fucking kidding me do you not remember where regulation came from? we had the great depression because of an unregulated market in which the rich were free to swindel the working class with no consquences. the private sector was so great that any time worker's asked for break's or vacation time, or a retirement plan they would hire goon's to bash the skull's of american worker's until they went back to work and shut their mouth's -TYRANNY-and when the president called in the military it wasn't to protect corperate profit's it was to protect the worker's.they had to setup machine gun barricade's to protect american worker's from the richest company in america.they have had to enforce minimum wage(if your company can't afford minimum wage then it's a FAIL)child labor law's and many other basic worker's right's upon industries because NEW'S FLASH THEY DON'T GIVE A SHIT ABOUT THE WORKING CLASS.unregulated america had 12yr old children working in front of unguarded saw's for 12 hrs a day with no break's(which is another regulation that they had to enforce upon those wonderful humanist). they are not libertarian's like they claim if republican's were they would have voted to decrease our payroll tax of the working class,no they did the opposite and fought it the whole way while threatening to shut down the gov. if they did not get the bush tax cut's extended(which by the way we have for 11 year's now with the unemployment rate steadily climbing since it was inacted not just since obama came into office)for the elite american's who are not struggling to make ends meet with their billion dollar bank account's.our founding father's first act after the revolution was to setup the congress so they could setup taxes.they owe something back to the nation that made them so prosperous.

As much as we appreciate your "free markets = bashing in of head and Great Depressions" talking point, please be notified that they have about as much to do with each other as whale shit and cheerios.

Amusingly, there is no accepted cause of the Great Depression among economists. If you ask 20 of them, you will get 20 different answers. However, it is of note that the Federal Reserve is probably the reason that a recession just like any other turned into the Great Depression. Even the people at the Federal Reserve admit this. The Fed Chairman himself said so.

Our recession today is also in part caused by the Federal Reserve. However, they have moved to stop it from becoming a depression this time. They caused it by making the interest rates lower on mortgages. Our government also had a big hand in promoting home purchases. Combined, these two things caused a giant demand for housing. This caused the prices of houses to go higher. This created many jobs and businesses to cash in on this demand. Government stipulated that banks lend money to people who basically couldn't afford to pay it back, driving the prices/demand higher.

To understand the rates, just look at this link at freddiemac. This is from 71 to present.

As much as you would like to blame not having enough regulations for the Great Depression, and our current recession - you are wrong. Government activity is a HUGE part of causing them both ala Federal Reserve and promoting house buying by people who couldn't afford it.