web like fungus while curing


Active Member
So I messed up and didnt open my jars for like 2 days while curing and they stayed mostly still. I was checking them out today and noticed one of them has a whole bunch of what looks like kinda dense spider webs covering some of the buds and going between some of the buds. My friend advised me to spread them out on newspaper and make sure it was all broken up.

I don't have pics because I spread it all out and im afraid to hang around it currently. It looks a lot like a bad spidermite infestation, except its during curing.

Any ideas?


Active Member
duh, there are different kinds. Its my second best jar and its 2 oz, i wanna make sure its fucked and not just toss it. i cooked the buds at 300 degrees for 15min or so.


Well-Known Member
duh, there are different kinds. Its my second best jar and its 2 oz, i wanna make sure its fucked and not just toss it. i cooked the buds at 300 degrees for 15min or so.
your the one who asked for advice, dont cop attitude with fellow riu people, he was simply stating the most reasonable reson for your "spiderwebs". i personally wouldnt buy or smoke moldy bud so i would make some butter with that and call it a learning experience.


Well-Known Member
you cooked the buds?

at 300 degrees?

You have evaporated ALL of the THC....

your bud is absolutely worthless....


Well-Known Member
why didn't you burp the jars for two days?? Can't be careless and leave 2 oz of under-dried in a jar and just let it sit for two days, gotta do a bit of research man. If you're growing, weed is your baby now... stay on top of that shit. You could've caught it early but you didn't pay attention.
not being a dick .... just sayin. Live and learn


Well-Known Member
Ouch =( 2 oz is alot to lose IMO. I would chalk it up to learning. Bet you'll never forget to burp your jars ever again. Also, how long did you allow them to dry before jarring them? If they were still too moist inside, it can cause mold burping or not.



Active Member
it's mold. the only way to get rid of it would be to do some drastic shit to your weed. When I first started growing I put all my dead leaves and branches into baggies and they did the same shit. I thought there were spiders in there or something, but it was just mold. The best thing you can do right now is let them dry out real good and if you can remove the mold. I don't think it will kill you but it is going to make your weed taste like shit.

You could make butter out of it who knows if it's going to be ok to eat that mold. but I'd suggest letting it get real dry and running it through a silk screen and making hash


Well-Known Member
they've established that he ruined the weed by baking it at 300 degrees. I think the reason why most people are posting semi-angry posts is because he ruined 2 oz. by carelessness.


Well-Known Member
they've established that he ruined the weed by baking it at 300 degrees. I think the reason why most people are posting semi-angry posts is because he ruined 2 oz. by carelessness.
Bummer that's $450-$600 worth of weed round these parts, depending on the strain and how danky it was. Sorry OP but vaporizing your THC was a very rash decision which deserves this picture =)

Op your an idiot.png


Active Member
The attitude was to the fact that my first line was "weblike fungus" I knew it was mold. The ontop of that the first reply had much more of an attitude. It was about 25 degrees below 300. I tried some this morning and it taste like SHIT lol, really harsh, its nice and dry. On the flip side, i 100% still got high.

I did the baking after searching everything I could find and found that it was most likely an asparillis (sp?) mold which most arnt deadly and can be killed by a quick cooking, was the best bet i found. I smoke my vape at 350 for 30+min, so 275'ish degrees wont kill all of the thc. I thought I was f'ed after skoking it, but im here about 14 hours later and feeling fine though!

For dryness, I waited 3 and a half days with them manicured on small chunks of stem. Also, didnt water them the last 4 days before harvest. I didn't burp them because I do an hr or so open and It was mid school week for me (college, not highschool). On top of that, was about 2 weeks into curing in jars so I thought leaving it for a little while wouldnt be the end of the worlds, it wasnt, but the worlds in bad shape lol.

The no burping was more like 1 and a half days. I think my big issue was most the 2 and a half days I didnt shake my jars and get the nugs seperated. I was afraid of reallying doing it because of the perceived loss in quality, but now im not afraid to shake the shit out fo them. I have about 4 more oz still and am now doing clones and have 2 really nice plants about a week into flower.

For people in the future: maybe if its a straight 300 it will? But at only 15min, at a notch below 300, it definitely doesnt remove all of the thc. I did 2 gravity bongs of it and was riiiiiiiped. I almost puked off the second one though lol. Definitely gonna be using it as back up stash, and gonna be using a bong for it.


Active Member
Try putting fresh foliage in the jar with the moldy buds, it will rehydrate the buds and eliminate the mold. Then try recuring it in the jar, If you dont see any bud mold after the 2nd cure. Try smoking a bowl and see, Chances are if you saw mold in the jar stage of the curing you didn't let is sit out long enough to dry. It is ready to go to the jar stage when the stem snaps when bent 30-20% of its weight is gone, Perfectly cured bud contains 15% moisture. When you cooked the buds to 300F you evaporated all the THC in a millisecond. Once the bud reaches temperatures of over 120F the THC Evaporates into thin air, Bummer


Active Member
admitedly it may have needed another day on stem, but I was gonna run into my class schedule and it was either then, or wait 2 and a half more days. All I have read has implied that you can cure longer, but you cant really uncure if its to dry. In this situation it may make sense though to rehydrate it a little. I am gonna just keep them i a paper bag now for a while then seal and freeze idealy ill be able to make it to my next harvest and not skip a beat, but its better safe than sorry. Ideally I won't smoke it though.

I dont sell so encase anyone was worried: I won't be spreading moldy weed on the street.

The only really shitty part is it was my secondary cream of the crop. I think the jar wasnt airtight fully also. Its a massive jar I got from vinnies and leaked when I was washing it.

In short for anyone who may get the same issue: the cooking thing works, but your not gonna be enjoying the smoke, still hash the moldy taste, its just the molds dead. Won't work for all mold though. If you are determined to still smoke it though, its a good bet to make it safer, not safe.


Active Member
Also, for the people about the cooking thing. If that would have evaporated all of the thc, then how could cookies work? Or just about any baked good with thc.

To notorious: That was what I was intending to do with the starting them about 12-20 hours early in jars. Was looking for a nice long cure. I'm on week 2'ish currently of curing. I just f'ed up and a combination of things lead to the one jar getting messed up. To be perfectly honest... I am suspecting that it may have been one of the molds that increase the high, because the two rips i did made me much higher than the usual two gbong hits. I usually do 8 + to get ripped. It may very well have been the fact it was just the better nugs though and I have been sticking to my shittier buds, letting my cream crop cure, to save for last. Now its second to last lol.


Active Member
When you make cookies or baked goods you extract the THC and make oil, so the THC says in the oil and not evaporate when cooked or heated. Still man its a bummer, but we all make mistakes. I'm sure you will correct it next harvest!


Active Member
ya, will def cure better. The butter thing tho, I make butter all the time. theres no good reason it would straight up evaporate from leaf, but not butter. you can smoke butter technically (i would NEVER EVER do it), just wont burn well, and you will probably puke.

Besides, I can 100% testify that it did get me high lol, so baking it for a bit wont make it inert like those people before said. If you do it fo way to long, or to hot im sure you can though.


Well-Known Member
u say it looks like a bad spider mite infection and ask any ideas? and you say you knew it was mold. and you said you already spread it out on the newspaper. witch would stop the molding.. all i want is ppl to use ore common sence and stop asking questions they already kno the answer to. this site is flooded with ppl who dont use common sence. and thats why my tone was to make u feel stupid. so u will be like, 'dammn i knew that whyd i even ask and make myself look stud' kno what i mean?