What are my chances of passing?


New Member
I realize there is no way to say for sure either way, but thought I would try to get some other people's opinions on my chances of passing my upcoming urine test. For starters, I'm a 28 year old male, 5'10, 160 pounds, average metabolism, and I exercise regularly (4 times a week, cardio). I have been clean for 70 days, which will actually be 80 or 90 days by the time I take the drug test. However, before this period of being clean, I was a chronic marijuana user. I smoked 3-4 times per day, nearly every day, for about 6 years straight. The last 6 months of this time, I smoked wax. So what would you say my odds are of passing a urine test given this information with me being clean for 80-90 days? I plan on trying an at-home test and maybe even a detox program in the coming days, if necessary. Thanks in advance.