What happened to my favorite Marajuana Strains???


Well-Known Member
Keep in mind that THC has a production peak and once its past the peak it starts to deteriorate, so you don't want to harvest too late.

Sure Shot

Well-Known Member
Purple Urkle is just another name for GDP.

Dark room will make it green, water will make it brown, the sun will cause yellowing.
That's as much as I know. GL

Bubba Kushman

Well-Known Member
Hey Sub Zero. Im old school too. Miss the Acapulco Gold and Panama Red from back in the day too. Everything is Kush or Berry flavored now days. World of Seeds has some good landrace strains. The Afghan Kush and Mazar Kush are killer strains. I plan on picking up the Pakuistan Valley in the near future. drchronic.com carrys World of Seeds strains and they have Colombian Gold if thats what you are looking for.They also have Ketama a landrace strain from Maroc thats not too green and 100% Indica. Very nice stuff. I have ordered from them many times with no problems. Very stealt and legit! Check out SeedBoutique. The GN Collection has a limited supply of Thai Stick. Might be what you want so check it out a lot of members use them and say they are legit too! Good luck finding the classic strains, they are still the best. Peace out!

Bubba Kushman

Well-Known Member
The curing methods are not going to make it taste like or give you the buzz like the old days. Its in the genetics so thats what you have to find. You can make it into a brick and let it mold and turn brown but thats what its going to taste like. Like the harsh Mexican brick weed we used to get and allways complained about. Find those old school genetics. Grow it, dry it and cure properly and enjoy. Thats what you need to bring back the old days of smoking good weed.

Sub Zero

Well-Known Member
Thanks all for your opinions and they are all appreciated sincerely. It's established now that I and all of us know where to get old school seed strains. I already ordered some and can't wait for the 3rd grow. Now for part 2 of the question, old school curing. Let’s use an example like Thai sticks, anybody over 45 remembers Thai. Buds tied around 5" long bamboo sticks about as thick as your little finger and sold for around $15.00. They came in many colors, green to gold. How they do this in a tropical climate with 90% + humidity? How about Columbian weed, it came in green, brown to a lovely golden color, and they were never in a brick form. It was never harsh and was very smooth like a fine cigar. The most golden Columbian I ever smoked was the best, I planted a couple of her seeds outdoors in 1978 (thanks mom!) and one grew into an 8.5 foot sativa dominate momma. I got one pound of cured buds and they didn't taste at all like their momma.... But Damn! What a lung busting mind blowing smoke!
All I want to do is tweak these green buds a little and lose the chlorophyll flavor; I'm willing to sacrifice a little THC for a better smoother smoke.

NOTE… I’m not saying old school weeds were better, they were actually a lot lower in THC, but it’s not just the THC in weed that gets you euphoric or medicates your pains.


Active Member
The one time I got my bud gold was when I had one top cola that I cured for months to see how it would turn out. I'm talkin 4 1/2 months in the dark chillin. When I pulled it out it was the color of my pewter colored truck. Damm if it wasn't some of the best shit I smoked. My only problem now is that I'm so impatient to smoke and such a stoner that I smoke a ton a weed that it never lasts long enough to cure that long. I just smoke it too fast


Well-Known Member
The one time I got my bud gold was when I had one top cola that I cured for months to see how it would turn out. I'm talkin 4 1/2 months in the dark chillin. When I pulled it out it was the color of my pewter colored truck. Damm if it wasn't some of the best shit I smoked. My only problem now is that I'm so impatient to smoke and such a stoner that I smoke a ton a weed that it never lasts long enough to cure that long. I just smoke it too fast
thats probably how they did it, FDD had a thread where he cured some bud for a year, and it was all brown :bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
Learn how to water cure, that gets you the brown buds you're talking about.

For the golden ones, you cure under UV light and semi-bleach the chlorophyll - as stated the sun-cure method.

I don't know how to perform either but I'm sure someone on this forum does.

Brick Top

New Member
NOTE… I’m not saying old school weeds were better, they were actually a lot lower in THC, but it’s not just the THC in weed that gets you euphoric or medicates your pains.

While I have no way to prove it I think some of the old 60’s and 70’s pot had as high or a higher THC level. My brother in law brought home to large stereo speakers filled with some landrace sativa when he came back from Vietnam and I would almost describe it as being dangerous. It would not be something for anyone other than true party commandos to smoke. It was to much to handle for a number of people who thought they were experienced smokers.

I can remember Acapulco Gold and Colombian Gold and Panama Red, all pure landrace sativa plants, that would put you in the ozone. I turned on a friend of mine on the way to high school one time and found him feeling his way along the lockers working his way down the hall trying to find his first period classroom and he was on the opposite side of the school than he should have been. He had no idea of where he was and he got high all the time so he was no lightweight.

One MAJOR difference is they were pure sativa, true landrace strains, and they would give you an incredible soaring head high higher than Mt. Everest-like altitudes. They did not give you a buzz or a stone, they were not at all like what most people know today and believe to be potent but that glues their butts to the couch and makes them want to eat an entire cow.

These strains were like taking speed in a way, they motivated you and made you want to do things. We’d get high and just have to do something. We’d hit the golf course or we’d play baseball or football or shoot pool or go swimming or ride our dirt bikes (somewhat dangerous to do in that condition but we did it) but you had to do something. You could hardly sit still and veg out watching a flick or listening to tunes and you didn’t get the munchies anything like indica strains cause.

What I find to be so shocking is they were that potent while having seeds. If the had been raised by growers like today and made seedless and the energy that went into seed production had gone into making more THC they would have been utterly insane.

I have smoked just about every major name/strain of modern pot that is supposed to be higher in THC than the pot of old and I have never smoked anything that came close to what my brother in law brought back from Vietnam.

I could be in my own home and not know where I was. I couldn’t remember my dog’s name. I was as lost at times as if I had been blindfolded and flown to some distant nation and put in a totally strange house with all the lights out on the darkest night.

It was way to much for people who thought they smoked a lot and WAY, WAY to much for a beginning smoker or a lightweight smoker. Some people who smoked a lot said my brother in law laced it with something but it was just a real deal, the Real McCoy pure landrace sativa and nothing more.

I really do feel sorry for pot lovers who never had the chance to experience some of those old strains. One thing is for sure though and that is if they had they would HATE to pay the prices for the beans they buy now whose high does not come close to the pure strains of old.

I could buy a ‘lid’ of nothing but tops where the baggie was so full that you could hardly fold the flap over to close it for $35.00 to $45.00. If you could find the same quality strains today for $350.00 to $450.00 for a weighed ounce people would buy it so fast dealers could not keep it in stock. They would sell out in record time every time they got more.


Well-Known Member

I remember pot like that, but my dad got the stuff and smoked it with me. Acapulco gold blew my mind.

Brick Top

New Member

I remember pot like that, but my dad got the stuff and smoked it with me. Acapulco gold blew my mind.

It was unlike almost anything that can be purchased today and of those that are at least close most people pass on buying the beans because they take 12 to 14 weeks to flower and they just cannot wait long enough to experience a true or almost totally sativa high.

They hardly have the patience to wait 7 to 8 weeks for something that will turn them into a couch zombie who eat a dozen burritos and hardly has the energy to lift up the remote control to change the channel or advance the 5-disc DVD player to the next DVD .. and they think they have it made in the shade and are smoking the best pot ever produced.

Sub Zero

Well-Known Member
Thanks Brick Top! I thought I was the only one that remembers the time when you got exotic strains of weed, cured in the local traditions, smuggled into the country. And smoked by long haired low life drop outs.... :-)

Sub Zero

Well-Known Member
I have a bad feeling about trying to get the old growers to post to this forum. After some thought, I have come to the conclusion that these old school growers may all be gone. Most likely they don't speak english for one, second I'm 49
they must be 69+++ Do they even have a computer? I want to recreate old school weed color and tastes, just a dream.

Big P

Well-Known Member

Landrace seeds are seeds that have been grown locally in an area for…well…a long time. They are seeds that have been grown in a isolated area for several hundred generations. The longer the plant spends in that area the more acclimated it becomes to that environment. As plants breed they evolve to grow better in their environment, gaining and losing attributes giving it its own uniqueness.

All the wonderful cannabis grown today is basically a cross of maybe 10 different base genetics (South Indian, Brazilian, Laos, Cambodian, Mexican, Afghanistan, China, Russia etc). Each area providing its own unique characteristics to produce the quality we get today. These genetics all came from landrace seeds that breeders identified for certain qualities. For instance, pure Citral is a strain that came from the Pakistani town of Chitral and easily identified by its strong lemon citrus smell/flavor. Any strain with a distinct lemony citrus flavor (Super Lemon Haze anyone) has probably been derived from the original landrace seed from Chitral Pakistan. Hindu Kush is almost pure landrace and was pulled from the Hindu Kush mountain range. Its famous for its potent indica high and copious resin production.

Breeders are constantly searching new areas for landrace genetics that offer something new to our ever-expanding strains. Once a landrace seed has been selected, it has to be stabilized. This is the process of crossing desired phenotypes (of the same plant) to achieve a plant that produces uniform and consistent babys. An un-stabilized cannabis plant can have several phenotypes that can be for the better or the worse. AK-47 has a very cherry phenotype that is absolutely amazing. You may get one of these phenos after buying several packs of non-feminized seeds.

The big hit on the market today is auto-flowering strains. These strains are landrace seeds from taken from the northern hemisphere where days may have 24 hours of light. Well obviously a plant is never going to flower on 24 hours of light (since Indicas and Sativas rely on the shorter days of the years end to flower near the equator). These northern hemisphere plants basically got thrown into the ‘other’ Cannabis category named Cannabis Ruderalis. Ruderalis simply flowers after two or so weeks of growing since it has no idea what time of the year it is. Outdoor growers are reading this going…”wait…I don’t have to build a light deprivation green house to yield more than once a year”. This is indeed a fact. The problem is that Ruderalis in its native environment produces NO THC.

Breeders identified this two week flowering trait and thought “This would be awesome for outdoor growers if it got you medicated.” I don’t know exactly who (probably Dutch Passion) made the first but somebody stabilized a cross of Cannabis Ruderalis and Cannabis Indica/Sativa that produces a good amount of THC. Two months from seed to harvest pushing 5+% THC. The plants are small but with a complete grow time of two months what can you expect. Now that the genes are stabilized watch for some unique auto-flowering strains.

Brick Top

New Member
so where can we get these landrace 14 week sativas boys?:clap:

the seeds i mean

You will not find the original Acapulco Gold and Colombian Gold and Panama Red strains in bean form.

You can find other later strains that are sativa strains that will take 12 to 14 weeks to flower but most are sativa crosses or strains that are sativa/indica crosses but like 90% or higher in sativa.

Nevilles Haze is a 12 to 14 week flowering time strain but it is not 100% sativa. It is close but still not 100%. Arjans Haze #2 is a cross of a landrace Laotian pot, Nevilles Haze and Super Silver Haze so again it is mostly sativa but still is not 100%.

Dr.Greenthumb Seeds used to sell several beans that were claimed to be the original landrace strains but he doesn’t carry them anymore and I believe that is because people who knew what to expect were not getting what they expected and stopped buying them and other people who were scared off by 12 to 14 week flowering times would not buy them so they stopped selling them due to a lack of a large enough marketplace.

If you want the old Real McCoy sativas you practically need to travel the world to areas where it is still grown but not in large quantities and not for export.

The old Mexican pot Oxaca (pronounced wa’haka) Gold was really good but you cannot find it anymore.

People wanted to increase yields and shorten flowering times so indicas were crossed with what were once utterly fantastic genetics and ruined them and like the full service gas station you just cannot find them anymore.

Big P

Well-Known Member
I would imagine the remote places in Morroco and afghanistan vietnam others there would be surviving originals still being cultivated by grandsons of the ethnic land race grower of old
