What is the point in Auto Flowering Plants ?


Well-Known Member
I asked myself the same question op when i got an auto jack and an auto a+b as freebies. I have had mine under a 24 hour t-5 set-up in my veg closet just to see what they do.. here's what i got as of almost 4 weeks from seed.View attachment 2482508View attachment 2482509View attachment 2482510
Why are there no flowers if those are 4 weeks from seed?? Just further proof that autoflowers are bullshit...

Check out my Deep Purple from TGA, 6 weeks from seed...Just 2 weeks further along than yours!



Active Member
I just love it how you fucktard eleitist slam autos, makes me fucken smile to see you idiots try to figure out whyb autos have become popular.

If someone wants to grow autos for personal smoke, let them. Don't look down on them.

Buds are buds after all, we should be chilled and encouraging not looking down from our ivory towers. Those dissing autos just simply don't want to get with the times.

Why would i want to grow a fucken commercial size when it's only for my personal use. Why would i want to risk my neighbours finding a massive plant peeking over their fence when i can grow 5 of the things in a discrete manner?



Well-Known Member
and they dont need lots of light or any certain light pattern, they just flower..put one in a corner of your grow if you have space and theres not much light some quick smoke

Jack Harer

Well-Known Member
and they dont need lots of light or any certain light pattern, they just flower..put one in a corner of your grow if you have space and theres not much light some quick smoke

But surely they're the same as photos bud production wise? More light = more bud?


Well-Known Member
Im seeing alot more people growing what they think are auto's and deciding after 5-6 weeks of an 18/6 schedule that they arn't auto. They are very unstable and the ratio of the seeds coming out the production line actually turning out to be autoflower i'd like to know! there are so many choices with auto's now compared to when i first grew them i wouldnt know where to look, other than world of seeds for their afghan kush :)
if they are true auto's they will show sex after 2-3 weeks and be chopped within 8-12 weeks max!.


Well-Known Member
They make outdoor growing possible in areas that is difficult - or even impossible - to grow photoperiod strains. Places such as Alaska for example - almost constant light in the summer, but very early and very harsh winters. That is an extreme example, but the way the daylight is where I live in the UK plants don't usually start flowering till nearly September - and I have always struggled to get them to finish before frosts and extreme humidity. Auto flowering plants mean that the strongest daylight and most optimum conditions can be exploited with the crop being completed well before the weather turns.


Well-Known Member
I just love it how you fucktard eleitist slam autos, makes me fucken smile to see you idiots try to figure out whyb autos have become popular.

If someone wants to grow autos for personal smoke, let them. Don't look down on them.

Buds are buds after all, we should be chilled and encouraging not looking down from our ivory towers. Those dissing autos just simply don't want to get with the times.

Why would i want to grow a fucken commercial size when it's only for my personal use. Why would i want to risk my neighbours finding a massive plant peeking over their fence when i can grow 5 of the things in a discrete manner?


LOL - I like the 'take no prisoners' tone. Are you an auto aficionado? I've grown them myself, indoors and out - would again outdoors, but not indoors.

There are some real horror show auto strains out there though for breeders that seem clueless to how to incorporate the auto gene. I've had friends who have grown the best weed I've ever smoked grow simply awful weed with auto genetics from shitty breeders. Certainly a whole other league of poor to his worst photo period stain.

But I agree with your overall point. Elitism is stupid, there is room for both varieties imo - shows lack of imagination to not be able to think of one single benefit to auto flowers.


Active Member
To each their own... you like hydro, I like soil. You like Indica.. I like Sativa. I love weed.. and I'm sure you do too! WHO wouldn't enjoy a nice plant to smoke on while the PHOTOS are finishing up? I like them just because they are different.


Well-Known Member
I very much like the idea of dotting them around everywhere in silly guerilla spots. Places like the central reservation of highways and the middle of roundabouts - cars could suddenly get wafted with fragrant herb and then notice beautiful ganja plants as they were stuck in traffic jams. Almost tempted to do a greenhouse grown auto seed run this summer so I can do my little anarchy plan next year.