what size reflector hood is best for.2m x 1.2m x 2m


Active Member
iv got myself a new grow tent which is 6ft x4 x6ft.. 2m x 1.2m x2m.i will only be usein 1 600 watt h
ps buld. which reflector would be best for me.. a large a just a wing or large parabolic..only be budding 6-8 plants..will expericed growers help me please..thank you.. from the uk


Well-Known Member
parabolic should be nice I was told, but IMO it also depend on your grow technic, parabolic should be perfect to spread the light evenly, specially them who keep the bulb vertical

wing should be one of the best standard reflectors if you keep your bulb horisontale

I like cool hood`s as you can keep the light much closer and don't have to struggle so much with heat problems, both thing is very nice when using artificial light, tho I do consider vertical with a bare bulb or in a cool tube

so no real answer, all depend on your grow method and what you like/have money to ..


Well-Known Member
1---Best efficiency is bare bulb hung vertically and let the plants grow around it

2--- vertical reflector is the better than most horizontal....large parabolic should do well in your area....OG / cycloptic bounce out/ excalibur hoods are great but coverage is limited

3---raptors/xxl /magnum are good for your area put arent as efficient as above

4-- adjust a wing horizontal reflectors are the least efficient option (large light losses) but are cheap and do work

btw a 600w hps in your 6x4x6 is pushing it ....get creative:P