which bong would you prefer and why


Well-Known Member
second one, horizontal diffuses work best for percolating, but you must be careful as it looks fragile


Well-Known Member
I like number 1 it doesn't look like it would tip as easy as number 3. Number 2 is also sweet but it looks a bit taller then I like.

smokin away

Well-Known Member
I ordered once from that place. I did receive the items in a timely manner. The quality of the product was very low. My advice is to find a local smoke shop in your area and get some instant gratification from your purchase. My last bong was plastic because I had ceramic flooring. A glass bong seems to work better and it's neat to see the smoke. Match your bowl with the size of the bong. Personally when I smoke a pipe I use the bong bowl on a chamber pipe. I find using a cheap rolling paper is still the best. Why do think the site is called Roll It UP?:joint:


Well-Known Member
the third one is the best of em, because of the double perc and its easier to clean than the #2 black leaf IMO, even tho its knarly, if its gonna be your daily and glass you use on the reg, get the #3, if your adding to your collection and want something cool looking and quality go #2, the first one is... alright...but thats me :peace:


Well-Known Member
I would go with #2 I've owned each style and I prefer 2... The first is a heavier pull the second is faster and the third can come in too hot depending on the amount of water it goes through

Sent from my HTC One using Rollitup mobile app


Well-Known Member
I avoid flat or spherical bases. I prefer flask shaped base, holds more h2o and is bottom heavy and inherently more stable.

PHX Trinity is my fav.