White Widow My First Grow

past times

Well-Known Member
you can maybe try to take a few clippings from each plant and root them in the room while you are still in veg with these guys. then out them in another room with just some cfls for another couple weeks while the mothers of flowering then put the clones in the room, may only extend your flower a few weeks and up the yield...may be more of a hassle though since you are definitely going to get good yield out of those plants anyway...just a thought


Well-Known Member
I kinda got a deal with the wife. I'm only aloud to have 6 females thats it. So as soon as the males are outta there I'll be at max capacity.


Well-Known Member
Past times, in regard to my temp it is generally around 25 degrees, I have a cover for therm/hygrometer that wasn't on during photo so temp was affected by radiant heat. I am using an 8" fan pulling air out with 6" intake duct(no fan) pulling air from under my house. Sorry ratty for butting in on ya thread with my own stuff, your mates plants look good! I have heard that by not topping you can potentially get just as much bud just less bigger ones, though personal experience can't back anything up :)


Active Member
Nice Grow, hope i can do the same. It's my 2nd grow the 1st one i killed by having my 400 watt mh light 6" from the seedling. This time i'm doing white widow (don't have pictures of this grow) and there about 1.5 weeks old, about 1.5" tall but the leaves are droopy, or curling under, not giving it nutes
don't know how humid it is but got a pan on the floor with water in it, any body got any ideas.


past times

Well-Known Member
nice and bushy ratty, not sure if there is anything to really improve on at the moment. if you only get these 6 plants then go ahead and veg them longer like you were saying. height can always be controlled by tieing the larger branches down...i generally try to get all the bud heights at the same lvl after about a week or 2 of flower.

wally. you might want to back that light up even more. seedlings are fragile and dont need tons of light. looks like you may be blasting them a little too much. that, or put them unde3r a few cfl's for a couple days

past times

Well-Known Member
ratty can you take a pic from farther away, one where you can see the light and basic set-up of your room


Well-Known Member
Day 52 Today and also Time for 12/12 Thats right Finally gonna flower these babies. They all had preflowers showing sex except one. So I ended up with 6 ladies maybe 7 out of 13. I was aiming for 6 so thats ok. I also cut some clones today and created what I call the clone box. (Simply a cardboard box lined on the inside with black and white polyfilm and a CFL bulb) Hope that works ok for me. I will post some pics later tonight, since the wife doesnt want me to play with her new camera yet so she has to take the pics.


Well-Known Member
Thanx guys. Its always nice to hear a compliment. I sure hope they turn out good, I spent a lot of money to get the right equipment. It would be a shame if it was a waste. I think I would cry. Thanx for the comments keep em comin.


Well-Known Member
No worries man, everything you learn from this grow will help you on your next grow. "Knowledge is best gained though experience." ~Mark Twain~ :joint: Oh yeah looking great by the way


Well-Known Member
how much money would you say you have spent building this grow?
All together I have spent around $1200 for my whole setup. That includes evrything. The way I look at it, I only have to spend the money once so it should be well worth it in the end. I have enough nutes for like 10 more grows, so I dont even have to invest in that again. Keep your fingers crossed for me!!

All comments welcome!!