Why am I not getting a buzz from this dip?


Well-Known Member
ive got a great idea...
find the hottest chick that will speak to you and ask HER what type of brand she prefers you dip

green fan

Active Member
So over the summer my friend started dipping, and I tried it with him a few times. I always got a nice buzz, but I stayed away from it knowing how harmful it is and how addictive nicotine is. Anyway I bought a can of Grizzly Pouches a few days ago, and I can NOT get a buzz off them! I've had two in at a time for like 30 minutes and I still never get ANY sensation, except a headache later. I don't smoke cigarettes and I haven't dipped (prior to now, obviously) since June.
Why the hell am I not getting a buzz?
As your tolerance increases you have to find different delivery systems, but eventually you will not get a buzz off of it anymore.
Knowing what I know now I wish I had not started using tobacco b/c I have quit for months and years at a time and I always end up back.
Keeping all this in mind here is what you need to do get a buzz.
1. Copenhagen fine cut snuff - fill up your lower and spit and spit (eventually will give you a blister)
2. Smoke cigs
3 Smoke cigars or this
4. Snus http://www.buysnus.com/snus-history.aspx

I love this stuff and buy it off the internet.


Well-Known Member
OOld thread. But hopefully someone can help. I live in Canada. If I order some snus online as mentioned in the last post, am I going to get nailed with tobacco taxes after it gets here? The prices are good so long as it can pass without tax. it cost $20 for a can of Skoal here! I'm definitely addicted to nicotine, but prefer to dip/snuff/chew over smoking. So far it's working for me.


the pouches are the problem, they dont salivate enough, get yourself the grizzy windergreen long cut(green can), the fresher the better, nice and juciy. If you get an old can it will be dry and not work effectively, most people say grizzy sucks, ive tried most and still end up back with griz, There all about same price other then Coph fine cut. Shit gets everywhere. Like others quit while your ahead, ive been off and on for about 6 yrs. Mainly chew when doing the outdoor stuff,hunting,fishing,yard work,gardening stuff like that.


Active Member
Lol this thread is back to life I may as well chime in. Skoal and coph is the only thing that stays in a lump. Grizz breaks apart after like 25 min lol garbage. Tastes good tho. As far as the tingling I change it up. left side, right side, front, upper lip, etc. I usually just dip in winter tho, not sure why but that's the way it is


Shit didnt even notice thread is 4yrs old.. not sure how the canadian taxs works but 20 bucks a can is crazy, just paid 3.25. Id think it woukd be worth a shot to order some if they will ship to you, has to be cheaper.


Well-Known Member
Well for starters pouchies are for pussys

Now I dip long cut because it holds more flavor but if ur wanting a buzz then I suggest any fine cut or grizz mint or wintergreen

Chewin tobacco don't have the nicotine dip does just saying

Not like you still get on anymore lol


Well-Known Member

I NEVER got a "buzz" from tobacco. It made me feel more energetic, sure, but not buzzed.

Quitting that shit was one of the hardest things I've ever done.


Well-Known Member
mix your dip with bho...there,problem solved! youre welcome. (and the crowd cheers..RAAAAAHH!!!aaaaaa....)

anthony grande

New Member
So over the summer my friend started dipping, and I tried it with him a few times. I always got a nice buzz, but I stayed away from it knowing how harmful it is and how addictive nicotine is. Anyway I bought a can of Grizzly Pouches a few days ago, and I can NOT get a buzz off them! I've had two in at a time for like 30 minutes and I still never get ANY sensation, except a headache later. I don't smoke cigarettes and I haven't dipped (prior to now, obviously) since June.
Why the hell am I not getting a buzz?
All I can say is only pouches dont give you a buzz just long cut, and also grizzly aint bad it all depends how much you want to spend. The premiums are skoal and cooenhagen try wintergreen flavor and dont be scared to pinch a lil bit more than you usually get. If you pack a lil about the size of a quarter you should get that feeling.


Well-Known Member
All I can say is only pouches dont give you a buzz just long cut, and also grizzly aint bad it all depends how much you want to spend. The premiums are skoal and cooenhagen try wintergreen flavor and dont be scared to pinch a lil bit more than you usually get. If you pack a lil about the size of a quarter you should get that feeling.
Dude, that guy died three years ago. Still... too soon.


Well-Known Member
I just stopped the Copenhagen wintergreen pouches. I was rocking like a can a day for the last few weeks. Good thing they're cheap as hell.

It was easy as shit, I'd just pop in a pouch and pop out a tooth. The can holds like a whole upper or lower set of teeth for the tooth fairy.