Why are you voting for the person your voting for...


Active Member
Hey guys, don't want a bunch of negative shit goin in here as I know how heated politic threads can get. I'm just curious to know what reasons you are voting for either Romney or Obama. What policies do they hold (or say they hold) that sparks you to support them.


Well-Known Member
Because he's for (1) smaller government (2) less government intrusion into our lives and (3) legalization of MJ. I'll let you guess who it is.


Well-Known Member
Because he's for (1) smaller government (2) less government intrusion into our lives and (3) legalization of MJ. I'll let you guess who it is.
You're flipping nuts if you think Romney would touch legalizing any drug now classified as dangerous. You'll be such a dick if you vote for Mutt thinking he cares about MMJ as he has already clearly stated he is against it!


Mr I Can Do That For Half
Its not Obama thats for sure since he is pro big government and for government control and not for legalized marijua and that doesnt fit romney so it has to be a wasted Ron Paul vote the wacko leader of wack jobs lol


Mr I Can Do That For Half
Im voting Romney..Im for smaller government, fiscal responsibility, self pride, strong military, irs disbandment, flat tax rate, history of success as a leader such as his governorship,helping the working middle class and small business,job creation, and a strong background in economics which the current dummy in office has none.


Mr I Can Do That For Half
Lol you know what Romney has done since he has a proven track record. Obama has none since he has never been a leader but what he does have is 4 years of no budget and 2 years in Illinois where he voted present over 65% of the time and the rest he voted for dumb bills that sank illinois into an $8 billion hole so only a fool would for for a brain dead moron lol


Active Member
Lol you know what Romney has done since he has a proven track record. Obama has none since he has never been a leader but what he does have is 4 years of no budget and 2 years in Illinois where he voted present over 65% of the time and the rest he voted for dumb bills that sank illinois into an $8 billion hole so only a fool would for for a brain dead moron lol



If Romney is such a good guy, Could you please explain this video then? Dont worry, ill wait.......


Well-Known Member
You're flipping nuts if you think Romney would touch legalizing any drug now classified as dangerous. You'll be such a dick if you vote for Mutt thinking he cares about MMJ as he has already clearly stated he is against it!
Way to keep up with current events. I'm not voting for Romney or Obama. Is that clearer for you?


Well-Known Member
Im voting Romney..Im for smaller government, fiscal responsibility, self pride, strong military, irs disbandment, flat tax rate, history of success as a leader such as his governorship,helping the working middle class and small business,job creation, and a strong background in economics which the current dummy in office has none.
You know that under Romney Massachusetts was 47th in the nation in regards to job creation. He also is for small government when it comes to regulating the financial industry and for industry standards for safety and the environment but when it comes to your body he wants the government to dictate if you can use weed, smoke, drink, and carry a child. In a Mitt Romney administration a 14 year old girl who is raped by some sicko will have to take that child to prison to visit the father who is in jail for the rape because Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan don't think abortion should be legal.


Well-Known Member
After reading through many of these threads here in the politics section, I finally decided what I'm going to do come election day. Mr. Carlin explains my position much better than I can, so please watch this very short video.
