Why we should Impeach?


New Member

Submitted by Raymond Funamoto on Thu, 06/28/2007 - 11:08pm.
1. They SHUT Saddam Hussein UP by rushing his execution so he couldn't spill the beans about their war profiteering and trumping up an excuse to invade Iraq under false pretenses in order to fill their and their families' coffers as well as "The Industrial Military Complex" with ill-gotten gains stolen from the American taxpayers and diverted towards themselves.
2. They both have a flagrant disregard and complete lack of respect for the Rule of Law of the Land as well as The Constitution of the United States of America by refusing to obey or comply with The Law which they are subject to by claiming "Executive Privilege" which neither exists nor is mandated by their offices but which they wield like a mad beserker, forgetting that their deeds are a double-edged sword waiting to cleave them right in their loathesome visages.
3. They condone torture and illegal incarceration of terrorist suspects without oversight or careful inspection of evidence in a case-by-case basis, lumping the innocent bystanders in with the truly guilty, disregarding the Geneva Convention and the protection of Habeas Corpus and acting no better than tin-pot despots and totalitarian regimes, a trait shared by South American "banana republic" dictators, Vladimir Putin of Russia, the leaders of The People's Republic of China, North Korea, Vietnam, Myanmar, and other despotic regimes.
4. They have consistently out-and-out LIED to the People of America since they stole the Presidental Election of 2000, utilizing gross exaggerations so far from the truth that it reads like a cheap pulp novel, acting in a sociopathic and warped psychopathic manner, completely devoid of any compassion or empathy for the American Soldiers who have been sent to Iraq on a Pack of Lies, Lies, Lies and More DAMNED Lies, to Give Their Precious Lives as cannon-fodder, exposed to DEPLETED URANIUM, forced to go into battle improperly armored, and after sustaining maiming injuries, not properly cared for by miserable, wretched hospitals like at Walter Reed center, to perpetuate the lying perfidy of Bush and Cheney and to keep them from losing face with the American People, which they have both done ages ago as the tangled skein of their countless lies unravels and the Naked Truth that the Criminal Emperors "have no clothes on" and are exposed in all their LYING NAKEDNESS is EXPOSED.
5. They are both INCOMPETENT to hold their respective offices, having purposely led America into a quicksand morass that is Iraq, without any viable plan for victory or securing a stable government as Iraq reels from a full-blown Civil War and Afghanistan begins to revert back to The Taliban and al-Quaida, failed domestic plans and an unsure future as their encroachments into Iraq and their inability to deal with the Arab and Islamic World guarantees us future terrorist attacks, this time with nuclear tragedy in the making.
6. They are both UNSTABLE MENTALLY and PHYSICALLY to hold such important offices, always ready to do some irresponsible act which will have grave consequences, like the very real possibility of attacking Iran, which will propel America and the rest of the Western World into World War III and Armageddon without a doubt. They are also BOTH CHILDISH and UNREASONABLE, STUBBORN in their DOGMATIC MINDSET, like their refusal to comply with Congressional subpoenas by claiming "Executive Privilege" that DOES NOT EXIST in the legal statutes.
7. They are both COMMON CRIMINALS, BREAKING THE LAWS THAT ALL AMERICAN PEOPLE MUST ABIDE BY, but which they blithely assert "does not apply to them" by using warpeed logic to try and sidestep legal precedent by using warped illegal toadies like David Addington and John Yoo to interpret the law in their favor by downright LYING, as in the case of the "Inquisitor General" of the CURRENT IN-Justice Department, Alberto Gonzales. Such malicious malfeasence can neither be condoned nor overlooked, and even Capital Punishment for these miscreants is too lenient a punishment.
8. They are both SECRETIVE HOMOSEXUALS who have held illegal HOMOSEXUAL ORGIES in the White House with the aid of their "pimps" Karl Rove, himself a homosexual predator, and Jeff Gannon, male homosexual prostitute masquerading as a member of the press. In addition, Rove has had Secret Service logs which show these undesirable peverts coming and going in The White House destroyed at the express orders of both Bush and Cheney in order to conceal their loathesome perverted pedophilic activities seducing and corrupting young innocent men.
9. They are both trying to bring about a SINGLE WORLD ORDER, a TOTALITARIAN regime with FASCIST DESPOTS like Vladimir Putin of Russia, the Communist Chinese leaders, while ostensibly at odds with Putin of Russia and China, they are in secret communication to implement this takeover of Democratic Systems of GOvernment. Bush, Cheney and Putin, etc. are just small cogs in the scheme of things, controlled by a MALIFICENT RULING CABAL who use Bush, Cheney and Putin to do their dirty work and get things set up for the eventual takeover. But just because "they were following orders" DOES NOT ABSOLVE THEM OF BLAME OR PUNISHMENT!


Well-Known Member
you also forgot the biggest and best reason: lots of air time and useless grandstanding on TV.

oh, and more expensive investigative panels too! sooo much deficit money and soooo little time to spend it!!!!!



Well-Known Member
medicineman I hate to tell you that part of number four is wrong. They did not steal the presidential election. Go and read article 1 of the constitution and you will clearly see that it says you need 270 electorial college votes to be president. Says nothing about popular votes needed. And then go and read the articles from the electorial college and you will find that it is the governors of each state that picks the electorial college voters from each state. Also it states that the e.c. voters do not have to vote the same way as the voters of a given state. So in other words, if you have a democrat for a governor all of the electorial college voters will be friends of his that are in his democratic party, and the same for a republican governor. Now if you go back to the 2000 elections and count the states that al gore won, you will find they all had democratic governors, and all the states bush won had republican governors. Same thing applies for every election we have had for president since washington was president in new york city. In the history of the elections you will find 16 instances where the person won the electorial college vote but lost the popular vote. I will look for the website that has the info on it and post it here later.


Well-Known Member
medicineman I hate to tell you that part of number four is wrong. They did not steal the presidential election.
I hate to tell you, but they did steal the presidential election .... 2000, 2002, 2004, tried to steal 2006 and working to steal 2008 ... and the electrial college had nothing to do with it ...

The illegitimate bush was NEVER elected only SELECTED ...:roll:


Well-Known Member
I hate to tell you, but they did steal the presidential election .... 2000, 2002, 2004, tried to steal 2006 and working to steal 2008 ... and the electrial college had nothing to do with it ...

The illegitimate bush was NEVER elected only SELECTED ...:roll:
Wow somebody who has never read the constitution. The electorial college has everything to do with electing a president. You should actually pick up a copy of it and read article 1,2 and 3. Not just the preamble and bill of rights they teach you in middle and high school history. Also in order to run for president, not just get the republican or democratic nomination, you have to write a check for $1,000,000.00 and give it to the electorial college. And the money is non-refundable if you win or lose which would be a bitch. So yes the electorial college has everything to do with electing the president of the united states. Go to this website and you will see all the presidents and then see how many won by e.c. votes only. <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/United_States_presidential_election>


New Member
420worshipper ...

Dooood! Don't cha know that if you confuse liberals with facts their brains scramble and they become even more liberal? Liberalism is a mental illness and facts just exacerbate the problem. :blsmoke:



Well-Known Member
Then why do we waste our time voting? I think the president is "selected" before "elected".
It's not a waste of time to vote .... in fact it's more important now than ever .... the president is "selected" ... by corporate amerkia .... and the less of us that vote the easier it is for them to steal elections .... that's why the couldn't steal as much of 2006 as they would have liked ...

It is our duty to vote as Americans ... we are so behind the other western nations we're it's people don't take too much shit from their government.



Well-Known Member
Wow somebody who has never read the constitution. The electorial college has everything to do with electing a president. <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/United_States_presidential_election>
Not when it's stolen .... and wikipedia isn't the greatest of sources .... :roll:

:happy wave:


Well-Known Member
Someone is using facts....now I am confused...normally I can only react to emotionally charged statements...now you made me forget what the subject was.


Well-Known Member
It is our duty to vote as Americans ... we are so behind the other western nations we're it's people don't take too much shit from their government.

Are you insane? Europeans don't even have free speech. They are hardly even nations anymore because of the EU.


Well-Known Member
Are you insane? Europeans don't even have free speech. They are hardly even nations anymore because of the EU.
Since when don't they have free speech ... where is that in western Europe? ... in Europe there is free health care and the people wouldn't have it any other way ... plus they know way more about our government than Americans ...:-|



Well-Known Member
Not when it's stolen .... and wikipedia isn't the greatest of sources .... :roll:

:happy wave:

Okay since you say wikipedia isn't the greatest source how about these...

This link tells you how the president is elected:
LII: Constitution

So does this one:
The United States Constitution - The U.S. Constitution Online - USConstitution.net

And since it says that e.c. voters elect the president you should know this from them....

NARA | Federal Register | U. S. Electoral College - About the Electoral College

this part the best....


The Electoral College, administered by the National Archives and Records Administration (NARA), is not a place, it is a process that began as part of the original design of the U.S. Constitution. The Electoral College was established by the founding fathers as a compromise between election of the president by Congress and election by popular vote. The people of the United States vote for the electors who then vote for the President.


And finally how many votes each candidate received in 2000 presidential election...

NARA | Federal Register | U. S. Electoral College

Now if you want to look at each states e.c. voters ballets...

NARA | Federal Register | U. S. Electoral College

Now I think I will end this here. Because you want to blather on about a process you know nothing about. My suggestion, stay off the crack pipe and read the facts of the process completeley.


Well-Known Member
Since when don't they have free speech ... where is that in western Europe? ... in Europe there is free health care and the people wouldn't have it any other way ... plus they know way more about our government than Americans ...:-|

Gas is also 8 bucks a gallon in Europe. But they get free healthcare, cool. I read about a guy in some Scandanavian country that gets government benefits because he is addicted to heavy metal. That's no joke. And if you want a sex-change operation in Germany, that is covered too. They also have millions of immigrants living there for free on welfare. And immigrants that aren't even citizens get free housing in the UK. You can immigrate to Norway and do nothing but sit around collect your checks. And of course you have the native Europeans that can sit around and do nothing, while living in estate housing.

As for free speech, they have hate speech laws there. You can go to prison for talking bad about minorities. In Sweden, I think it was, a preacher was fined and almost sent to prison for telling his congregation that homosexuality is wrong, while using sources from the Bible. The same laws they used to prosecute him do not apply to non-Europeans. So 'minorities' can say whatever they would like about native Europeans. Holocaust denial is a crime in much of Europe, there are people sitting in prison right now for it. The leader of the British Nationalist Party was taken to court by the government for saying Muslims are "evil". A jury of his peers acquitted him, however.

Denying the Holocaust, smearing homosexuals, and speaking out against entire races of people is bad. But that's not the point. You should still be allowed to do it. But the governments there don't think so. So you go bye-bye to prison for a while so you can think about what you SAID.


Well-Known Member
Now I think I will end this here. Because you want to blather on about a process you know nothing about. My suggestion, stay off the crack pipe and read the facts of the process completeley.
No it's you who don't seem to be unable to comprehend that elections are being stolen .... get a grip .... focus ... it's obvious you are completely ignorant on the subject .... study up before you post again ....


New Member
No it's you who don't seem to be unable to comprehend that elections are being stolen .... get a grip .... focus ... it's obvious you are completely ignorant on the subject .... study up before you post again ....
Hey, GrowRebel ...

When one is devoid of knowledge of the facts, one is called ignorant. BUT, when one is presented with the facts and still believes in myths, then that's just plain stupidity.



New Member
Hey, GrowRebel ...

When one is devoid of knowledge of the facts, one is called ignorant. BUT, when one is presented with the facts and still believes in myths, then that's just plain stupidity.

I know VI, I never could understand how you did that, I've bombarded you with facts and it's never enough. Do you consider yourself stupid or just too one way to be affected by the truth.


Well-Known Member

Submitted by Raymond Funamoto on Thu, 06/28/2007 - 11:08pm.
1. They SHUT Saddam Hussein UP by rushing his execution so he couldn't spill the beans about their war profiteering and trumping up an excuse to invade Iraq under false pretenses in order to fill their and their families' coffers as well as "The Industrial Military Complex" with ill-gotten gains stolen from the American taxpayers and diverted towards themselves.
If you have any physical evidence of any of the this you are saying here then present it to a court of law.
2. They both have a flagrant disregard and complete lack of respect for the Rule of Law of the Land as well as The Constitution of the United States of America by refusing to obey or comply with The Law which they are subject to by claiming "Executive Privilege" which neither exists nor is mandated by their offices but which they wield like a mad beserker, forgetting that their deeds are a double-edged sword waiting to cleave them right in their loathesome visages.
Actually the first president to claim executive priviledge was Woodrow Wilson when information about his affair with an underage girl surfaced.
torture and illegal incarceration of terrorist suspects without oversight or careful inspection of evidence in a case-by-case basis, lumping the innocent bystanders in with the truly guilty, disregarding the Geneva Convention and the protection of Habeas Corpus and acting no better than tin-pot despots and totalitarian regimes, a trait shared by South American "banana republic" dictators, Vladimir Putin of Russia, the leaders of The People's Republic of China, North Korea, Vietnam, Myanmar, and other despotic regimes.
Let me ask you how the members of Al-Quada that are being held in Gitmo are entitled to the Geneva Convention. Was Bin Laden and his group there when it was created? Is there an Al-Quada country that I'm not aware of that has signed the charter documents? Also they would not qualify for the chance to use a writ of Habeas Corpus for the following reasons that are in the article themselves.
The privilege of the writ of habeas corpus shall not be suspended, unless when in cases of rebellion or invasion, the public safety may require it
And were you around here on 9/11/2001 when members of Al-Quada entered this country, hijacked planes owned by US companies, and crashed them into US interests (namely the Pentagon).
4. They have consistently out-and-out LIED to the People of America since they stole the Presidental Election of 2000, utilizing gross exaggerations so far from the truth that it reads like a cheap pulp novel, acting in a sociopathic and warped psychopathic manner, completely devoid of any compassion or empathy for the American Soldiers who have been sent to Iraq on a Pack of Lies, Lies, Lies and More DAMNED Lies, to Give Their Precious Lives as cannon-fodder, exposed to DEPLETED URANIUM, forced to go into battle improperly armored, and after sustaining maiming injuries, not properly cared for by miserable, wretched hospitals like at Walter Reed center, to perpetuate the lying perfidy of Bush and Cheney and to keep them from losing face with the American People, which they have both done ages ago as the tangled skein of their countless lies unravels and the Naked Truth that the Criminal Emperors "have no clothes on" and are exposed in all their LYING NAKEDNESS is EXPOSED.
Now, you say they lied about weapons of mass destruction in Iraq, and here you are saying that the soldiers going there were exposed to depleted uranium. The only way to get depleted uranium genius is trying to build a nuclear bomb. Which is classified as a weapon of mass destruction by not only the US, but the United Nations, England, France, Germany, Russia, Japan, China, Pakistan, India, Israel and Egypt. You know its funny all of the military hardware in existence today, the ones that had the lack of armor. Was purchased by President Bill Clinton during his 8 years as president. And I'm sure that not even he knew that they wouldn't have enough armor.
5. They are both INCOMPETENT to hold their respective offices, having purposely led America into a quicksand morass that is Iraq, without any viable plan for victory or securing a stable government as Iraq reels from a full-blown Civil War and Afghanistan begins to revert back to The Taliban and al-Quaida, failed domestic plans and an unsure future as their encroachments into Iraq and their inability to deal with the Arab and Islamic World guarantees us future terrorist attacks, this time with nuclear tragedy in the making.
Wow! is all I can say. Sound a little racist there man. How are they suppose to deal with the Arab and Islamic World? Since not all Arab countries are total Islamic and not all Islamic countries are Arab.
6. They are both UNSTABLE MENTALLY and PHYSICALLY to hold such important offices, always ready to do some irresponsible act which will have grave consequences, like the very real possibility of attacking Iran, which will propel America and the rest of the Western World into World War III and Armageddon without a doubt. They are also BOTH CHILDISH and UNREASONABLE, STUBBORN in their DOGMATIC MINDSET, like their refusal to comply with Congressional subpoenas by claiming "Executive Privilege" that DOES NOT EXIST in the legal statutes.
Saying there is a real possibility of an attack on Iran when the US just asked them to help in Iraq, gave them tons of money to let IAEA inspectors back into the country and Iran agreed to it.
7. They are both COMMON CRIMINALS, BREAKING THE LAWS THAT ALL AMERICAN PEOPLE MUST ABIDE BY, but which they blithely assert "does not apply to them" by using warpeed logic to try and sidestep legal precedent by using warped illegal toadies like David Addington and John Yoo to interpret the law in their favor by downright LYING, as in the case of the "Inquisitor General" of the CURRENT IN-Justice Department, Alberto Gonzales. Such malicious malfeasence can neither be condoned nor overlooked, and even Capital Punishment for these miscreants is too lenient a punishment.
If you have physical evidence they broke laws then present it to a Federal Court somewhere.
8. They are both SECRETIVE HOMOSEXUALS who have held illegal HOMOSEXUAL ORGIES in the White House with the aid of their "pimps" Karl Rove, himself a homosexual predator, and Jeff Gannon, male homosexual prostitute masquerading as a member of the press. In addition, Rove has had Secret Service logs which show these undesirable peverts coming and going in The White House destroyed at the express orders of both Bush and Cheney in order to conceal their loathesome perverted pedophilic activities seducing and corrupting young innocent men.
And you know this how? Were you one of the innocent young men? And hate to inform you but the GAO monitors every document that is printed in Washington D.C., including Secret Service logs. Freedom of Information act paperwork and then word what you are looking for release is...
"Secret Service logs not pertinent to National Security, i.e. not relating to travel and lodging of the President and Vice-President"
9. They are both trying to bring about a SINGLE WORLD ORDER, a TOTALITARIAN regime with FASCIST DESPOTS like Vladimir Putin of Russia, the Communist Chinese leaders, while ostensibly at odds with Putin of Russia and China, they are in secret communication to implement this takeover of Democratic Systems of GOvernment. Bush, Cheney and Putin, etc. are just small cogs in the scheme of things, controlled by a MALIFICENT RULING CABAL who use Bush, Cheney and Putin to do their dirty work and get things set up for the eventual takeover. But just because "they were following orders" DOES NOT ABSOLVE THEM OF BLAME OR PUNISHMENT!
Last I checked Vladimir Putin of Russia was elected to office and not part of a totalitarian regime. See in 1991 the former Soviet Union disolved, and started electing presidents and senators.
Sound like some psycho babel of a person that has listened to way to much tv preachers about the end of the world.
Killed more people than Mao, who ordered the deaths of over 1 million of his own people. Hitler, who had the 6.4 million jewish deaths on his resume. Stalin who ordered the deaths of 10,000 of his own soldiers in one day for retreating a losable battle against german soldiers. Nero who killed everybody who didn't agree with him. Caligula who tried to burn down Rome and kill everybody living there. Not sure about how many Attila killed.
Lets not forget Saddam who ordered the deaths of thousands of Kurdish people in his own country. Without evidence all your statements are is nothing but rantings of a possibly unstable mind.


New Member
The only way to get depleted uranium genius is trying to build a nuclear bomb. Which is classified as a weapon of mass destruction by not only the US, but the United Nations, England, France, Germany, Russia, Japan, China, Pakistan, India, Israel and Egypt........................................................................................ Lets see, you called me an idiot for the above words. The depleted uranium weapons were used by our own forces, the USA, therefore the exposure of our own forces as well as all the Iraqis that had contact with it. There were noted examples of raised cancer rates from Gulf 1 from these types of munitions used in that war, a marked rise in cancer of children from exposure to these horrible weapons, so I guess it's OK for the USA to use these Eh? I'm beginning to think you should go to my asshole post and watch that a few times. these are your guys I presume, asshole! BTW since I can see you are pretty stupid, I'll give you this info: It takes a member of the House of Representatives to take a president to court by iniciating Impeachment proceedings, belive me if I could, all those assholes would be in Jail.