Will I Drop Dirty?


Active Member
Drink water, tons and tons of water. Gets it out of your system faster...and I mean TONS of water. Walk around with a water bottle and take sips out of it throughout your day. Replenish as needed.

You and me have similar body types (im 6 foot and somewhere in the 140s) and I got THC out of my system in about 6 days of water.

Now that I think about it you might even be THC free already..
Diluted. Labs test for several things. 1. Temp on container , 2. Color, these two are done at site where sample is givin. If 1 fails then they will begin to suspect the sample and question, 2. Then test at the lab for, 3. adulterants if required by state law, 4 if adulterated or diluted they test for creatine levels to determine if real/human or fake. Good luck.


New Member
Alr so here's the deal. I just finished 7 months in OCJ ( Oakland County Jail). I was released Tuesday June 9th and put on two to three months standard probation. As a chronic pothead who hasnt had weed in 7 months, I smoked a lil. On Wednesday I took a few hits out a bowl (.2 grams), On thurs. I had 3 decent bong tips and maybe 4 or 5 on friday and took 2 on Saturday. I'm thinking probably maybe 1 gram to 1.5 total. So the last time I smoked was Saturday the 13th. The drug screens are random so in clueless right now. But the question is do you think I can be clean within the next week or less. Btw in 5"11 and weigh 135 lbs. So im pretty skinny and have a great metabolism. What do you guys think.
I'm in the same situation as you! I'm dirty and had to drop today but I called my PO and told her that I'm too broke to pay for the test and got it postponed til this friday. You should check out this guide on the Marijuana Central website that shows you the best way to prepare for a drug test. Good Luck! http://marijuanacentral.com/content/preparing-for-a-drug-test.html