World Of Hempy


Well-Known Member
for some reason i remember you saying, i dont care what the neighbors think, i want the smelliest possible
then you say you got raided b/c a popo smelled it
that sucks dude, upgrade to carbon filters??


Well-Known Member
I am in a hard place...because I like the funky stuff. Skunk.

I am growing a stink factory right now, though it has not gotten
bad yet. ...but with two OGs, Blue Cheese, and PurpleBerry I know
that it will get strong in time.

I have a second filter ready to add when needed.



Well-Known Member
Java i had to add a second filter last grow because most of my crop was skunk. Dont let the cheap price of the odorsok sway you..they are complete garbage. I doubt it would cover the smell of one plant. Im venting out of my chimney now that its spring/summer so im less worried about needing two this run. Got a feeling the afghan blueberry is going to reek here in about two 19 right now

Not seeing any more weird leaf growth on my big BD which makes me happy..hoping they will close in and form nicely....still not positive why they did that but from the intense light marks on some fan leaves im thinking it was just too close to the light. Temps were hitting 84 as well. I need to get a cool tube for my 400 mh or turn it off its adding too much heat.

Promised pics so ill snap a few after my shower.

Great to see you posting Moe!


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the info Shiva.

I had no idea whether I would make it through my first crop.

I made a DIY filter. It is gigantic and took 10-12 (actually 11 IIRC ;0)
of the three lb carbon pellet sacks that I found on Amazon.

Well, it worked, and then again for the second Crop.

I bought the extra filter and fan for a mothers area, but I added a length
of ducting, to passively use the mothers area as an intake for my
tent. I wanted a negative pressure on the tent, and this helped.

I am thinking that the second filter will sit outside the tent,
taking air out of the tent via a section of duct.

Good luck,



Well-Known Member
securedownload-126.jpgsecuredownload-121.jpgsecuredownload-331.jpgsecuredownload-64.jpgsecuredownload-86.jpgNice ive never made one at home. Im legal and all (there are 3 dispensaries within 4 miles of im in a fairly friendly area) but i still think its important to contain smell.

Couple pics of my current. Figured out what i thought were aphids last run are thrips...never had em before so was wondering where the spidermite like da,age was coming from. Got some stickies and a hotshot strip that should take care of it. Otherwise they are looking decent.

Getting really nice node spacing this time. Im thinking adding MH helped out.



Well-Known Member
I have heard bad things about thrips. I hope that they clear up.

I got gnats pretty bad, as I did not react quick enough, but I have
nematodes in the soil now, and will kills those still in the air.

I will then give each plant an examination. I can see a couple stuck
to plants, and that will not's the time, before they grow further.

I got a nematode packet for coverage beyond my needs. I was
able to full hit each plant, and had some for the garden out back.

Take care,



Well-Known Member
Nice let me know how those nematodes work. I almost bought some last crop when i thought it was aphids.

I put some diatomaceous earth in all the buckets , stuck some sticky traps up, and im using a hotshot n pest strip tomorrow lights off and again next week. That shit nukes bugs and dissipates quite quickly so im hoping for the best. Next run may be all from seed of berry bomb if i do that im gonna prob buy a new tent and bleach/bomb everything.


Well-Known Member
I am sorry to report that I watched my gnats crawl all
over my diatomaceous earth.


I am sure that it is a decent preventative, but my
infestation was established by then.

I also am now joking that "Go-Gnats" is actually a cheer.
As in "Yay Gnats! Fight Gnats! Goooo Gnats!". Yeah, it
did nothing.

Good luck,



Well-Known Member
P.S. Was this too weird for words? I'll understand. :0)

Here's a weird one.

How about pre-wetting the perlite at the bottom of a hempy
with water to which one has added some amount of strong H2O2.

I am just shooting-the-breeze here, but I was thinking that this
would have the effect of keeping the reservoir area bacteria free
for the first week or so as the H2O2 dissipated.

This would also add O2 to the soil of the starting plant.

I have a bottle of 35% H2O2.

This all sounds like someone over-thinking the problem, I know.

The idea just occurred to me.

The net effect might be nil. LOL



So there's the two big budda that got put in the 2ltr gravel/ insulation mix.
Looks like it's gona work good. Also using a wood ash tea as ph up and bloom booster in all plants. Only been a few days but it seems to work well. Was using sodium hydroxide befor and led to ph problems later on in soil and soilless plants


Well-Known Member
Damn dude great job, you're saying gravel and fiberglass insulation? Kudos bro.. Also unsure what that tip burn is maybe a calmag def or heat stress ??
H202 idea sounds good dude, I mean id dilute it but why not just innoculate with some sort of microbe stimulator, I use s.o.s. (super organic stimulator on the first couple watering

Indoor Sun King

Well-Known Member
the Mutant has started to grow some serious ugliness that is not pretty at all

I'm afraid this is the worst, the most dreadful feared mutation that could possibly be inflicted upon any innocent pot just makes me sick to my stomach to look at it never mind talk about it.

The mercy killing will be conducted this evening after sunset.



Well-Known Member
the Mutant has started to grow some serious ugliness that is not pretty at all

I'm afraid this is the worst, the most dreadful feared mutation that could possibly be inflicted upon any innocent pot just makes me sick to my stomach to look at it never mind talk about it.

The mercy killing will be conducted this evening after sunset.
I would definitely not show any mercy and I sure wouldn't have waited till Sorry you had to wait so long to find out it had balls.


Well-Known Member
very nice!! whats that under?? i plan on going with 32x 3L hempys, with a mostly Super skunk run :)

Indoor Sun King

Well-Known Member
I would definitely not show any mercy and I sure wouldn't have waited till Sorry you had to wait so long to find out it had balls.
I have a pic posted in my journal from yesterday...there was absolutely no signs of it being male, so this occurred within the last 24 hours....i'm waiting until dark as I'll be finding it a new home, far away from mine.