Worried about getting caught (aranoid)

Ok lets just say you were growing 5 to 10 plants indoors in a small grow box like 2 feet tall useing cfls.
is there a way they can bust you?
can you get in shit for posting threads or a grow journal of how theyr going on here?
can they get your ip adress and watch everything you do on the net (including RIU)
can they see your going on weed forums and posting pics saying these are my plants?
does it matter how big the plants are or how many you have (if you do get caught)
and can they use this stuff against you if you do have to go to court..?
can they say "you posted these pictures stateing these are your plants" because theyv been watching your ip adress or what ever?

some one must have these answers!
please comment :confused:


Well-Known Member
there is alwayse a risk of gitting caught and you need to accept the risk when you decide to do something illegle. But 5 to 10 plants is not worth watching you just make sure you keep what you have contained and KEEP IT TO YOURSELF if no one knows no one can tell

LAX Skunky BwS

Well-Known Member
Best Respect The Feds.. only Fuck Cops.. i doubt the feds are watching u or anyone growing cannabis for they own use.. it's not like busting you or any body else with they les than 10 plants gonna make they career... they want big fish.. jus become a med patient.. no problems:peace:


Well-Known Member
anyone else got info on this?

Absolutely you can get caught, but it's not likely if you're smart about it.

This forum has about 200,000 registered members and millions of posts. Multiply that by several thousand or more and that's how many cannabis growing related internet forum posts are probably floating around the internet right now.

While I seriously doubt law enforcement rely on internet message boards to search for possible criminal activity, it isn't entirely unheard of.

I wouldn't recommend posting pictures, unless you're a "legal" grower. A picture really is worth a thousand words, especially when it's presented as evidence in a court hearing. If you *must* post photos, make sure they don't include any identifiers that could place them on your property or in your possession (furniture, room contents, etc). Get a large white piece of posterboard and use it as a backdrop in your photos, or hang a sheet to cover any identifiers in the background of your photographs.

Loose lips sink ships. Don't discuss your project with anyone, period.

CFLs are great for an indoor grow because they aren't hot enough to require any venting of hot air to the outside (which is how helicopters with special radar detect indoor cannabis grows). They also don't use a lot of electricity, which is another way growers are typically busted.


Well-Known Member
"Loose lips sink ships. Don't discuss your project with anyone, period"


i have my BEST FRIENDS over, NO ONE KNOWS (but RIU). im not worried about them, its the fact of if they slip up and mention it to someone else, then that person tells others, next thing your getting raided or robbed

#2 on list is defiantly SAFETY. make sure all connections are solid, properly grounded etc.

I still have not posted a pic on here, aswell a little precautionary , check out your state here http://norml.org/index.cfm?wtm_view=&Group_ID=4557 , my state as shown, under 100g possessing or growing is a $100 ticket with ZERO RECORD/JAIL/ARREST, but i do not know how the actual weight is taken, its still a slap on the wrist.
But other states its a felony for even minor possesion, so check yours out.



Well-Known Member
Well, if you think about it, there would be no one posting here because we would all be busted.
My suggestion to you is forget about growing, or even smoking pot because you are already way too paranoid to handle it.:peace:


Well-Known Member
ay man real talk if u can't do da time dnt do tha crime

and if u do get caught n I hope u don't just take ur lick and ride it out