would like a review of Blue Blood by Medicann


Active Member
HI, I seen this strain Blue Blood in a cannabis magazine as their 'favorite bud'. It got all the right specs that I'm looking for clear high, alot of CBD. I plan on growing it plus other medical strains that just 'level' you out. If anybody has any good strain recommendations that could be fantastic. Has anybody got any good smoke reports of particularly medical strains?

Thanks and Overgrow em'.


Well-Known Member
What do you mean clear high? Clear high to me means all head, ability to think without feeling like an idiot, which CBD is what lays you out and makes you dumb as rocks and tired.

Sounds like your saying its a balance between the two as well - not sure. Lol, anyways good luck to you! May many buds grow your way! lol


Active Member
Hi Shik, clear high 'one of clarity'. Not too much psycho activity, one that doesn't devastate, still able to think. Cerebral, no body stone like sativas. Indica pure, body stone. CBD don't know for sure if its responsible for dumb as rocks and tired. I heard CBD responsible for pain relief, and level head. Thank you Shik, smoke on..


Well-Known Member
CBD is more bodily - gives sedative effects, sedatives make you foggy. Thats why I said dumb, if you have too much CBD you will be faced with couch lock, paranoia, body shivers. The purest high is achieved with more THC less CBD. Sativas are more THC based, the more pure the strain the higher the THC content. More THC less CBD is also achieved by correct timing for harvest.

So you need a mild sedative with cerebral enhancement. Probably a 70-30 possibly 60-40 blend then, oh - eating it always produces a clearer high IMO.


Active Member
Shik I disagree with you. From my studies CBD counteracts psycho activity from high percentage THC strain. Too high a THC ratio and too low a CBD can induce psychosis in certain individuals. While THC brings you up up, CBD is the cannabinoid that inhibits THC's psycho activity from becoming too much. CBD balances THC. In Israel the breeders are breeding a plant with just CBD and won't get you high http://www.cbsnews.com/8301-504763_162-57466114-10391704/israeli-scientists-create-medical-marijuana-strain-that-wont-get-patients-high/. So I don't think too much CBD will cause the user paranoia, the opposite like reduction in anxiety is what I believe will occur. CBD has anti-psychotic properties therefore, clearing your mind not making it foggy. Different people have different experiences with different strains. If that is the way it works for you, who am I to argue.


Well-Known Member
Worth looking into - I am just going off a documentary I saw once where they gave a woman an injection of pure thc, she almost died from laughing so hard...

They then gave her pure CBD, She shrank into her chair, screamed her head off scared the camera man was going to attack her, and ended up in the fetal position. After a while she had extreme headaches and felt like shit.


Active Member
Nah Shik I seen probably the same documentary, I've watched so many weed documentaries I can't find any more to watch. But in that documentary I believe you got it opposite, first they injected her with thc only, she described it as being morbid bad feeling. Then second they injected her with CBD and she couldn't stop laughing.


Well-Known Member
and back to the blue blood ........ I too am interested in this strain ... it sounds like great medicine ... I was literally about to post if anyone had tried medicann genetics. BlueBlood was the one i was eyeballing.... rep for getting to the q before me and yes CBD has very little psychoactive effects ... it wouldn't make sense for people to be paranoid, and shivering from CBD due to the fact that it's used as an anti-anxiety, blood pressure reducing agent among other things .... however CBD can be somewhat useless without the presence of THC... or so studies are showing...... dude must be thinking of CBN ..... that's amber trich couchlock city .... Drunkard weed.


Active Member
and back to the blue blood ........ I too am interested in this strain ... it sounds like great medicine ... I was literally about to post if anyone had tried medicann genetics. BlueBlood was the one i was eyeballing.... rep for getting to the q before me and yes CBD has very little psychoactive effects ... it wouldn't make sense for people to be paranoid, and shivering from CBD due to the fact that it's used as an anti-anxiety, blood pressure reducing agent among other things .... however CBD can be somewhat useless without the presence of THC... or so studies are showing...... dude must be thinking of CBN ..... that's amber trich couchlock city .... Drunkard weed.

CBN, I've read only negative things so far about it. But gee wiz THC/CBD/CBN doesn't cannabis have like 70 other cannabinoids? There are bound to be other good ones to isolate and focus breeding upon once we figure out what they do excatly. For ill folks with a thought disorder we want to stay away from foggy highs, a clear pain reducing high would be optimal. Have a good thanksgiving.


Active Member
I got some blue blood seeds from weed world. Not going to plant them yet, but I will do a smoke report in the future.
I've never tried there blue blood but have got there kush fromage it was great IMO a lil short squat plant not much stretch in flower really good bud leaf ratio. Yields where pretty good when you got them a lil bigger. The smell and looks to it where more on the cheese side of things with the 3 phenos I had, all where very similar to eachother, I def would try more from thesis guys.


New Member
i dig this strain a lot.

avg 126g per plant indoor 5gal promix, gh flora, 2k watt. beauty to see and smell. my preference is 8-9 weeks, slows down scattered thoughts and allows me to focus while leaving me detached from physical woes (degenerative chondromalacia in one knee, osteoarthritis in most joints)

6-7 weeks had me bouncing around the room and not quite so detached from pain.

5th run of it now. mine loves its N up through week 4, asides from that it was a cakewalk from cup to harvest.

Dan Capozzi

New Member
I bought a cutting of Blue Blood in March and put it out in the sun. 6 weeks later it was 3-4 feet and flowering I have harvested some (dried yield about 350g) and sampled it and it is wonderful. THC about 5% higher than CBD with a nice creeper effect. A true one hit wonder but don't be fooled by the lack of an instant high characteristic of lower CBD strains. This plant Also put up new growth after hairs turned red. about 2 months after first flower.