WTF? Am I Dying?


Well-Known Member
yeah I've had that happen to me before when I smoked, no popping or headaches. But I've definitely felt like I was going to die after smoking weed before, it has more to do with your mental state of being then the actual weed itself. You should look into anxiety treatments. Man nothing is scarier than not being able to slow your heart down though. Sorry that you had to waste two blunts for that experience.


Well-Known Member
Alright i happen to be extremely experienced in this area.

Dopamine which is what weed releases
in the brain is an anxiety drug naturally
produced by the brain.

It's is the cause of the same feeling before stepping on a roller coaster or before sky diving, etc... Most of these guys in here are going to tell you aww man your a pussy you can't handle your weed blah blah blah! Stoners are extremely egotistical i can say it because i've been there...

What you had was a serious anxiety attack, i have had many and they eventually forced me to quit smoking. I still end up smoking about one month out ot the year, because i miss the taste. but it usually ends the same way, me thinking im going to die.

The last time my heart actually was racing excessively fast which was confirmed by the people i was smoking with who were completely surprised, they just thought i was freaking out, but it is physical. i felt a numbness go down my arm from my left armpit. I felt it go up my spine into my head and all the sudden i was experiencing a splitting headache.

The headache is actually caused be the
dehydration smoking weed causes aka
cotton mouth.

When that happens sip water, dont
chug, sip slowly, have as many glasses
as it takes without drowing yourself.
you've got to pace yourself in order to
hydrate properly.

relax, going out into the cold does help because cold temperature lowers your heart rate, and body temp. Your not alone, this is something that is actually extremely common amongst stoners whether they admit it or not, i have found that every stoner i have smoked with has experienced this one time or another...

But yea it feels like your hearts going to explode on ya, its painful, you feel pops, parts of you go numb, you get a headache, you begin to shake, and you are just thinkin this is going to be such a shitty way to go out, sitting outside a shed after one blunt. been there lol...

Hope i Helped clarify the situation.
I've had many anxiety attacks from smoking pot. After practicing techniques to calm myself down I find I can smoke w/o getting a panic attack now. Start slow and work your way up

Straight Sativa

Well-Known Member
I've had similar episodes like that in the past, but never any "popping." I once zoned out so hard that i passed out, fell off my chair and hit my head on my friend's bong. It left a nasty bruise for about two weeks, right under my eyelid so it looked like i got the shit beat out of me hahaha.


Well-Known Member
It's happened to most people who smoke enough weed. Eventually you just come across some shit that does that to you.

When it happens to me (seldom anymore), I just have to do what you did, get some fresh cold air and relax. Remember that PEOPLE DON'T DIE FROM MARIJUANA and that you smoked so that you could get high. What you are is high as fuck.

Once it all stops and you come down usually your exhausted like your body just went through some shit. I've even had it so bad I was drenched in sweat outside in the cold.

It's not a good thing to have happen, and now that it's happened to you, it will probably happen quite often for a little while. You will now have an irrational fear of it happening and cause your own anxiety when you get high.

Don't worry about it though, just smoke little bowls here and there and you'll get over it again. The more times you smoke without it happening the less likely it is going to happen again triggered by your own irrational fears.

Just wait until you start thinking about death everytime you smoke...that's obnoxious. Lucky that stage has passed, but I'm better for it. I now cope with the fact that I'm gonna die and don't have the irrational fear of it everytime I smoke.

Used to spend hours just thinking about how aweful it must be to die. How I would die, what it would feel like...ughh...I'd rather cope with i though then turn to religion like a moron.


Well-Known Member
It's happened to most people who smoke enough weed. Eventually you just come across some shit that does that to you.

When it happens to me (seldom anymore), I just have to do what you did, get some fresh cold air and relax. Remember that PEOPLE DON'T DIE FROM MARIJUANA and that you smoked so that you could get high. What you are is high as fuck.

Once it all stops and you come down usually your exhausted like your body just went through some shit. I've even had it so bad I was drenched in sweat outside in the cold.

It's not a good thing to have happen, and now that it's happened to you, it will probably happen quite often for a little while. You will now have an irrational fear of it happening and cause your own anxiety when you get high.

Don't worry about it though, just smoke little bowls here and there and you'll get over it again. The more times you smoke without it happening the less likely it is going to happen again triggered by your own irrational fears.

Just wait until you start thinking about death everytime you smoke...that's obnoxious. Lucky that stage has passed, but I'm better for it. I now cope with the fact that I'm gonna die and don't have the irrational fear of it everytime I smoke.

Used to spend hours just thinking about how aweful it must be to die. How I would die, what it would feel like...ughh...I'd rather cope with i though then turn to religion like a moron.
What's weird is, I use to do that more, it seemed like it happened after I did shrooms especially the seond time (only did twice). I had a bad trip for some reason, intense anxiety of almost everything my mind was racing, it's as if it stuck with me through smoking, like smoking reactivated it. Then I started to always think about horrible things like people dying and what I'd do if they dyed, I hate it. I used to get high and be so much different and sort of energetic excited, and when I had those episodes I became quite and just kept thinking for some reason. Doesn't happen as much now, I think I might be getting over it, however I still find myself often find myself more quite then usual. I don't know what it is, but I do not like it.


Well-Known Member
What's weird is, I use to do that more, it seemed like it happened after I did shrooms especially the seond time (only did twice). I had a bad trip for some reason, intense anxiety of almost everything my mind was racing, it's as if it stuck with me through smoking, like smoking reactivated it. Then I started to always think about horrible things like people dying and what I'd do if they dyed, I hate it. I used to get high and be so much different and sort of energetic excited, and when I had those episodes I became quite and just kept thinking for some reason. Doesn't happen as much now, I think I might be getting over it, however I still find myself often find myself more quite then usual. I don't know what it is, but I do not like it.
Yeah I've had that too, how bad it would be if this person died and that person died. Or thinking about how horrible it is in other peoples shoes. What it must feel like to have a sister die or something crazy. It almost consumes you the feeling. ugghh...I'm gonna go smoke a bowl, this is depressing (luckily I'm passed all that).


Active Member
i know when i first started smoking i would always get really sick. i could never smoke a lot and felt like i almost had a limit. i would get crazy dizzy and get the spins really bad then i threw up a couple times. finally after smoking more and more i got past that and turned into who i am now.
one time my friend had a panic attact sort of like yours. we had just pulled a bunch of hits from a gravity bong of some really good headies. we were sitting on the couch at my friend's apt. and she starts freaking out saying how fast her heart is beating and how hot and sweaty she was and she though she was going to spontaneously combust (we had just had a conversation earlier about human spontaneous combustion). after a few minutes of her still freaking out and not being able to calm down we took her out of the smokey apt and went outside into the cool air and she started to feel better. my friend isn't a light smoker either, i think every once in a while someone will come across a panic attack. i've been lucky i haven't yet, knock on wood.


Active Member
I didn't quote it but someone up there already said it. This 'Oh my God I'm dying' used to happen to me too. The very first time, I really believed I was dying. I just went and snuggled up with my dogs and watched a movie. Eventually I calmed down. It has happened a few times since then, and when it does I just remind myself that no one can die from smoking weed. Marijuana is safe, I'm in a safe place. I smoked to get high, now I am high so I'm not able to control all of my feelings. That's ok. Then I go about what I was doing. I've noticed that this happens more when it's late at night, I haven't been sleeping well or when I've smoked too much and drank alcohol.

Bottom line is if you're going to keep smoking, you will feel this feeling again. You either have to learn to deal with it and accept it as part of getting high, or stop smoking.



stays relevant.
Ya gotta build up your tolerance guys... Nothing is a bigger bummer than smoking with someone who can't handle their shit. Either learn your limits and stick to it, or exceed them. I've learned that the only way to combat a whitey is to smoke more dope and get your tolerance up a bit.

Find a way to enjoy your whitey... and realize it's nothing more than just a whitey. Nobody has died from getting high off cannabis, and I doubt anyone here will be the first. :lol: People are so silly...:roll:


Well-Known Member
Well, it was not awhitey at all, I've smoked so much more grass before and way more than that at once, I think it was a result of multiple factors in sync with each other. However my fear was not of dying from weed itself I know you can't dye from that directly, I was fearing death by something else, I remember an overwhelming fear of "wow I'm going to die right here, I'm going to die of cancer, is this how I want to be remembered?". It was so depressing, I just had to chill out, it took a while but it's something I'll remember for as long as I live, I never felt that way. But the info you guys are providing has reassured me and now I know I wasn't the only one, unless were all dying LOL. :bigjoint:


Active Member
Damn... Never happened to me before but i'm glad i read this so when it does happen i wont completely flip out.. lol


stays relevant.
Well, it was not awhitey at all, I've smoked so much more grass before and way more than that at once, I think it was a result of multiple factors in sync with each other. However my fear was not of dying from weed itself I know you can't dye from that directly, I was fearing death by something else, I remember an overwhelming fear of "wow I'm going to die right here, I'm going to die of cancer, is this how I want to be remembered?". It was so depressing, I just had to chill out, it took a while but it's something I'll remember for as long as I live, I never felt that way. But the info you guys are providing has reassured me and now I know I wasn't the only one, unless were all dying LOL. :bigjoint:
Yeah dude that happens to me all the time... it seems crazy at first, but when you look back on it "damn I was so high I was tripping my self out"

Shit happened to me when I took 2 canna pills... I was hugging the wall heater in my bathroom freaked out that I was going to get shot being raided and all twitchy and shit... :lol: LOL... never taking that many cannapills again. I was medicated the whole next day and afterwords I felt like I had a shitload of pressure in my head :lol:

It was crazy as hell at the time, but something you gotta look back on and laugh.

My sister smoked some blueberry hash and blueberry flower and had the hugest whitey ever... she couldn't move, couldn't talk, nothing LOL... she has only smoked crap weed from Arizona before... she was so high her head was tilted back eyes closed and her hands were in the air like she was slappin on a piano... she was doin' the ray charles. :lol::lol:

thinking about dying is the worse thing ever when you're high... negative stuff in general is bad for your high, thats why i stopped playing GoW2 when im having a whitey, because that game is morbid.

honestly though, once you get someone whos never smoked a lot before REALLY high, its hilarious to see how easily you can manipulate the mood... freak them out, make them happy, etc.


Well-Known Member
I used to suffer from panic attacks alot and I found that the lower my blood sugar is the worst I feel when im stoned. And I have really low blood sugar (opposite of diabetis) so I think its why I always used to freak when my friends were fine. The feeling of freaking out is EXACTLY and I mean EXACTLY the same as passing out when ones blood sugar is to low. Now usally u don't pass out but that feeling right before you do is exactly the same. I've found that a sip of orange juice, a big glass of milk, and a little walking in fresh air will stop the whitieys in like 5 min.