Ya.... Harper is crazy, just watch him and see. lol


Well-Known Member
And today they're going to try and change the rules again so they can better combat the threats to our country....oh gb, I think you dislike him as much as me!


Well-Known Member
And today they're going to try and change the rules again so they can better combat the threats to our country....oh gb, I think you dislike him as much as me!
I don't trust this government to change fundamental laws..unfair elections act, mandatory minimums and now more spying on it's citizens. We all know the CONs will use any information they gather to 'disrupt' AND arrest anyone they deem to oppose them. Ask about 40,000 mmar patients.


Well-Known Member
I've been so messed up with my back the last couple if days I haven't read it...I'm about half way through Ch 12... Did you read it Doob?


Well-Known Member
Sorry to hear about your pain.
No I havent read it. Part of me would like to, the other part hates him so much I think reading it would piss me off more. Kinda like why I avoid golf. It just pisses me off lol.


Well-Known Member
I loved Lost in the Barrens and Curse of the Viking Grave. Likely the first time reading a book that I BECAME the charactor. Thats how good his writing was.


Well-Known Member
I can't read that stuff....would cause me to punch some random stranger in the face,,,
and now i'm not sure if I could back that up...these days